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Fasting for Ramadan

After a fraction of a second in hell I promise you'll change your mind.

Anyways, the reason these things you mentioned happen is because mankind is cursed. The ground we walk on is cursed as well as the animals. All flesh is cursed for our sake. People kill eachother over everything, not just religion. Stalin and his atheist regime murdered 50 million people. Another 55 million died under Mao's atheist regime.

God doesn't want us to discriminate against non believers or those who continue in sin. He wants us to relay the gospel to them. If they aren't willing to hear it we aren't supposed to hurt or insult them.

Is it loving to accept lies though? Do you even know what you're talking about when you say, "put yourself in someone else's shoes"? I mean it sounds great but what does it even mean?
It means people may have other beliefs because the values of that religion aligns with what they have gone through in life/how they were raised/what they need. Christianity is my religion because it has given me hope, comfort, and has helped me up at my worst in a way that other religions haven’t because I feel the existence of god. However, other people may have found that sense within another belief system because it aligns more with them. Christianity is made for everyone. Islam is made for everyone. Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc were all created “to provide meaning and purpose to life, often by offering a path to achieve salvation or liberation, which typically involves living ethically, connecting with a higher power, and attaining inner peace or enlightenment, depending on the specific beliefs of each religion; while the details of this "salvation" may differ across faiths, the core concept of seeking a better state of being is generally shared across most religions”
It means people may have other beliefs because the values of that religion aligns with what they have gone through in life/how they were raised/what they need. Christianity is my religion because it has given me hope, comfort, and has helped me up at my worst in a way that other religions haven’t because I feel the existence of god. However, other people may have found that sense within another belief system because it aligns more with them. Christianity is made for everyone. Islam is made for everyone. Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc were all created “to provide meaning and purpose to life, often by offering a path to achieve salvation or liberation, which typically involves living ethically, connecting with a higher power, and attaining inner peace or enlightenment, depending on the specific beliefs of each religion; while the details of this "salvation" may differ across faiths, the core concept of seeking a better state of being is generally shared across most religions”
Faiths and religion are one thing but what about truth? There can be only one truth, and as for Christianity Jesus said he is the ONLY way.

You're speaking as though God isn't real, but just something we can create for ourselves to make us feel good. Like when we were kids and had imaginary friends. God's truth is not meant to make us feel good even though there is a lot of comfort in it. God's truth is meant to glorify Him.
I don’t wish to join them, I wish to peacefully stand beside them
It's all the same though. You're participating in their worship. God said to come out and be separate. That doesn't mean you have to stand against them, but you definitely cannot stand with them.
Faiths and religion are one thing but what about truth? There can be only one truth, and as for Christianity Jesus said he is the ONLY way.

You're speaking as though God isn't real, but just something we can create for ourselves to make us feel good. Like when we were kids and had imaginary friends. God's truth is not meant to make us feel good even though there is a lot of comfort in it. God's truth is meant to glorify Him.
I believe god is real. I really do believe god is the truth, but people have their own gods that they also believe are real and true. We are all burning in the melting pot and all of us are the same deep down which god states himself. Personally, I refuse to argue to someone about whether their religion and god is true or not. I am and forever will be glorifying my god while also respecting and paying tribute to others and they are doing the same which is all that matters.
It's all the same though. You're participating in their worship. God said to come out and be separate. That doesn't mean you have to stand against them, but you definitely cannot stand with them.
If we as a human race don’t stand together then we all deserve the death that we are all pushing towards. This separation is the reason for the downfall of Rome which actually is kinda where America is heading like genuinely. We as humans are beginning to separate more and more, just pushing each other away and at the same time all our struggles are getting worse and worse. It all connects to the same thing, refusing diversity and standing beside one another as beings. And its all a cycle until this world is polluted and unusable
I believe god is real. I really do believe god is the truth, but people have their own gods that they also believe are real and true. We are all burning in the melting pot and all of us are the same deep down which god states himself. Personally, I refuse to argue to someone about whether their religion and god is true or not. I am and forever will be glorifying my god while also respecting and paying tribute to others and they are doing the same which is all that matters.
If we as a human race don’t stand together then we all deserve the death that we are all pushing towards. This separation is the reason for the downfall of Rome which actually is kinda where America is heading like genuinely. We as humans are beginning to separate more and more, just pushing each other away and at the same time all our struggles are getting worse and worse. It all connects to the same thing, refusing diversity and standing beside one another as beings. And its all a cycle until this world is polluted and unusable
You cannot glorify God and pay tribute to the faiths of non believers. It is explicitly going against what He said to do. It doesn't matter if they give tribute to your faith because it is written that we are not to give them God speed.

