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Theory Dopamine reward system > IQ [LOOKISM]


Ϫ The One Lord of the Order of Nihil Ϫ
Established Member
Sep 22, 2023
Ancient Carthage
Order of Nihil
On every forum that I've ever been on there is always at least a handful of autists who have a self-proclaimed IQ of 200+. Additionally they like to brag about how uninteresting it is to speak to normies.

If your IQ was really so high then you would realize that having a good dopamine reward system is infinitely better than have a high IQ:

- you'd be extremely motivated all the time (as opposed to muh "lazy genius" who doesn't do shit but "could if he tried")
- more likely to start a business and become rich due to the above
- high on life 24/7
- everything is stimulating
- social interaction is actually fun and interesting (as opposed to muh everybody is stupid and boring because i'm so smart)
- more likely to have deeper connections with others
- better connections in life means larger network = more success in your career and everything else
- less anxiety
- strong sense of purpose and will to live (as opposed to being anhedonic, depressed, and suicidal)
- higher social status

[Image: dominance-dopamine.png]

Furthermore, many of you have a gene called the DRD2 A1 Allele. If you are cursed with this awful incel gene it essentially means that your brain has less dopamine receptors and you will always be low status. Your dopamine system is f****d and your fate was sealed at birth.

Some quotes from a study:
Quote:...these findings, considered along with studies of humans and animals linking dopamine D2 receptor binding and DRD2 genotype to depression, anxiety, and impaired social functioning...
Quote:...we found associations between the DRD2 A1 allele and early-emerging anxious and depressive symptoms...
Quote:In another study of this gene in youths, Althaus et al. (2009) linked the A1 allele to enhanced sensitivity to negative feedback and reduced sensitivity to positive feedback under probabilistic learning conditions...

credit to :

On every forum that I've ever been on there is always at least a handful of autists who have a self-proclaimed IQ of 200+. Additionally they like to brag about how uninteresting it is to speak to normies.

If your IQ was really so high then you would realize that having a good dopamine reward system is infinitely better than have a high IQ:

- you'd be extremely motivated all the time (as opposed to muh "lazy genius" who doesn't do shit but "could if he tried")
- more likely to start a business and become rich due to the above
- high on life 24/7
- everything is stimulating
- social interaction is actually fun and interesting (as opposed to muh everybody is stupid and boring because i'm so smart)
- more likely to have deeper connections with others
- better connections in life means larger network = more success in your career and everything else
- less anxiety
- strong sense of purpose and will to live (as opposed to being anhedonic, depressed, and suicidal)
- higher social status

[Image: dominance-dopamine.png]

Furthermore, many of you have a gene called the DRD2 A1 Allele. If you are cursed with this awful incel gene it essentially means that your brain has less dopamine receptors and you will always be low status. Your dopamine system is f****d and your fate was sealed at birth.

Some quotes from a study:

credit to :

A r****d showed me 129 iq test results but still he was really retarded
On every forum that I've ever been on there is always at least a handful of autists who have a self-proclaimed IQ of 200+. Additionally they like to brag about how uninteresting it is to speak to normies.

If your IQ was really so high then you would realize that having a good dopamine reward system is infinitely better than have a high IQ:

- you'd be extremely motivated all the time (as opposed to muh "lazy genius" who doesn't do shit but "could if he tried")
- more likely to start a business and become rich due to the above
- high on life 24/7
- everything is stimulating
- social interaction is actually fun and interesting (as opposed to muh everybody is stupid and boring because i'm so smart)
- more likely to have deeper connections with others
- better connections in life means larger network = more success in your career and everything else
- less anxiety
- strong sense of purpose and will to live (as opposed to being anhedonic, depressed, and suicidal)
- higher social status

[Image: dominance-dopamine.png]

Furthermore, many of you have a gene called the DRD2 A1 Allele. If you are cursed with this awful incel gene it essentially means that your brain has less dopamine receptors and you will always be low status. Your dopamine system is f****d and your fate was sealed at birth.

