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Discussion Factors affecting bloating

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Deleted member 304

facters afecting bloting
by gurr nicholes

1. Protein Kinease C activation: stimulates the sodium hydrogen antiporter which absorbs more sodium into the blood. vitamin C inhibits PKC
2. Protein Kinease A activation: inhibits the sodium hydrogen antiporter. activated by adrenaline, high protein diets (exercise bro..)
3. Insulin + High blood glucose: stimulates sodium hydrogen antiporter and forces kidneys to reabsorb sodium into bloodstream trough vasopressin release
4. High water consumption: puts body in overhydrated state and inhibits vasopressin release which makes the kidneys flush out electrolytes trough piss
5. high cortisol: inhibits vasopressin release
6. low water consumption: releases vasopressin boyo
7. high blood sodium: releases vasopressin
8. mitogen activated protein kinease activation: activates aquaporin 2 which reabsorbs water from piss and puts in back in bloodstream. can be activated by insulin release.
9. inflammation: activates prostagladin which helps with water reabsorption
10. idk bro but im sure theres more

anyone have minecraft bought and wanna play?


forgot to mention this, nr 11 is being chad since his body doesnt need electrolytes so it doesnt bother with absorbing them
So water. Don’t stress and electrolytes
vitamin c helps because of pkc inhibition which inhibits sodium absorption in blood, eating less frequently (less insulin spikes), lowering carbs or eating them with higher protein, a general high protein diet, lowered inflammation (berberine - helps with insulin too -, curcumin extract, idk anything else that works well) and exercise (raises cortisol and adrenaline, both which help independently of you just sweating all the water out)
Vitamin C is actually essential for andrenaline synthesis.
i didnt read it whole but i dont think it says its essential at all. wouldnt make sense for it to be

i can tell you from personal experience eating only meat for weeks while i was losing weight on a VLCD + fasting i couldnt sleep more than 3 hours at night because id wake up with my heart racing every 30 mins or so and id barely go to sleep. not really restless just too awake

I take ashwandaga for cortisol
ashwagandha legit for cortisol

try rhodiola with 3% rosavins and 1% salidroside

it inhibits estrogen for around 1-2hrs (half life of salidroside)
facters afecting bloting
by gurr nicholes

1. Protein Kinease C activation: stimulates the sodium hydrogen antiporter which absorbs more sodium into the blood. vitamin C inhibits PKC
2. Protein Kinease A activation: inhibits the sodium hydrogen antiporter. activated by adrenaline, high protein diets (exercise bro..)
3. Insulin + High blood glucose: stimulates sodium hydrogen antiporter and forces kidneys to reabsorb sodium into bloodstream trough vasopressin release
4. High water consumption: puts body in overhydrated state and inhibits vasopressin release which makes the kidneys flush out electrolytes trough piss
5. high cortisol: inhibits vasopressin release
6. low water consumption: releases vasopressin boyo
7. high blood sodium: releases vasopressin
8. mitogen activated protein kinease activation: activates aquaporin 2 which reabsorbs water from piss and puts in back in bloodstream. can be activated by insulin release.
9. inflammation: activates prostagladin which helps with water reabsorption
10. idk bro but im sure theres more

anyone have minecraft bought and wanna play?


forgot to mention this, nr 11 is being chad since his body doesnt need electrolytes so it doesnt bother with absorbing them

Good post but can you explain the first 2 points? Other than that what I got from here was drink more water and don’t be stressed
Good post but can you explain the first 2 points? Other than that what I got from here was drink more water and don’t be stressed
actually cortisol has the opposite effect, it makes you retain less water tbh

and from the first one you got: keep inflammation low, take vit C and the second one, i said it at the end: adrenaline (exercise or drugs) and eating high protein
actually cortisol has the opposite effect, it makes you retain less water tbh

and from the first one you got: keep inflammation low, take vit C and the second one, i said it at the end: adrenaline (exercise or drugs) and eating high protein