We all deserve death regardless of what we do. It's only through God's grace that we can be saved. We weren't created to come together and build a harmonious civilization full of people all believing in different ways. Rome, Babylon, and America were meant to fall and it was foretold in the Book of Daniel as well as in Revelation. God said He will eventually destroy this world, but before He does He promised that the four seasons will continue to pass. Human beings will never render the earth unusable. Read the Bible and you will know this. If you don't believe it than you cannot call yourself a Christian in truth.
You cannot glorify God and pay tribute to the faiths of non believers. It is explicitly going against what He said to do. It doesn't matter if they give tribute to your faith because it is written that we are not to give them God speed.

We all deserve death regardless of what we do. It's only through God's grace that we can be saved. We weren't created to come together and build a harmonious civilization full of people all believing in different ways. Rome, Babylon, and America were meant to fall and it was foretold in the Book of Daniel as well as in Revelation. God said He will eventually destroy this world, but before He does He promised that the four seasons will continue to pass. Human beings will never render the earth unusable. Read the Bible and you will know this. If you don't believe it than you cannot call yourself a Christian in truth.
Stop ignoring half the things I’ve said. I understand your point and thanks for spreading the word of god but you are a very closed minded person even though your 37 right? What have you done that makes you believe you deserve what god has given you? Everything I have done with myself so far is to make my lord proud and to help this world. Theres a difference between believing and action btw. I believe in the prophecy of god. I take action by disciplining myself, speaking the word of god, washing away sin, being open minded and respecting others along with putting differences aside. Which is what god intended
Its not hard at all

I fasted many times in general unless they’re eating after 8pm it ain’t deep lol
Stop ignoring half the things I’ve said. I understand your point and thanks for spreading the word of god but you are a very closed minded person even though your 37 right? What have you done that makes you believe you deserve what god has given you? Everything I have done with myself so far is to make my lord proud and to help this world. Theres a difference between believing and action btw. I believe in the prophecy of god. I take action by disciplining myself, speaking the word of god, washing away sin, being open minded and respecting others along with putting differences aside. Which is what god intended
Who said I believe I deserve what God has given me?

Am I closed minded or could you just be naive? You keep going on about putting differences aside and whatnot, but to what purpose? And what about respect? Respect is something that's earned. I'll be courteous to others but for me to respect them I'm going to have to know them for a while. And it's just not practical to go out and get to know people who've got nothing to do with me just for the sake of itself. Yes I'm 37, and I live in the real world.
Who said I believe I deserve what God has given me?

Am I closed minded or could you just be naive? You keep going on about putting differences aside and whatnot, but to what purpose? And what about respect? Respect is something that's earned. I'll be courteous to others but for me to respect them I'm going to have to know them for a while. And it's just not practical to go out and get to know people who've got nothing to do with me just for the sake of itself. Yes I'm 37, and I live in the real world.
If you lived in the real you would understand why I stand with people of other beliefs. I have genuinely witnessed hate crimes/shootings that were powered by the hatred for others religious beliefs. What I respect is these people staying true to themselves, their disciplines and their values despite the vast majority of people wishing them and their religion were dead.,for%20which%20we%20have%20data.
These aren’t just “people of different beliefs” some of these people I have grown up with, these are people who set differences aside to help one another. When push comes to shove you must learn to stand with one another for the sake of one another's lives.
Isiah 1:17
Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.
If I were to separate myself from them do you think that would do any good for the world? Has separation ever done anything good for our world? (Segregation in America, Holocaust, The Ottoman Empire, Rome, current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, “the Jewish Ghettos”, Northern Ireland, British India, The Roman Empire) If we don’t stand together then that contributes to the pain of innocents.