Some quotes from a study:

credit to :

Also give ur opinion on my recent thread in which i tagged u
its looks.

i do not have the DRD2 A1 Allele. I have had positive social interactions in the past.

I avoid societal interactions for several reasons which I will explain.

1. I have autism.
2. Societal interactions can be a burden.
3. I have looks dysmorphia.
4. Being incel makes societal interactions feel like a drag, for instance if you talk to a girl for hours yet she will reject you makes you feel you are probably a fool wasting your time.

More on 3... looks dysmorphia is complicated, maybe you have enough confidence to walk outside, so on survey you vote that you don't have it. But I think a better metric to see if you have looks dysmorphia is if you are on a date and one one of those gimmicks, those digital photo gimmicks such as mario kart or the heineken gimmick where it takes a photo or video, and you feel embarassed or averse at the photo or video, then you have looks dysmorphia.
On every forum that I've ever been on there is always at least a handful of autists who have a self-proclaimed IQ of 200+. Additionally they like to brag about how uninteresting it is to speak to normies.

If your IQ was really so high then you would realize that having a good dopamine reward system is infinitely better than have a high IQ:

- you'd be extremely motivated all the time (as opposed to muh "lazy genius" who doesn't do shit but "could if he tried")
- more likely to start a business and become rich due to the above
- high on life 24/7
- everything is stimulating
- social interaction is actually fun and interesting (as opposed to muh everybody is stupid and boring because i'm so smart)
- more likely to have deeper connections with others
- better connections in life means larger network = more success in your career and everything else
- less anxiety
- strong sense of purpose and will to live (as opposed to being anhedonic, depressed, and suicidal)
- higher social status

[Image: dominance-dopamine.png]

Furthermore, many of you have a gene called the DRD2 A1 Allele. If you are cursed with this awful incel gene it essentially means that your brain has less dopamine receptors and you will always be low status. Your dopamine system is f****d and your fate was sealed at birth.

Some quotes from a study:

credit to :

This is purely a personal experience, but when I did shrooms some time ago, life had an increase in pure satisfaction. I was (and still am, but to a more balanced degree) motivated by everything

Literally everything, even the most negative concepts, could be distilled into my brain as hope fuel. I was able to create some pretty cool things during that time.

Interestingly, it permanently altered my brain; the persistence of hope and response to stimuli makes me super motivated.

Yes, there is research to suggest that shrooms can rewire your brain with a high enough trip, then taper down with micro trips on and off throughout a month. I'm too lazy to find the studies I used to quote on this( im going to bed)

, but if people want to look into it and find it cool, maybe later I'll show them. Much of the research on shrooms is recent and ongoing. Things are not conclusive, but the brain changes have been documented with brain scans, which is hope fuel.

(Warning for any future personal experiences I share)

I am not an expert or giving advice; I am talking purely from my own experience and discussing what I looked into. Do not take drugs without understanding the risks, and do not buy drugs unless it's legal in your country. I do not promote drugs. What I do is my own choice, and any repercussions I face are my own responsibility. Repeating the things I did might result in drastically different outcomes for others, and it's up to you to make your own conclusions.
This is purely a personal experience, but when I did shrooms some time ago, life had an increase in pure satisfaction. I was (and still am, but to a more balanced degree) motivated by everything

Literally everything, even the most negative concepts, could be distilled into my brain as hope fuel. I was able to create some pretty cool things during that time.

Interestingly, it permanently altered my brain; the persistence of hope and response to stimuli makes me super motivated.

Yes, there is research to suggest that shrooms can rewire your brain with a high enough trip, then taper down with micro trips on and off throughout a month. I'm too lazy to find the studies I used to quote on this( im going to bed)

, but if people want to look into it and find it cool, maybe later I'll show them. Much of the research on shrooms is recent and ongoing. Things are not conclusive, but the brain changes have been documented with brain scans, which is hope fuel.

