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Forum is cooked rn

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  • #2
I was gonna check may stats but they aren’t up on semrush
This forum.. it needs justice..

I’m not the hero this forum needs.. but I’m what it deserves..

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  • #12
Actually I should just start instigating fights with people to attract more attention
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  • #16
63 people rn… brutal
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  • #17
12 looksmaxxers it’s over
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  • #21
  • JFL
Reactions: 4lt
It's mostly indexing bots
The real human ratio would be more equal
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  • #25
12 users online last night is the lowest ive seen
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  • #26
arent most of the guests bots?
yes but that makes the forum seem even more dead. i havent seen the looksmaxxer count dip this low
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  • #35
holdup, true. if we add more subforums then more people will join, genius :200iq::booba:
no this isnt reddit. offtopic should be more prioritized as a forum though move it up a page then we will get more people
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  • #38
why? i mean they are all related to looksmaxxing is all. but for example, the female looksmaxxing section drawed in some female members like tami and wassup
offtopic is only non related one that we need
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  • #41
That's correct, and you know what reddit has? Lots of people and activity.
reddit is too broad thats not what this forum needs. we need a community that is active like org
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  • #42
prioritizing offtopic instead would be more beneficial for people staying
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  • #46
Too many forums, I don’t care about such specific topics
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