And I am Christian who follows my beliefs and prayers but I find the way Muslims discipline and dedicate themselves interesting and I very much respect. I haven’t even seen a Priest be as dedicated to the lord as a avg Muslim is dedicated to Allah. Just wanted to add that

FYI you should read the Brothers Karamazov. One of my favorites and it kinda touches on this subject. Mostly philosophy of religion u should read Dimitry’s speech. Dostoevsky is a very much Christian man
If you lived in the real you would understand why I stand with people of other beliefs. I have genuinely witnessed hate crimes/shootings that were powered by the hatred for others religious beliefs. What I respect is these people staying true to themselves, their disciplines and their values despite the vast majority of people wishing them and their religion were dead.,for%20which%20we%20have%20data.
These aren’t just “people of different beliefs” some of these people I have grown up with, these are people who set differences aside to help one another. When push comes to shove you must learn to stand with one another for the sake of one another's lives.
Isiah 1:17
Learn to do good; seek justice, correct oppression; bring justice to the fatherless, plead the widow's cause.
If I were to separate myself from them do you think that would do any good for the world? Has separation ever done anything good for our world? (Segregation in America, Holocaust, The Ottoman Empire, Rome, current situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina, “the Jewish Ghettos”, Northern Ireland, British India, The Roman Empire) If we don’t stand together then that contributes to the pain of innocents.

And I am Christian who follows my beliefs and prayers but I find the way Muslims discipline and dedicate themselves interesting and I very much respect. I haven’t even seen a Priest be as dedicated to the lord as a avg Muslim is dedicated to Allah. Just wanted to add that

FYI you should read the Brothers Karamazov. One of my favorites and it kinda touches on this subject. Mostly philosophy of religion u should read Dimitry’s speech. Dostoevsky is a very much Christian man
Girl, you are being very naive. You aren't gonna stop anyone from getting killed. All the people in the world who think like you will end up doing nothing to stop anyone from from getting killed for their beliefs. You're doing nothing by joining them besides sinning against God and possibly bringing a curse on yourself.

I fully understand why you're doing what you're doing. If you want to correct oppression then speak out against it. What will joining Muslims in a fast accomplish?
Girl, you are being very naive. You aren't gonna stop anyone from getting killed. All the people in the world who think like you will end up doing nothing to stop anyone from from getting killed for their beliefs. You're doing nothing by joining them besides sinning against God and possibly bringing a curse on yourself.

I fully understand why you're doing what you're doing. If you want to correct oppression then speak out against it. What will joining Muslims in a fast accomplish?
Omg I know that bro. I am speaking out against it and I have been trying to show other people(including politicians) the reality of our country and tbh these attacks don’t get media coverage. Most people think there are no religious driven attacks because they’ve never seen it and have never heard of it and yes I have met people like this and it is important for them to know.
Me fasting is spreading awareness and showing these people I care and I don’t care what our beliefs are I am forever in support of them and their bravery. I’d rather have a curse on me than hear the screams and see people running away from their sacred place because a mf named “John T Earnest” shot up a mosque down the street. What will not joining beside them do for the world?
Omg I know that bro. I am speaking out against it and I have been trying to show other people(including politicians) the reality of our country and tbh these attacks don’t get media coverage. Most people think there are no religious driven attacks because they’ve never seen it and have never heard of it and yes I have met people like this and it is important for them to know.
Me fasting is spreading awareness and showing these people I care and I don’t care what our beliefs are I am forever in support of them and their bravery. I’d rather have a curse on me than hear the screams and see people running away from their sacred place because a mf named “John T Earnest” shot up a mosque down the street. What will not joining beside them do for the world?
John T Ernest shot up a synagogue and killed one woman. He didn't shoot up a mosque. Your endeavor isn't spreading any awareness or preventing any potential bloodshed. The only people who are paying attention to you are like minded morons. People who would shoot up a mosque don't give a damn that people like you are foolishly supporting them. In fact, it would likely incense them even more. It's kind of like how seeing someone like Greta Thunberg bitch about climate change just makes makes me want to buy a field and have a constant live stream of 20 coal burning stoves in the middle of it in continuous operation 24/7 365. Just burning coal for no other reason but to piss people like her off. If only I had the money.

Girl, you're not gonna save the world or change a damn thing. The only thing you might win yourself is a false sense of accomplishment and a pat on the back from your idiot liberal friends.
John T Ernest shot up a synagogue and killed one woman. He didn't shoot up a mosque. Your endeavor isn't spreading any awareness or preventing any potential bloodshed. The only people who are paying attention to you are like minded morons. People who would shoot up a mosque don't give a damn that people like you are foolishly supporting them. In fact, it would likely incense them even more. It's kind of like how seeing someone like Greta Thunberg bitch about climate change just makes makes me want to buy a field and have a constant live stream of 20 coal burning stoves in the middle of it in continuous operation 24/7 365. Just burning coal for no other reason but to piss people like her off. If only I had the money.

