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Epigenetics - How your environment effects your body.

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Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:
  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.
I've fucked up about everything in my development lmao
Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:
  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.
Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:
  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.
Good stuff but what is the conclusion that is related to looksmaxxing face developpment and that is not irreversible
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Good stuff but what is the conclusion that is related to looksmaxxing face developpment and that is not irreversible
certain traits that are beneficial to looks can be inheritied such as high fetal T
Epigenetics is the field of research concerned with how genes are expressed and are inherited. In epigenetics changes are discovered in a phenotype that do not change underlying gene expression. Instead an epigenome is what is recorded to change and be inherited amongst a generation of people.

Your genome is what is passed down to you from your race meaning you'll inherit characteristics within your race. Your genome doesn't change a lot. However your epigenome if passed down generation to generation and is highly adaptive to your environment. It filters genes from your genome to be expressed in you depending on your environment.

This means that it is impossible for a Sudanid or Indid to have blue eyes unless they develop a gene mutation that has the same effect as OCA2 (The gene mutation that caused blue eyes in northern Europeans originally.) Or have a mixed genome with other races. But on the other hand height and intelligence have some epigenetic variability over generations. This is because a persons epigenome can draw from a person's genome in order to increase height or intelligence.

In this thread I have used the terms "drawn from the genome" and other similar terms. This analogy is incorrect when referring to epigenetics but get my point over of the logistics of how it works. In actuality our DNA is controlled by DNA Methylation and Histone Acetylation and miRNA. These are natural processes that happen within the body as they allow for cell specialisation in the body (This means that eye cells will grow in the right place, heart cells will grow in the right place etc.) DNA Methylation works by adding a methyl group to a nuclear type of DNA (Cytosine, Adenine, Guanine and Thymine). This has the effect of turning a gene off. A Histone is a protein that DNA wraps itself around it is made out of Lysine. If DNA is wrapped around a histone tightly it means that those genes will not express when the RNA Polymerase comes around. Histone Accetylation allows DNA around a Histone to loosen by adding an acetyl group to the Lysine Histone meaning more of that gene will be expressed. DNA around a Histone is like a dial whilst DNA Methylation is like a switch. The opposite affect can occur if you remove acetyl group from Histones. These reactions happen all the time. miRNA (mircoRNA) is produced in our body. They don't code for proteins instead they bond to mRNA and block the Ribsome meaning that specific enzyme or protein can't be coded for.

Our Epigenome mutations are controlled by many environmental factors but the ones you should look out for are:
  • Development within the uterus and childhood.
  • Enviornmential pollution and chemicals.
  • Aging
  • Diet
By optimising these factors you can maintain your health and pass on healthy genes to your offspring.
Over for my nonexistent offspring
Stuff like this just makes me want to be ignorant of my inevitable death. Human beings are so fucking fragile. Just playing by the rules of our genetics and environment. But we cannot remain ignorant, nor fragile. We have to ascend!