Ok. Would doing this also emphasize your cheekbones more or does it only help your jawline become sharper?
Ok. Would doing this also emphasize your cheekbones more or does it only help your jawline become sharper?
cant tell you where the water in your body is going

high E people (e.g. FatmanO) might have more go to their whole face, so yes if its there your cheekbones will get more defined along with your jaw

i recommend danelion extract, caffeine, rhodiola (5% rosavins, 1% salidroside) morning and before bed to fully minimize bloat during the day
Fat storage genetics are primarily due to A2>B2 adrenergic receptor density in different fat cells around the body. In the places where you store the most stubborn fat, that's the place where you have the highest proportion of Alpha2 receptors relative to Beta2 receptors. Insulin is so important for so many reasons. Insulin inhibits hormone sensitive lipase and activates lipoprotein lipase. Cathecholamines and insulin are pretty much reciprocal. If you can overwhelm you fat cells with catecholamines, the B2 receptor will naturally be agonised, causing fat to be released from the cells. Yohimbine is so effective at burning stubborn fat since it's an A2 receptor antagonist which is a very rare drug class. Think of A2 receptors as the "breaks" for fatloss, and B2 receptors as the "accelerators". A2 receptors are the regulators, inhibiting fat release from fat cells. So by inhibiting the inhibitor (with Yohimbine) and then using a direct B2 receptor agonist like clen or even just letting adrenaline agonise the B2 receptors normally, you'll burn a shit tonne of fat. Hormone sensitive lipase is active while in a fasted state (since insulin inhibits it). So fasted cardio with stims and yohimbine is crazy for fatloss. Presence of insulin basically makes yohimbine redundant. Guanfacine is an A2 agonist. Meaning it'll really put the breaks on. Not allowing catecholamines to "attack" cells in your body (fat cells included). Guanfacine and something like a benzo is used to completely calm someone down. Agonising A2 receptors pretty much makes it very very difficult for you to "feel" the fight or flight from catecholamines. Antagonising A2 receptors will do the opposite. Yohimbine is used by professionals to induce panic attacks (in humans and rats!). Yohimbine is the best fatloss tool out there but it's very hard to understand its full MOA. You get raging bones too. It is not hormonal at all. It just increases bloodflow to all cells in your body (including your dick). Presence of free catecholamines essentially promote bloodflow to every cell in your body. Since your A2 receptors won't be able to properly reuptake them; you'll experience an adrenaline frenzy.
Fat storage genetics are primarily due to A2>B2 adrenergic receptor density in different fat cells around the body. In the places where you store the most stubborn fat, that's the place where you have the highest proportion of Alpha2 receptors relative to Beta2 receptors. Insulin is so important for so many reasons. Insulin inhibits hormone sensitive lipase and activates lipoprotein lipase. Cathecholamines and insulin are pretty much reciprocal. If you can overwhelm you fat cells with catecholamines, the B2 receptor will naturally be agonised, causing fat to be released from the cells. Yohimbine is so effective at burning stubborn fat since it's an A2 receptor antagonist which is a very rare drug class. Think of A2 receptors as the "breaks" for fatloss, and B2 receptors as the "accelerators". A2 receptors are the regulators, inhibiting fat release from fat cells. So by inhibiting the inhibitor (with Yohimbine) and then using a direct B2 receptor agonist like clen or even just letting adrenaline agonise the B2 receptors normally, you'll burn a shit tonne of fat. Hormone sensitive lipase is active while in a fasted state (since insulin inhibits it). So fasted cardio with stims and yohimbine is crazy for fatloss. Presence of insulin basically makes yohimbine redundant. Guanfacine is an A2 agonist. Meaning it'll really put the breaks on. Not allowing catecholamines to "attack" cells in your body (fat cells included). Guanfacine and something like a benzo is used to completely calm someone down. Agonising A2 receptors pretty much makes it very very difficult for you to "feel" the fight or flight from catecholamines. Antagonising A2 receptors will do the opposite. Yohimbine is used by professionals to induce panic attacks (in humans and rats!). Yohimbine is the best fatloss tool out there but it's very hard to understand its full MOA. You get raging bones too. It is not hormonal at all. It just increases bloodflow to all cells in your body (including your dick). Presence of free catecholamines essentially promote bloodflow to every cell in your body. Since your A2 receptors won't be able to properly reuptake them; you'll experience an adrenaline frenzy.
and estrogen agonizes alpha 2 receptors in fat cells