Girl, you're not gonna save the world or change a damn thing. The only thing you might win yourself is a false sense of accomplishment and a pat on the back from your idiot liberal friends.
Boy are you retarded? Also I am not liberal like that I’m just not racist cause I’ve grown up with people of different races my whole life. I lean towards republicans I guess. AND I WAS FUCKING DOWN THE STREET WHEN THE SHOOTING HAPPENED and the synagogue is also used as a mosque if u can even comprehend that. And why are you going so off topic and being immature af now? Like okay big boy your 37 its time to turn off the computer and work your job cause you have no idea what tf your talking about cause you’ve lived in the same little enclosed mind space your whole life or at least you act like it. 37 with anime pfp💀You ain’t tuff shit unc. Also you were yapping about how respect needs to be earned but how tf u expect anyone to take you serious with that profile and the way u acting respectfully ofc.
It may not be “preventing bloodshed” obviously but I hope there is better security for scared buildings and people become less insensitive about other peoples beliefs. Every time I go out with my Muslim friend people are always shouting shit and stopping to search her but not search me. Also I do live in a mostly liberal area but its like part trenches and part rich people.
Boy are you retarded? Also I am not liberal like that I’m just not racist cause I’ve grown up with people of different races my whole life. I lean towards republicans I guess. AND I WAS FUCKING DOWN THE STREET WHEN THE SHOOTING HAPPENED and the synagogue is also used as a mosque if u can even comprehend that. And why are you going so off topic and being immature af now? Like okay big boy your 37 its time to turn off the computer and work your job cause you have no idea what tf your talking about cause you’ve lived in the same little enclosed mind space your whole life or at least you act like it. 37 with anime pfp💀You ain’t tuff shit unc. Also you were yapping about how respect needs to be earned but how tf u expect anyone to take you serious with that profile and the way u acting respectfully ofc.
It may not be “preventing bloodshed” obviously but I hope there is better security for scared buildings and people become less insensitive about other peoples beliefs. Every time I go out with my Muslim friend people are always shouting shit and stopping to search her but not search me. Also I do live in a mostly liberal area but its like part trenches and part rich people.
I feel you, ngl, he is just yapping so much like damn (half of the yap is false and also aggressive to anybody who didn't follow his thinking). Anyway, I'm also fasting with you. I've been fasting from 6:00 AM to 7:30 PM. I eat a light meal before 6:00 AM and after 7:30 PM. Before breaking my fast at 7:30 PM, I go for a one-hour walk followed by a 30-minute run. Then, I eat and drink water. Remember to eat healthy food and avoid overeating. I do my exercises before 7:30 PM because I'm Muslim and can't drink water during the fasting hours. Since you're not Muslim, I suggest making it more flexible for yourself. For example, you could drink water during your exercise or eat a piece of fruit twice during the day if you're very hungry. Ultimately, I hope you have a good time with fasting.
I feel you, ngl, he is just yapping so much like damn (half of the yap is false and also aggressive to anybody who didn't follow his thinking). Anyway, I'm also fasting with you. I've been fasting from 6:00 AM to 7:30 PM. I eat a light meal before 6:00 AM and after 7:30 PM. Before breaking my fast at 7:30 PM, I go for a one-hour walk followed by a 30-minute run. Then, I eat and drink water. Remember to eat healthy food and avoid overeating. I do my exercises before 7:30 PM because I'm Muslim and can't drink water during the fasting hours. Since you're not Muslim, I suggest making it more flexible for yourself. For example, you could drink water during your exercise or eat a piece of fruit twice during the day if you're very hungry. Ultimately, I hope you have a good time with fasting.
W I am also still doing cardio. I did make it easier myself the first two days because I was doing a lot but today I haven’t eaten or drank at all while the sun is up and I’m not having too much trouble. Thank you stay strong brother
W I am also still doing cardio. I did make it easier myself the first two days because I was doing a lot but today I haven’t eaten or drank at all while the sun is up and I’m not having too much trouble. Thank you stay strong brother
That's a real achievement completing a full day of fasting like that. It's clear you're doing really well. You're making excellent progress keep up the great work, and stay strong. Don't forget to update us.
Boy are you retarded? Also I am not liberal like that I’m just not racist cause I’ve grown up with people of different races my whole life. I lean towards republicans I guess. AND I WAS FUCKING DOWN THE STREET WHEN THE SHOOTING HAPPENED and the synagogue is also used as a mosque if u can even comprehend that. And why are you going so off topic and being immature af now? Like okay big boy your 37 its time to turn off the computer and work your job cause you have no idea what tf your talking about cause you’ve lived in the same little enclosed mind space your whole life or at least you act like it. 37 with anime pfp💀You ain’t tuff shit unc. Also you were yapping about how respect needs to be earned but how tf u expect anyone to take you serious with that profile and the way u acting respectfully ofc.
It may not be “preventing bloodshed” obviously but I hope there is better security for scared buildings and people become less insensitive about other peoples beliefs. Every time I go out with my Muslim friend people are always shouting shit and stopping to search her but not search me. Also I do live in a mostly liberal area but its like part trenches and part rich people.
Quit lying sweetheart. You've never seen anyone get shot for being Muslim and Habibti doesn't get searched everywhere you go. I bet you're saying that because it happened one time because she matched the description of another blanket head that was spotted in the area shoplifting or something. And sure, homeless people are gonna insult her for wearing her garb. That ain't never gonna change.

