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Guide GPSI GUIDE: General Positive Social Interaction [AND WHAT WE ARE DOING WRONG]


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024

LOOKSMAXXING FOR NIGHCLUB LIFE MAY BE BAD FOR OTHER LIFE SCENES. This post is not for guys who only care about getting laid, it is actually focused on general positive social interaction and that is, scientifically, the most important factor in determining someone happiness/quality of life.​


Part 1:
You want to avoid looking weak while also appearing competent and powerful (avoid being mocked and gain free respect).

men_intelligente Looking face.jpg

:6head:´´you should have ideally arched positive eyebrows``
If you do that, people will think you are dumb. But negative eyebrows are ugly.
The ideal should be a straight eyebrow.

:6head:´´Get a broader and manly chin``
People will think you are dumb if it is broad. And narrow/thin that is projected and sharp is know to look aggressive, even cartoon and 80`s villains have it; so even if you will look smarter with smaller but sharp agressive chin, you won't be as trusted.
The ideal is a projected sharp medium size chin.
:6head:´´Dismorphism is rule``
Workplace perception change depends on gender of coworkers:
Also, i had a internship in a mostly woman office and there was a polite capable guy who happened to be a super testosterone bald bodybuilder. They hated him so much for no reason just because of his manly look that he was fucking transferred to a shit function. Also, ultra feminist girls perceive males as bad and evil if they are not in a nightclub but rather in a corporative place.
Mostly men dominated place: better to look manly. Mostly woman dominated place: best to look like a tall handsome soft adolescent: chico.
Conclusion for most places: looking fitness, tall and boyish (male but not so manly) should be enough to male gaze and get womans tolerance IN WORKPLACE NOT IN A NIGHTCLUB.

:6head:´´blue eyes are always a good option``
I have seen whiter people being judged as racist for no reason other then being verry white. In some places this can really f@ck you up. But yeah, racism also exist and blue eyes can look better. Therefore, it is a verry specific problem, you may not want to have blue eyes when you are walking down a dangerous latin american street where thugs judge either taller or pretty or whiter people as richer and, therefore, better to assault. Or being the only one with it in a place where people are jealous. Maybe contact lenses is the best option for maxxing it.
Crime environment, extended social life relations in classes, ultra left places=better to have black eyes. Middle class environment of fast social interactions like nightclubs and stores or marketing=better to have light eyes.

:6head:´´Mouth harmony only matters in size``
´´...a correlation between semblances of emotions of joy or anger in perceptions of high or low intelligence in faces, respectively...a slight upturn to the corners of the mouth``
Positively tilted mouth is important, both attractive and perceived as smart.

:6head:´´High width to height facial ratio is top, hunter skull``
You are negatively intimidating and people will only want you to be in a leader position in violent times, they usually prefer thinner faces in peace times but those are seen as weaker. Verry specific problem.

:6head:´´hieght moggs``
Yeah, thats true, but only till 6``1-6``3 if i recall correctly.

:6head:´´normal eye distancing is ideal``
´´Faces that are perceived as highly intelligent are rather prolonged with a broader distance between the eyes``
Better for being intellectually respected for free when giving a opinion and being perceived as competent, but bad in more casual places.

:6head:´´pronounced cheeks``
Just high is enough, too pronounced gives low trust and that is bad at getting jobs or making personal bonds.

:6head:´´put the most aesthetically hairstyle and cloths you can``
If you deviate too much from the norm, you will be socially excommunicate, weirds are avoided or sabotaged..., it have to not be too distinguished from the social places you go. If you go to many different social places, the best is to wear one that plays good enough in all of them, like a sprezzatura of sneakers with jeans with a blazer and solid t-shirt mix.

:6head:´´wide clavicula, shoulders and wide muscles``
Only if you are NOT short.

:6head:´´I will flirt with neighbors, college friends, people from my social circle on a daily basis``.:pogu:
You will be destroying your social life. Ex´´s or people who where flirted and rejected you hardly say good things about you or want to see you again in a social place:thisisfine:. Also, they may acuse you of being a stalker if you are a neighbor and dated them (when they see you just living your fu*king life in the street that you f&cking live).
Only date people far from your healthy organized social routine.:gigachad:

:6head:´´I will always dress super``
Try to avoid jealously, dress well but avoid being too rich or formal or fashion than the norm.

