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Discussion Effectivenes and benfits of tongue chewing?

I guess palate expanding(your tongue will be easily be located at roof at your mouth so it really helps your maxilla go up and forward.(believe me). When i started mewing it was very hard to take my tongue at roof. Now i can do it easily and my tongue doesn't touch my teeth, my smile become better and face really better shape.
Mew or die)
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  • #3
but I do not think that there is any solid evidence that palate expanding = mixilla upswing

MAN, Tongue chewing is the most legitimate part of mewing. I cannot emphasis further more on how seriously important this habit of MEWING is. It is the deal maker. Tongue chewing ONLY can give you that aesthetic jawline that models have. I have been tongue chewing literally vegetables and bread (I'm omnivorous, but my diet mainly consists of veggies), and OMG, the effect on my masseters is just phenomenal. I have 3-4 meals on an average per day. I have been tongue chewing for about a week only, and i already started to feel my masseters burn while chewing correctly. I'm pretty sure my masseters would expand in about 3-6 months of proper tongue chewing. The pain/feeling you get on your masseters from tongue chewing, is the same feeling you get from dumbbell curling in order to workout your bicep. I have experienced the same feeling on my bicep and my masseter and i can confirm that it all works. Muscle fibers from your masseter muscles start to tear apart while tongue chewing, eventually expanding in size pulling your ramus of your jaw, downward and horizontally outwards, making your face wider and aesthetic.
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  • #5
Do you mean Tongue chewing regular food or gum?

MAN, Tongue chewing is the most legitimate part of mewing. I cannot emphasis further more on how seriously important this habit of MEWING is. It is the deal maker. Tongue chewing ONLY can give you that aesthetic jawline that models have. I have been tongue chewing literally vegetables and bread (I'm omnivorous, but my diet mainly consists of veggies), and OMG, the effect on my masseters is just phenomenal. I have 3-4 meals on an average per day. I have been tongue chewing for about a week only, and i already started to feel my masseters burn while chewing correctly. I'm pretty sure my masseters would expand in about 3-6 months of proper tongue chewing. The pain/feeling you get on your masseters from tongue chewing, is the same feeling you get from dumbbell curling in order to workout your bicep. I have experienced the same feeling on my bicep and my masseter and i can confirm that it all works. Muscle fibers from your masseter muscles start to tear apart while tongue chewing, eventually expanding in size pulling your ramus of your jaw, downward and horizontally outwards, making your face wider and aesthetic.
how do i chew correctly ?
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  • #12
Do you also do it with gum beacuse it the main use or this technique