My PFP was selected and given to me by the admin because I'm unable to upload one with my phone for some reason. I like it.

I've spent my whole adult life around people of other races. 10 years in Asia. Went 8 months without seeing another white face once from 2020 - 2021. That kind of experience will make any sane person more racist not less.

The difference between you and I is you live in your comfortable little home with Daddy that you get to go back to at the end of every day. Go live with the Dhimmis in Pakistan for a week then come back and tell me how much you love the Muslims. Or with the Copts in Egypt. Or with the Chaldeans in Iraq. Or with the Kurds in Turkey, Iran or Syria. Tell me how wonderfully personable your muzzie friends are then.
Quit lying sweetheart. You've never seen anyone get shot for being Muslim and Habibti doesn't get searched everywhere you go. I bet you're saying that because it happened one time because she matched the description of another blanket head that was spotted in the area shoplifting or something. And sure, homeless people are gonna insult her for wearing her garb. That ain't never gonna change.

My PFP was selected and given to me by the admin because I'm unable to upload one with my phone for some reason. I like it.

I've spent my whole adult life around people of other races. 10 years in Asia. Went 8 months without seeing another white face once from 2020 - 2021. That kind of experience will make any sane person more racist not less.

The difference between you and I is you live in your comfortable little home with Daddy that you get to go back to at the end of every day. Go live with the Dhimmis in Pakistan for a week then come back and tell me how much you love the Muslims. Or with the Copts in Egypt. Or with the Chaldeans in Iraq. Or with the Kurds in Turkey, Iran or Syria. Tell me how wonderfully personable your muzzie friends are then.
Bro is this jfl or is this pleb pushing 40 getting mad on some looksmaxxing forumIMG_6280.gif
1 I LITERALLY HAVE even when I go out even with my black friends ppl yell the n word at them and literally search them when I leave a store and not them n they ain't homeless mfs they are people working in stores and mfs pulling up in their family car Porsche 2 I work 2 jobs if yk what that is🙏bc I just enjoy working and getting money 3 bro I been to a muslim country if you actually read wth I been saying you'd know that but your writing like your reading level is 2nd grade💀
Bro pack up your bags we get it your Michigan’s biggest bertha and you love the way my dick taste but u can stop sucking now
Ur genuinely acting like u ain't never been outside but you’re probably only this way because you were raised this way
Sorry ur dad r***d u! U should try some crystals and meditation bs to help u chill tf out thick skull r****d I think that religion matches you better cause you obviously aren’t a follower of the lord🙏
Bro I just realized you on here practically 24/7 stfu ain’t nobody gaf😭
Bro is this jfl or is this pleb pushing 40 getting mad on some looksmaxxing forumView attachment 77748
1 I LITERALLY HAVE even when I go out even with my black friends ppl yell the n word at them and literally search them when I leave a store and not them n they ain't homeless mfs they are people working in stores and mfs pulling up in their family car Porsche 2 I work 2 jobs if yk what that is🙏bc I just enjoy working and getting money 3 bro I been to a muslim country if you actually read wth I been saying you'd know that but your writing like your reading level is 2nd grade💀
Bro pack up your bags we get it your Michigan’s biggest bertha and you love the way my dick taste but u can stop sucking now
Ur genuinely acting like u ain't never been outside but you’re probably only this way because you were raised this way
Sorry ur dad r***d u! U should try some crystals and meditation bs to help u chill tf out thick skull r****d I think that religion matches you better cause you obviously aren’t a follower of the lord🙏
Bro I just realized you on here practically 24/7 stfu ain’t nobody gaf😭
Lol, you're saying I'm mad but telling me I got r***d by my dad. Talking about how you work two jobs and telling me to suck your dick. You're all over the place honey.

