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Dry lips

Try vaseline rosy lips therapy, good for coloring and if applied regularly and before sleep your lips won’t be chapped anymore. Do not use the stick version it’s shit IMG_3328.png
Licking lips and weather can causes dry lips
Vaseline like any other petroleum based product is just an occlusive ,so that alone probably won't help you heal your lips ,it only helps with locking in moisture.

You could either pair it with a hydrating serum which you would then layer vaseline on.

Or just seek lip products that contain nourishing ingredients already.

It's a bit pricey for a lip balm but the Nuxe Rêve de Miel is my fave.It actually soften my lips instead of just having me wake up to greasy lips which would dry out throughout the day.Im sure you can find a cheaper option just look through the ingredients.
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