Basically, being Chico is better then Draco or Atesh or even Jordan.
For hallo effect, proportions are above dimorphism.
And dark and light tried must be balanced perfectly or you will be disrespected or isolated.

It is4:00 a.m., i will sleep.
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  • #5
dunno about the eye colors but interesting
I have this blue eye color friend and when we walk in the streets of rio, the burglars always go after him. The same happens to a chadlite soft friend.
I saw some ultra left person treating a light eye colegues really shitty while saying LITERALLY ´´you are a white shitty men, i dont like racists guys`` when he didnt even said a word (there were more cases like this but i wont writte too much).
So. having light eyes, empirically, wont always give you a positive social interaction, and for this reason changing colors when it is most convenient is the best for general positive social interaction aka GPSI.
I have this blue eye color friend and when we walk in the streets of rio, the burglars always go after him. The same happens to a chadlite soft friend.
I saw some ultra left person treating a light eye colegues really shitty while saying LITERALLY ´´you are a white shitty men, i dont like racists guys`` when he didnt even said a word (there were more cases like this but i wont writte too much).
So. having light eyes, empirically, wont always give you a positive social interaction, and for this reason changing colors when it is most convenient is the best for general positive social interaction aka GPSI.
imo, changing eye colors is too much work and can look uncanny, so yeah people can be treated worse or better for it but it doesnt really matter as much
´´Dismorphism is rule``
Workplace perception change depends on gender of coworkers:
Also, i had a internship in a mostly woman office and there was a polite capable guy who happened to be a super testosterone bald bodybuilder. They hated him so much for no reason just because of his manly look that he was f*****g transferred to a shit function. Also, ultra feminist girls perceive males as bad and evil if they are not in a nightclub but rather in a corporative place.
Mostly men dominated place: better to look manly. Mostly woman dominated place: best to look like a tall handsome soft adolescent: chico.
Conclusion for most places: looking fitness, tall and boyish (male but not so manly) should be enough to male gaze and get womans tolerance IN WORKPLACE NOT IN A NIGHTCLUB.

sounds over for males, most sub8 males should just take estrogen tbh
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  • #9

LOOKSMAXXING FOR NIGHCLUB LIFE MAY BE BAD FOR OTHER LIFE SCENES. This post is not for guys who only care about getting laid, it is actually focused on general positive social interaction and that is, scientifically, the most important factor in determining someone happiness/quality of life.​


Part 1:
You want to avoid looking weak while also appearing competent and powerful (avoid being mocked and gain free respect).

View attachment 31371

:6head:´´you should have ideally arched positive eyebrows``
If you do that, people will think you are dumb. But negative eyebrows are ugly.
The ideal should be a straight eyebrow.

:6head:´´Get a broader and manly chin``
People will think you are dumb if it is broad. And narrow/thin that is projected and sharp is know to look aggressive, even cartoon and 80`s villains have it; so even if you will look smarter with smaller but sharp agressive chin, you won't be as trusted.
The ideal is a projected sharp medium size chin.
:6head:´´Dismorphism is rule``
Workplace perception change depends on gender of coworkers:
Also, i had a internship in a mostly woman office and there was a polite capable guy who happened to be a super testosterone bald bodybuilder. They hated him so much for no reason just because of his manly look that he was f*****g transferred to a shit function. Also, ultra feminist girls perceive males as bad and evil if they are not in a nightclub but rather in a corporative place.
Mostly men dominated place: better to look manly. Mostly woman dominated place: best to look like a tall handsome soft adolescent: chico.
Conclusion for most places: looking fitness, tall and boyish (male but not so manly) should be enough to male gaze and get womans tolerance IN WORKPLACE NOT IN A NIGHTCLUB.

:6head:´´blue eyes are always a good option``
I have seen whiter people being judged as racist for no reason other then being verry white. In some places this can really f@ck you up. But yeah, racism also exist and blue eyes can look better. Therefore, it is a verry specific problem, you may not want to have blue eyes when you are walking down a dangerous latin american street where thugs judge either taller or pretty or whiter people as richer and, therefore, better to assault. Or being the only one with it in a place where people are jealous. Maybe contact lenses is the best option for maxxing it.
Crime environment, extended social life relations in classes, ultra left places=better to have black eyes. Middle class environment of fast social interactions like nightclubs and stores or marketing=better to have light eyes.

