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Even when i get genio i won’t be satisfied


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2020
I will just find some other fault in my face and get insecure about it when in reality
No one in the real world knows or cares that I have slight sclera show in my right eye or i take fin or i have a massive overbite (genio will camouflage that fingers crossed) or im l scared about my lips affecting harmony (genio mite fix that as well fingers crossed again). The point is there will always be another insecurity even if i ascended to chadlite
You can't feel insecure about your looks if you don't have any flaw.


Become Chad or die trying.
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  • #4
Good luck with your surgeries then, @BouncyFunction.
Thank you. If fin doesnt regrow my hairline i will prob get a HT an eyebrow transplant. Added to genio its like £15,000 in total. All to be able to look at myself in the mirror. Sigh.
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  • #7
For this kind of money I could live in peace at least for 5 years. Hope the female attention is worth it, @BouncyFunction
I get female attention now it’s not about that. It’s about, and i hate to sound like a woman here, being happy. Every time i see my 3/4 or side profile its depressing waking up with NW3 at 19 sucks!!
I get female attention now it’s not about that. It’s about, and i hate to sound like a woman here, being happy. Every time i see my 3/4 or side profile its depressing waking up with NW3 at 19 sucks!!
Plastic surgeons will be happy for sure, for your case, It's up to you.
If you still want to live in the society and have faith for it, then sure, go ahead.
I would rather live without being a slave for a decade, than insult my parents by changing my face and losing the ability to fight.
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  • #10
Amnesia is most definitely NOT insecure about his looks.
Hes a turbo autist i wouldnt be suprised. Remember he is a surgerymaxxed incel; chads are born, not made.
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  • #15
Any pics of the before?
Acc i was wrong he wasnt incel. He was normie at least (could be high tier with better hair)
If anything this proves he is even more autistic he looks better now but did he REALLY need those surgeries. He could marry a becky and would have been $40,000 richer
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  • #20
Cry me a river
U dont know what its like 😡 i just spent hours trying to see if i had undereye sclera show its like a mental illness making me feel alone 😢
You can only realistically fix flaws, but it won't get you far anyways.
So you will have to accept your fate that you won't ever be a chad, a mid tier chadlite at best, when you spend a lot of cash.
U dont know what its like 😡 i just spent hours trying to see if i had undereye sclera show its like a mental illness making me feel alone 😢
I don’t have sclera show but I have Black, dead orbitals. If I wasn’t walking and breathing you’d think I’ve been decomposing for 2 weeks

whatever it is you think you have, I have it 2 times worse because I don’t get any attention from women
U fucked two at least.
I’m age 22 now, if things don’t pick up within a few years it’s over. I’m looksmaxxing, whether or not it’ll be worth it in the end is yet to be seen

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