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getting is guys so much harder in real life


Feb 22, 2024
Who’s in Paris
i pulled my 6'4 psl god boyfriend with a ferrari from instagram DMs.

yet ive never been asked out in real life by ANY man at all. not even an old man, never been catcalled either. men are just awkward around me like im forcing them at gunpoint to be there. bf would not believe I had never been asked out. he was my first real relationship at age 17. this has made me insecure for a very long time as I always saw these sub 5/10 women complain online about being asked out, thinking I was uglier than them. before meeting my bf i probably wouldve let any man who asked me out have a chance

what could be the cause of this? I dress more black/goth/archive fashion, so maybe guys in my area just aren't into stuff like this. my bf is from a big city and I live in smaller city, which I think might be why. I don't think my looks are that bad. Even though I am looksmaxxing, I am doing it to try to improve what is already a good base, if you know what I mean.
getting guys is easy for women
Tbh im a girl and I dont gotta do shit guys always come up to me, as a girl it should be easy im from NY tho so idk
i pulled my 6'4 psl god boyfriend with a ferrari from instagram DMs.

yet ive never been asked out in real life by ANY man at all. not even an old man, never been catcalled either. men are just awkward around me like im forcing them at gunpoint to be there. bf would not believe I had never been asked out. he was my first real relationship at age 17. this has made me insecure for a very long time as I always saw these sub 5/10 women complain online about being asked out, thinking I was uglier than them. before meeting my bf i probably wouldve let any man who asked me out have a chance

what could be the cause of this? I dress more black/goth/archive fashion, so maybe guys in my area just aren't into stuff like this. my bf is from a big city and I live in smaller city, which I think might be why. I don't think my looks are that bad. Even though I am looksmaxxing, I am doing it to try to improve what is already a good base, if you know what I mean.
its because of modernity/incel hell dystopia. Most males are terrified of approaching women, due to the gender gap, lack of gender equality efc.
i pulled my 6'4 psl god boyfriend with a ferrari from instagram DMs.

yet ive never been asked out in real life by ANY man at all. not even an old man, never been catcalled either. men are just awkward around me like im forcing them at gunpoint to be there. bf would not believe I had never been asked out. he was my first real relationship at age 17. this has made me insecure for a very long time as I always saw these sub 5/10 women complain online about being asked out, thinking I was uglier than them. before meeting my bf i probably wouldve let any man who asked me out have a chance

what could be the cause of this? I dress more black/goth/archive fashion, so maybe guys in my area just aren't into stuff like this. my bf is from a big city and I live in smaller city, which I think might be why. I don't think my looks are that bad. Even though I am looksmaxxing, I am doing it to try to improve what is already a good base, if you know what I mean.
If I’m being honest, it could mean a bunch of reason:

1) Guys are probably not interested in your theme

2) Guys sometimes can be very shy or nervous because they are afraid of being rejected

3) Your body signals also might be another factor why guys never approach you; for example, you might cross your arms and legs and guys think that your scared so they don’t wanna bother you.

I’m conclusion, it could mean a lot of factors.
i pulled my 6'4 psl god boyfriend with a ferrari from instagram DMs.

yet ive never been asked out in real life by ANY man at all. not even an old man, never been catcalled either. men are just awkward around me like im forcing them at gunpoint to be there. bf would not believe I had never been asked out. he was my first real relationship at age 17. this has made me insecure for a very long time as I always saw these sub 5/10 women complain online about being asked out, thinking I was uglier than them. before meeting my bf i probably wouldve let any man who asked me out have a chance

what could be the cause of this? I dress more black/goth/archive fashion, so maybe guys in my area just aren't into stuff like this. my bf is from a big city and I live in smaller city, which I think might be why. I don't think my looks are that bad. Even though I am looksmaxxing, I am doing it to try to improve what is already a good base, if you know what I mean.
Also a bonus tip: try flirting with the guy you’re trying to get to turn him on and make him feel more comfortable around you! (Smiling or giggling in a flirty way when he looks at you)
i pulled my 6'4 psl god boyfriend with a ferrari from instagram DMs.

yet ive never been asked out in real life by ANY man at all. not even an old man, never been catcalled either. men are just awkward around me like im forcing them at gunpoint to be there. bf would not believe I had never been asked out. he was my first real relationship at age 17. this has made me insecure for a very long time as I always saw these sub 5/10 women complain online about being asked out, thinking I was uglier than them. before meeting my bf i probably wouldve let any man who asked me out have a chance

what could be the cause of this? I dress more black/goth/archive fashion, so maybe guys in my area just aren't into stuff like this. my bf is from a big city and I live in smaller city, which I think might be why. I don't think my looks are that bad. Even though I am looksmaxxing, I am doing it to try to improve what is already a good base, if you know what I mean.
can relate

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