Go live with the Dhimmis in a Muslim country my privileged little miss. You'll see a radical difference between that and accompanying daddy as a wealthy TOURIST.
Bro is this jfl or is this pleb pushing 40 getting mad on some looksmaxxing forumView attachment 77748
1 I LITERALLY HAVE even when I go out even with my black friends ppl yell the n word at them and literally search them when I leave a store and not them n they ain't homeless mfs they are people working in stores and mfs pulling up in their family car Porsche 2 I work 2 jobs if yk what that is🙏bc I just enjoy working and getting money 3 bro I been to a muslim country if you actually read wth I been saying you'd know that but your writing like your reading level is 2nd grade💀
Bro pack up your bags we get it your Michigan’s biggest bertha and you love the way my dick taste but u can stop sucking now
Ur genuinely acting like u ain't never been outside but you’re probably only this way because you were raised this way
Sorry ur dad r***d u! U should try some crystals and meditation bs to help u chill tf out thick skull r****d I think that religion matches you better cause you obviously aren’t a follower of the lord🙏
Bro I just realized you on here practically 24/7 stfu ain’t nobody gaf😭
If the majority of blacks in California stopped being n*****s then they wouldn't be insulted on the street. The peaceful minority is irrelevant. If you want to make a difference go out and protest them next time they loot a store en masse. And tell the muzzies around the world to stop beheading people in the streets for insulting their false prophet Muhammad (piss be upon him). It's a wonder you never see any Christians killing anyone for insulting Jesus Christ. Jesus is mocked around the world way more than Moo.
Lol, you're saying I'm mad but telling me I got r***d by my dad. Talking about how you work two jobs and telling me to suck your dick. You're all over the place honey.

