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fuck you reading this


New member
Sep 12, 2023
IMG_3034.jpegok so i don't rly have any friends and i havent really talked to a girl for like flirting purpose and like idk i have way more acne then it looks like and just i don't look like what i look like on camerairl and i like deadass am ugly andlike i know i am but when i see these i don't know what to think because people r like omgu could be a model but then like why do i have no friends and no girl has ever talked to me? i'm 6'3 too bruh like idk i wish i had a friend who like i could genuinely have a basis on how to feel onhowi look and justlike idk man i feel likeit doesn't matter even if cuz i know i look ugly likeit fucks with me but yeahidk rate but also please just like give me some help onlike why i look ugly but not in pictures i don't have really any photos of myselfand don't know how to take pics really either just idk and just i don't take care of myself because i just like there's no point for me i feel like idk that was jus a rant i guess but ye please reply ALSO being ginger prolyl has to do w it but i like i don'trly give a fuckthat imginger like this another thing i don't rly like get nervous n like i don't care what ppl think just like man i wish i knew what they thought ik ts ain't for this but fuck all y'all nobody gave a fuxk when i postsed in rating EVRYONE else but me got a fucking reply so fuck all you ugly faggots looking for attention someone who give a fuck lmk add on im hella skinny lmk what i can do to gain weight i been eating 3200+ calories a day at a surplus but it doesn't work so idk 🤷‍♂️ sent all the photos i got also idk why that one addedat the start lol but i qdded all the pics i got of me and i got one of my abs a bit but ye idk ik my abs look good ish fs but dude ydk bro i'm 6'3 135-140💀


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Chad, your main problem is ur hairline is too low and your eyes lack definition, consider putting on organic all natural mascara, stay away from chemicals

Also consider wearing blue contacts but I dislike contact lenses
I don't think the problem is within your look. I won't say you are ugly, won't say even close to that, but what I think is the problem here, is your self-perception. You believe you're shit, so you treat yourself like a shit. I don't know what's your life about, but probably things are not going very well for you. Why don't you try improve your social skills? They probably are shit, since you don't have any good friends or girls, whatever. Also with girls you may be needy/creepy, whatever, but it is fixable, work on your social skills, read some books on that topic, the look is not an issue from what I've understood. Wish you luck man
I agree with drxw. Brother you look good and alone that you are 6´3 is a cheat code in our society. Work on your self-confidence and social skills. Don´t put yourself down and start believing you are the attractive guy with many other good qualities I assume. People will realise your confidence and feel attracted to you.
You can do it brother :barrett:
I don't think the problem is within your look. I won't say you are ugly, won't say even close to that, but what I think is the problem here, is your self-perception. You believe you're shit, so you treat yourself like a shit. I don't know what's your life about, but probably things are not going very well for you. Why don't you try improve your social skills? They probably are shit, since you don't have any good friends or girls, whatever. Also with girls you may be needy/creepy, whatever, but it is fixable, work on your social skills, read some books on that topic, the look is not an issue from what I've understood. Wish you luck man

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