(Warning for any future personal experiences I share)

I am not an expert or giving advice; I am talking purely from my own experience and discussing what I looked into. Do not take drugs without understanding the risks, and do not buy drugs unless it's legal in your country. I do not promote drugs. What I do is my own choice, and any repercussions I face are my own responsibility. Repeating the things I did might result in drastically different outcomes for others, and it's up to you to make your own conclusions.
I think the drugs made u retarded imb rong tho
iq isnt that important... its mostly pattern recognition
obv if youre on the extremes of the spectrum you can be retarded or genius, but you can still be both when average

and youre right, too much n*****s saying "oh im so smart, just lazy. I scored xx on my iq test lol". no youre not smart. everyone is biased and thinks theyre smart. all lazy mfs. if you were so smart you could be solving relativity theories and helping humanity instead of sitting on your thumbs. actually do something that you can respect, not talk about your iq
On every forum that I've ever been on there is always at least a handful of autists who have a self-proclaimed IQ of 200+. Additionally they like to brag about how uninteresting it is to speak to normies.

If your IQ was really so high then you would realize that having a good dopamine reward system is infinitely better than have a high IQ:

- you'd be extremely motivated all the time (as opposed to muh "lazy genius" who doesn't do shit but "could if he tried")
- more likely to start a business and become rich due to the above
- high on life 24/7
- everything is stimulating
- social interaction is actually fun and interesting (as opposed to muh everybody is stupid and boring because i'm so smart)
- more likely to have deeper connections with others
- better connections in life means larger network = more success in your career and everything else
- less anxiety
- strong sense of purpose and will to live (as opposed to being anhedonic, depressed, and suicidal)
- higher social status

[Image: dominance-dopamine.png]

Furthermore, many of you have a gene called the DRD2 A1 Allele. If you are cursed with this awful incel gene it essentially means that your brain has less dopamine receptors and you will always be low status. Your dopamine system is f****d and your fate was sealed at birth.

Some quotes from a study:

credit to :

high iq
remove any immediate dopamine causes (phone, pc) and improve a harder rewarding system, like when youre trying to eat a meal you like, whenver you are about to eat it, wait 1 more minute

basically killing yourself
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remove any immediate dopamine causes (phone, pc) and improve a harder rewarding system, like when youre trying to eat a meal you like, whenver you are about to eat it, wait 1 more minute

basically killing yourself
remove any immediate dopamine causes (phone, pc) and improve a harder rewarding system, like when youre trying to eat a meal you like, whenver you are about to eat it, wait 1 more minute
normal is to wait 5 or 10 minutes because its burning hot usually. anyway this already occurs normally
better method imo is to only eat 1 item when u are hungry then wait 15 minutes, after 15 minutes u might not be hungry anymore and it is a hunger delusion, then u will lose weight
better method imo is to only eat 1 item when u are hungry then wait 15 minutes, after 15 minutes u might not be hungry anymore and it is a hunger delusion, then u will lose weight
I think that what helps is not buying deserts in mass. If you buy a f**k ton of donuts in the store and stick them in your fridge, when youre sad/hungry/bored you will be prone to eating all of them. But if you buy one donut once a day instead of a ton for the whole week you will be unable to overeat
I think that what helps is not buying deserts in mass. If you buy a f**k ton of donuts in the store and stick them in your fridge, when youre sad/hungry/bored you will be prone to eating all of them. But if you buy one donut once a day instead of a ton for the whole week you will be unable to overeat
u are supposed to eat when ur sad in order to balance ur emotions

yes the downside is u will get fat this way
u are supposed to eat when ur sad in order to balance ur emotions

yes the downside is u will get fat this way
sadness can be distracted. one of the ways is via food, which also modifies your brain responses to focus on chewing and then digestion, also changes in hormones. so it is a method but you can do other stuff that distract your brain
sadness can be distracted. one of the ways is via food, which also modifies your brain responses to focus on chewing and then digestion, also changes in hormones. so it is a method but you can do other stuff that distract your brain
its not just that, but also the chemicals of food
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