Go live with the Dhimmis in a Muslim country my privileged little miss. You'll see a radical difference between that and accompanying daddy as a wealthy TOURIST.
Bro how u calling me privileged I pay my own phone bill I buy and wash my own clothes at a laundromat I work my ass off to get good scholarships in a school where fent and guns are a common thing. Its not privileged its hard working quit acting like you know about that
My father is a journalist and my mom a gardener. We are very much working class my dad just gets traveling opportunities but it’s all for work. And I save up my money to go traveling sometimes like I went to NY last winter by myself. My parents are very strict about no giving me money typa stuff
You don’t know shit about me or where I’m from you just some random ass unc being sensitive like nah get a life
Yk im underaged and I was tryna have a respectful convo cause I think the philosophy of religion is interesting but u here acting like ts a elementary bathroom f****t
And quit saying honey and sweethart thats either def unc shit or pedo shit respectfully
If the majority of blacks in California stopped being n*****s then they wouldn't be insulted on the street. The peaceful minority is irrelevant. If you want to make a difference go out and protest them next time they loot a store en masse. And tell the muzzies around the world to stop beheading people in the streets for insulting their false prophet Muhammad (piss be upon him). It's a wonder you never see any Christians killing anyone for insulting Jesus Christ. Jesus is mocked around the world way more than Moo.
Bro what are you talking about? You don’t know my mf friends. The girl I was talking about specifically is literally graduating from high school early bro because of her testing out of everything. You cannot deny ur closed minded and retarded af I don’t even gotta speak anymore what u jus wrote is enough for u to reflect💀and christians are killing people because they insulted their god in fact Christians are killing people because they have a different god I genuinely gave examples put them glasses back on🤓
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@James Othy
you genuinely look like you have a pride flag in your yard also I thought these pics were jfl at first💀
“You're all over the place honey.”🦅🗣️
“Quit lying sweetheart. You've never seen anyone get shot for being Muslim and Habibti doesn't get searched everywhere you go. I bet you're saying that because it happened one time because she matched the description of another blanket head that was spotted in the area shoplifting or something.” Pen was on fire fr🔥
You genuinely saying shit like you haven’t seen a Muslim person or a black person before. Stfu and stop living off your 1940s daddy’s opinions you can think for yourself too sometimes but ig its too late
Bro how u calling me privileged I pay my own phone bill I buy and wash my own clothes at a laundromat I work my ass off to get good scholarships in a school where fent and guns are a common thing. Its not privileged its hard working quit acting like you know about that
My father is a journalist and my mom a gardener. We are very much working class my dad just gets traveling opportunities but it’s all for work. And I save up my money to go traveling sometimes like I went to NY last winter by myself. My parents are very strict about no giving me money typa stuff
You don’t know shit about me or where I’m from you just some random ass unc being sensitive like nah get a life
Yk im underaged and I was tryna have a respectful convo cause I think the philosophy of religion is interesting but u here acting like ts a elementary bathroom f****t
And quit saying honey and sweethart thats either def unc shit or pedo shit respectfully
Aw, you got a part time job scooping ice cream for your shitheel friends that you use to pay your phone bill with. Good job sweetheart.
Bro what are you talking about? You don’t know my mf friends. The girl I was talking about specifically is literally graduating from high school early bro because of her testing out of everything. You cannot deny ur closed minded and retarded af I don’t even gotta speak anymore what u jus wrote is enough for u to reflect💀and christians are killing people because they insulted their god in fact Christians are killing people because they have a different god I genuinely gave examples put them glasses back on🤓
Are you talking about Africa? Africa will always be Africa sweetheart. Show me a developed country where Christians are killing muzzies.
Aw, you got a part time job scooping ice cream for your shitheel friends that you use to pay your phone bill with. Good job sweetheart.
Currently part time assistant hairstylist part time intern at a business management company + I do unpaid work at a aquarium and I clean my neighbors houses + I sell honey carts to 7th graders
@James Othy
you genuinely look like you have a pride flag in your yard also I thought these pics were jfl at first💀
View attachment 77751
“You're all over the place honey.”🦅🗣️
View attachment 77752
“Quit lying sweetheart. You've never seen anyone get shot for being Muslim and Habibti doesn't get searched everywhere you go. I bet you're saying that because it happened one time because she matched the description of another blanket head that was spotted in the area shoplifting or something.” Pen was on fire fr🔥
You genuinely saying shit like you haven’t seen a Muslim person or a black person before. Stfu and stop living off your 1940s daddy’s opinions you can think for yourself too sometimes but ig its too late
I've lived two months in a city of 4 million people where you're within less than 5 minutes walking distance of a mosque in any district you happen to be. There were metal detectors in the doors of any Western chain store and you aren't allowed to bring liquids onto any public transportation because of frequent acid attacks. There was a suicide bombing on beer street two months before I arrived in that city, which killed 43 people and wounded more than 90. You can say I've dealt with Muslims before.

Anyways, I've been estranged from my parents for most of my adult life. I've gathered my opinions from my experiences.
I am Christian but I have huge respect for Islam so I will be fasting throughout Ramadan(except on my period) with my Muslim friends and will post before and after when its over. Also I have been breaking out and extra bloated recently maybe because hormones but I wonder how fasting this much will change my face. This will be my first time fasting this intensely wish me luck
Good luck! I also plan on leanmaxxing this month. And yes, women don’t fast on their periods, so that makes sense.
Currently part time assistant hairstylist part time intern at a business management company + I do unpaid work at a aquarium and I clean my neighbors houses + I sell honey carts to 7th graders
Sounds pretty privileged to me. I wish I had the time to do unpaid work.
@James Othy
you genuinely look like you have a pride flag in your yard also I thought these pics were jfl at first💀
View attachment 77751
“You're all over the place honey.”🦅🗣️
View attachment 77752
“Quit lying sweetheart. You've never seen anyone get shot for being Muslim and Habibti doesn't get searched everywhere you go. I bet you're saying that because it happened one time because she matched the description of another blanket head that was spotted in the area shoplifting or something.” Pen was on fire fr🔥
You genuinely saying shit like you haven’t seen a Muslim person or a black person before. Stfu and stop living off your 1940s daddy’s opinions you can think for yourself too sometimes but ig its too late
I think you're sweet on me girl. Looking up all my pictures and whatnot.


Now tell me true. Do you love me?