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Info Fapping cures lactose intolerance temporarily

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Deleted member 304

- Lactose intolerance means your body cant break the bond between Glucose and Galactose (Lactose) because you lack or don't produce enough of the enzyme that breaks the bond down: Lactase
- Prolactin makes the body produce more of the enzyme Lactase that helps break down Lactose
- Post-fapping, you experience an increase in Prolactin
- Fapping cures lactose intolerance temporarily

Where's my Harvard degree?
I don't drink milk
cow tit juice good

the jews are trying to ban porn to stop people from fapping so they dont experience sex or any other kind of pleasure either

they will soon install chasity belts on all newborns

you are on the wrong side boyo
cow tit juice good

the jews are trying to ban porn to stop people from fapping so they dont experience sex or any other kind of pleasure either

they will soon install chasity belts on all newborns

you are on the wrong side boyo
It seems to me that fapping and porn is a tool of enslavement.

I eat Yoghurt though
It seems to me that fapping and porn is a tool of enslavement.

I eat Yoghurt though
what the jews are trying to do is kill any way for a man to experience pleasure and bluepill him with (((nofap))) so he starts (((improving himself))) and (((getting a job))) and (((paying taxes))) like a responsible adult
cow tit juice good

the jews are trying to ban porn to stop people from fapping so they dont experience sex or any other kind of pleasure either

they will soon install chasity belts on all newborns

you are on the wrong side boyo
Keep coping jews are behind porn why do you think they make it for free????? Jews make porn at a LOSS!!! But they know it enslaves goyim which is why they make it
what the jews are trying to do is kill any way for a man to experience pleasure and bluepill him with (((nofap))) so he starts (((improving himself))) and (((getting a job))) and (((paying taxes))) like a responsible adult
theyre getting closer and closer to castration. circumcision is only the beginning...
what the jews are trying to do is kill any way for a man to experience pleasure and bluepill him with (((nofap))) so he starts (((improving himself))) and (((getting a job))) and (((paying taxes))) like a responsible adult
Probably, I used to feel really guilty before when fapping, now not so much anymore.
But porn is bad for dopamine receptors yes? and why fap when you lose important nutrients, Zinc mostly.
I've heard a guy on Looksmax say he faps 8 times a day, I do it 1-2 or rarely thrice a week.
Keep coping jews are behind porn why do you think they make it for free????? Jews make porn at a LOSS!!! But they know it enslaves goyim which is why they make it
View attachment 1265
low iq theyre only in the business for the money

you are low IQ if you cant see what these nofap bluepills are doing to you
Probably, I used to feel really guilty before when fapping, now not so much anymore.
But porn is bad for dopamine receptors yes? and why fap when you lose important nutrients, Zinc mostly.
I've heard a guy on Looksmax say he faps 8 times a day, I do it 1-2 or rarely thrice a week.
Fapping in general fucks with dopamine receptors.
low iq theyre only in the business for the money

you are low IQ if you cant see what these nofap bluepills are doing to you
Yes i admit nofap is cope but fapping daily is not good. Try to keep it to a few times a week.
Probably, I used to feel really guilty before when fapping, now not so much anymore.
But porn is bad for dopamine receptors yes? and why fap when you lose important nutrients, Zinc mostly.
I've heard a guy on Looksmax say he faps 8 times a day, I do it 1-2 or rarely thrice a week.
why would it be bad for dopamine receptors? and what would that even mean? you mean they get downregulated, disappear, what? they could get downregulated if you fap for dopamine and not for horninness, but not to a greater extent than stuff like the internet already does to you, or receiveing notifications on this forum

also, you dont lose shit trough semen. your body regulates absorption of minerals based on what it needs. if it doesnt need zinc, itll get thrown out, if it does, it'll be absorbed and used
Fapping in general fucks with dopamine receptors.

Yes i admit nofap is cope but fapping daily is not good. Try to keep it to a few times a week.
scheduling is retarded

fap when you are horny