whyd u suddenly move the conversation to fat loss? jfl

edit: topical yohimbine (a2 antagonist) and forskolin (b2 agonist?) have been used topically for targeted fat loss apparently
and estrogen agonizes alpha 2 receptors in fat cells

whyd u suddenly move the conversation to fat loss? jfl
Was trying to explain why different people store more fat in certain areas than others. It's due to A2>B2 receptor density in each cell. Even though estrogen may agonise A2 receptors, it does that for all A2 receptors, not just ones in the hips, chest. It's the amount of A2 receptors relative to B2 that accounts for fat storage in different parts of the body.

Didn't mean to go off-topic. Legit guide. Force your body to secrete as little insulin as possible and take stimulants! Vasopressin and Cortisol are the only 2 exceptions to stress hormones when it comes to water retention. Although they're stress hormones like Adrenaline, they need to be low to ensure you don't hold water.
Was trying to explain why different people store more fat in certain areas than others. It's due to A2>B2 receptor density in each cell. Even though estrogen may agonise A2 receptors, it does that for all A2 receptors, not just ones in the hips, chest. It's the amount of A2 receptors relative to B2 that accounts for fat storage in different parts of the body.

Didn't mean to go off-topic. Legit guide. Force your body to secrete as little insulin as possible and take stimulants! Vasopressin and Cortisol are the only 2 exceptions to stress hormones when it comes to water retention. Although they're stress hormones like Adrenaline, they need to be low to ensure you don't hold water.
but cortisol release inhibits vasopressin release boyo
but cortisol release inhibits vasopressin release boyo
You're absolutely right!

The adrenaline will release cortisol. I need to research more about Cortisol since people just call it "the stress hormone". Obviously it has more functions than just being "the stress hormone" and actually can be beneficial in some cases. I was ignorant there. I still don't recommend anyone to try and deliberately stress themselves out. But the rise in cortisol will come with the increase in adrenaline etc. Thanks for pointing that out.
and estrogen agonizes alpha 2 receptors in fat cells

whyd u suddenly move the conversation to fat loss? jfl

edit: topical yohimbine (a2 antagonist) and forskolin (b2 agonist?) have been used topically for targeted fat loss apparently
Topical yohimbine seems very interesting. And yeah it could definitely work. There'd be no need for a topical b2 agonist since the beta receptors can be agonised so easily, even by caffeine or any stim. ps: Topical Yohimbine on dick (omg xD )
You're absolutely right!

The adrenaline will release cortisol. I need to research more about Cortisol since people just call it "the stress hormone". Obviously it has more functions than just being "the stress hormone" and actually can be beneficial in some cases. I was ignorant there. I still don't recommend anyone to try and deliberately stress themselves out. But the rise in cortisol will come with the increase in adrenaline etc. Thanks for pointing that out.
Vasopressin and Cortisol are the only 2 exceptions to stress hormones

got confused by this tbh

Topical yohimbine seems very interesting. And yeah it could definitely work. There'd be no need for a topical b2 agonist since the beta receptors can be agonised so easily, even by caffeine or any stim. ps: Topical Yohimbine on dick (omg xD )
just steal the inhaler from a kid with asthma theory tbh

yohimbine on dick is legit, thats the way I got my dick to 1% body fat
You got confused because I was wrong about that. Vasopressin is labeled a "stress hormone" too and is the only exception to the rule where you need to keep all stress hormones high to lose bloat. I thought Cortisol would make you hold water too but I looked it up and you were right about Cortisol lowering Vasopressin levels. So it seems high cortisol will help lose bloat.

I'm gonna start Yohimbine on dick and jelqing tbhngl
You got confused because I was wrong about that. Vasopressin is labeled a "stress hormone" too and is the only exception to the rule where you need to keep all stress hormones high to lose bloat. I thought Cortisol would make you hold water too but I looked it up and you were right about Cortisol lowering Vasopressin levels. So it seems high cortisol will help lose bloat.

I'm gonna start Yohimbine on dick and jelqing tbhngl
tbh never knew about that

and yes yohimbine is very legit

i also do this 2x per day for dick hypertrophy
