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Guide Free softmaxxing methods I use


New member
Apr 5, 2024
The methods will be ranked most to least well known.

General advice
Drink lots of water and maintain a fairly clean diet. Additionally, sleep is very important.

Assuming you already know how to mew, this thread covers a more advanced technique.

Anyone can build a respectable physique, and in my opinion, it doesn't matter what training style you practise: calisthenics, power lifting, bodybuilding etc... For example, I am working towards a hand stand push up. Consequently, I'm focusing on exercises like pushups, dips, and of course, handstands. This tier list is useful for knowing which muscles are aesthetic and worth training (I'd say that the neck is especially important). Kegel exercises may also be useful to improve stamina and prevent erectile dysfunction.

This framemaxxing routine covers exercises that allow you to improve your frame. However, I've abstained from putting this in the exercise category as there might be a way to improve your frame without exercise (maybe), and this is through inducing GH (growth hormone). To produce more GH, you should follow this meditation whilst listening to music like this. This method could potentially improve your frame and/or height.

Facial exercises
I think that facial exercises are extremely underrated, and I will attach my favourites below:

Don't overdo any of these exercises or wrinkles and asymmetry could become an issue. Moreover, practising facial exercises whilst you're doing chores or simply out for a walk can help reduce how overwhelming they are.

I feel like there is an infinite supply of ways to softmax on the internet, so I hope I've helped to give a broad overview. Other (less safe) methods you could implement are bonesmashing and thumbpulling; however, I'm unsure how effective they are.

Good luck!
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  • #3
(I'll add edits if I remember anything else).
This just seems to be a random video uploaded by a normie, he doesn't mention anything about raising hyoid from this. In theory, having a larger hyoid muscle underneath your jawline could give you a saggy looking underjaw.

some incels in the comment section asked him for advice on how to raise their hyoids and he hasn't posted anything after years of them asking
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  • #6
This just seems to be a random video uploaded by a normie, he doesn't mention anything about raising hyoid from this. In theory, having a larger hyoid muscle underneath your jawline could give you a saggy looking underjaw.

some incels in the comment section asked him for advice on how to raise their hyoids and he hasn't posted anything after years of them asking
That video is, essentially, a progression to this:
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  • #7
water thread also meditating to music doesnt boost GH
I agree the music isn't that important but the meditation is quite unusual (perhaps worth attempting).
Also, meditation has plenty of benefits asides from GH.
The methods will be ranked most to least well known.

General advice
Drink lots of water and maintain a fairly clean diet. Additionally, sleep is very important.

Assuming you already know how to mew, this thread covers a more advanced technique.

Anyone can build a respectable physique, and in my opinion, it doesn't matter what training style you practise: calisthenics, power lifting, bodybuilding etc... For example, I am working towards a hand stand push up. Consequently, I'm focusing on exercises like pushups, dips, and of course, handstands. This tier list is useful for knowing which muscles are aesthetic and worth training (I'd say that the neck is especially important). Kegel exercises may also be useful to improve stamina and prevent erectile dysfunction.

This framemaxxing routine covers exercises that allow you to improve your frame. However, I've abstained from putting this in the exercise category as there might be a way to improve your frame without exercise (maybe), and this is through inducing GH (growth hormone). To produce more GH, you should follow this meditation whilst listening to music like this. This method could potentially improve your frame and/or height.

Facial exercises
I think that facial exercises are extremely underrated, and I will attach my favourites below:

Don't overdo any of these exercises or wrinkles and asymmetry could become an issue. Moreover, practising facial exercises whilst you're doing chores or simply out for a walk can help reduce how overwhelming they are.

I feel like there is an infinite supply of ways to softmax on the internet, so I hope I've helped to give a broad overview. Other (less safe) methods you could implement are bonesmashing and thumbpulling; however, I'm unsure how effective they are.

Good luck!
goodie thread
In fact I don't want you promoting his channel anymore. I dislike small youtube channels made of bluepilled normans. He doesn't care about incel issues. Its been years and the jerk hasn't replied to the questions in his video that the incels made in his comment section.

His video is not made for looksmaxxing and I don't see any mention of high speed anything anywhere in the video. Find a different video that specifically is for the specific incel hyoid issue.
I agree the music isn't that important but the meditation is quite unusual (perhaps worth attempting).
Also, meditation has plenty of benefits asides from GH.
Seems like total hokum. Or she is trolling and just wants adbux.

Not blinking for 5 minutes is also bad for your eyes.

Remember that the comments saying it works could just be friends of hers or bots.
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  • #11
In fact I don't want you promoting his channel anymore. I dislike small youtube channels made of bluepilled normans. He doesn't care about incel issues. Its been years and the jerk hasn't replied to the questions in his video that the incels made in his comment section.

His video is not made for looksmaxxing and I don't see any mention of high speed anything anywhere in the video. Find a different video that specifically is for the specific incel hyoid issue.
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  • #12
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