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Fembots will help women


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2023
I realize that some women are unable to calm a baby down. So the baby may keep them up for 3 days or more with no rest. What we need are fembots that are very feminine in order to calm the babies. In antiquated Britain, the rich women would hire nurses to help the babies so the women would have some free time.

Basically this would result in a polygamous society where men have multiple wives including fembots for wives so its easier to help babies, so not just only one woman has to look over a crying baby all the time. In this way multiple women could help the baby, in addition to the fembot cooking and cleaning throughout the home. Overall there would be more women in society than men.

For example one time I did not sleep for 2 or 3 days. I have never been the same since. Hopefully this will prevent that from happening, now nobody will ever have to stay up for 2 or 3 days or even more days.
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The female biological role is to raise kids
If you haven't noticed there is a giant FEMINISM movement in society.

Most women are giving up in resignation and are not wanting to have kids. The women that do have kids only want to have 1 kid. This is creating a lonliness epidemic of only children that have no siblings. In the current economy is not practical or efficient to raise kids. It is necessary for fembots to function as maids to reduce the burden of homerearing of the parents.
fix the root of the issue, not adding a bandage to the leaking pipes that make up society
fembots will be expensive and will be another thing to capitalize on
also babies need mothers warmth and imprinting
there was a study on baby monkeys. they were put in a cage with 2 things: a wire mother that fed them milk, and another which was soft cloth mother. the baby monkeys spent most of their time with the cloth one, hugging it often. they would only be with the wire mother to feed, and then immediately back to being with the cloth mother. then, they modified it so that the cloth produced cold air bursts or spikes which pushed the baby monkeys away whenever they hugged it. still, the baby monkeys tried to stay with it all the time, ignoring the push.
the monkeys were also severaly mentally and socially deficit due to this, and being raised with the wire mother caused more digestive problems (stress). with the cloth mother, they were less fearful in response to a noise making teddy bear placed in the cage (meant to represent a stranger in a baby's environment). even then, although the monkeys were better with the cloth mother, they were still severely mentally and socially deficit
humans are even more complicated than monkeys.
robots can never replace or replicate real human touch and love
fix the root of the issue, not adding a bandage to the leaking pipes that make up society
fembots will be expensive and will be another thing to capitalize on
also babies need mothers warmth and imprinting
there was a study on baby monkeys. they were put in a cage with 2 things: a wire mother that fed them milk, and another which was soft cloth mother. the baby monkeys spent most of their time with the cloth one, hugging it often. they would only be with the wire mother to feed, and then immediately back to being with the cloth mother. then, they modified it so that the cloth produced cold air bursts or spikes which pushed the baby monkeys away whenever they hugged it. still, the baby monkeys tried to stay with it all the time, ignoring the push.
the monkeys were also severaly mentally and socially deficit due to this, and being raised with the wire mother caused more digestive problems (stress). with the cloth mother, they were less fearful in response to a noise making teddy bear placed in the cage (meant to represent a stranger in a baby's environment). even then, although the monkeys were better with the cloth mother, they were still severely mentally and socially deficit
humans are even more complicated than monkeys.
robots can never replace or replicate real human touch and love
View attachment 29661
I realize that some women are unable to calm a baby down. So the baby may keep them up for 3 days or more with no rest. What we need are fembots that are very feminine in order to calm the babies. In antiquated Britain, the rich women would hire nurses to help the babies so the women would have some free time.

Basically this would result in a polygamous society where men have multiple wives including fembots for wives so its easier to help babies, so not just only one woman has to look over a crying baby all the time. In this way multiple women could help the baby, in addition to the fembot cooking and cleaning throughout the home. Overall there would be more women in society than men.

For example one time I did not sleep for 2 or 3 days. I have never been the same since. Hopefully this will prevent that from happening, now nobody will ever have to stay up for 2 or 3 days or even more days.
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