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Eyes are almost everything

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
seriously, theres no Point in looksmaxxing your jaw etc. if you have cuck eyes

The most important Thing is a aggressive or at least a intimidating/confident eye expression

If you have a very high trust or harmless looking eye area then it's already over

rounded lower or upper eyelids are a death sentence

high set curved eyebrows are a no go, upper eyelid exposure makes you look dumb and aspie asfuck, having this plus protruding bugeyes is basically overkill

upper eyelid.jpg

Close set eyes are also a absolute death sentence, you wont find any significant 6.5/10+ guy with close set eyes

palpebral fissure length (horizontal eye length) is extremely important aswell, having horizontally short eyes makes you look inbred

Theres no Point in looksmaxxing if you have cuck or Prey eyes

unfortunately eyemaxxing is hard asfuck, you can get orbital rim implants to fix scleral Show and thus These aspie rounded lower eyelids

but you cannot truly Change your eye shape or width, unless you're going for a extreme invasive orbital osteotomy

if you have eyes like the guy above then dont bother in looksmaxing
Dont forget about recessed infraorbital rims (negative vector)...
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Eye area is life.
seriously, theres no Point in looksmaxxing your jaw etc. if you have cuck eyes

The most important Thing is a aggressive or at least a intimidating/confident eye expression

If you have a very high trust or harmless looking eye area then it's already over

rounded lower or upper eyelids are a death sentence

high set curved eyebrows are a no go, upper eyelid exposure makes you look dumb and aspie asfuck, having this plus protruding bugeyes is basically overkill

View attachment 7355

Close set eyes are also a absolute death sentence, you wont find any significant 6.5/10+ guy with close set eyes

palpebral fissure length (horizontal eye length) is extremely important aswell, having horizontally short eyes makes you look inbred

Theres no Point in looksmaxxing if you have cuck or Prey eyes

unfortunately eyemaxxing is hard asfuck, you can get orbital rim implants to fix scleral Show and thus These aspie rounded lower eyelids

but you cannot truly Change your eye shape or width, unless you're going for a extreme invasive orbital osteotomy

if you have eyes like the guy above then dont bother in looksmaxing
Al pacino

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