:6head:´´Mouth harmony only matters in size``
´´...a correlation between semblances of emotions of joy or anger in perceptions of high or low intelligence in faces, respectively...a slight upturn to the corners of the mouth``
Positively tilted mouth is important, both attractive and perceived as smart.

:6head:´´High width to height facial ratio is top, hunter skull``
You are negatively intimidating and people will only want you to be in a leader position in violent times, they usually prefer thinner faces in peace times but those are seen as weaker. Verry specific problem.

:6head:´´hieght moggs``
Yeah, thats true, but only till 6``1-6``3 if i recall correctly.

:6head:´´normal eye distancing is ideal``
´´Faces that are perceived as highly intelligent are rather prolonged with a broader distance between the eyes``
Better for being intellectually respected for free when giving a opinion and being perceived as competent, but bad in more casual places.

:6head:´´pronounced cheeks``
Just high is enough, too pronounced gives low trust and that is bad at getting jobs or making personal bonds.

:6head:´´put the most aesthetically hairstyle and cloths you can``
If you deviate too much from the norm, you will be socially excommunicate, weirds are avoided or sabotaged..., it have to not be too distinguished from the social places you go. If you go to many different social places, the best is to wear one that plays good enough in all of them, like a sprezzatura of sneakers with jeans with a blazer and solid t-shirt mix.

:6head:´´wide clavicula, shoulders and wide muscles``
Only if you are NOT short.

:6head:´´I will flirt with neighbors, college friends, people from my social circle on a daily basis``.:pogu:
You will be destroying your social life. Ex´´s or people who where flirted and rejected you hardly say good things about you or want to see you again in a social place:thisisfine:. Also, they may acuse you of being a stalker if you are a neighbor and dated them (when they see you just living your fu*king life in the street that you f&cking live).
Only date people far from your healthy organized social routine.:gigachad:

:6head:´´I will always dress super``
Try to avoid jealously, dress well but avoid being too rich or formal or fashion than the norm.

Basically, being Chico is better then Draco or Atesh or even Jordan.
For hallo effect, proportions are above dimorphism.
And dark and light tried must be balanced perfectly or you will be disrespected or isolated.

It is4:00 a.m., i will sleep.
trustworthyscale.jpg untrustworthy face, at its most extreme, is,down and eyebrows pointing down at the center.
´´from most trustworthy at left; to neutral in the middle; to least trustworthy at right.``

Note: Again, positive tilted mouth is associated as a good trait

As you can see, most of the trustworthy face also correlates with non-dominant status not giving too much ideal extremes to our transformation on GPSI guide, but the nose is one of the exceptions.
The ideal nose nostril should be narrow.


Dense dark thick eyebrows have been a good thing in almost every research with exception of youthness for woman. And long ones are something good. So dark, long and thick eyebrows are ideal.

RESUME of balanced traits for max social positive perception:
Mouth: positive tilted.
Eyebrow: neutral tilted, long, dark and tick.
Nose: nostril must be narrow while total nose is broad enough to respect mouth harmony and add competence.
Chin: projected sharp medium size.
Eyes: a bit far from each other.
View attachment 31455 untrustworthy face, at its most extreme, is,down and eyebrows pointing down at the center.
´´from most trustworthy at left; to neutral in the middle; to least trustworthy at right.``

Note: Again, positive tilted mouth is associated as a good trait

As you can see, most of the trustworthy face also correlates with non-dominant status not giving too much ideal extremes to our transformation on GPSI guide, but the nose is one of the exceptions.
The ideal nose nostril should be narrow.

View attachment 31456

Dense dark thick eyebrows have been a good thing in almost every research with exception of youthness for woman. And long ones are something good. So dark, long and thick eyebrows are ideal.

RESUME of balanced traits for max social positive perception:
Mouth: positive tilted.
Eyebrow: neutral tilted, long, dark and tick.
Nose: nostril must be narrow while total nose is broad enough to respect mouth harmony and add competence.
Chin: projected sharp medium size.
Eyes: a bit far from each other.
When u get bullied cause u don't look intimidating and not get taken seriously cause of looking incompetent thei nteractions will not be called positive by you
Low trust guys are seen as competent and better candidates for jobs they get jobs very easily when they try (most lost trust guys don't)
Pronounced cheeks mog

Being a boneless high trust low t f****t simpcuck isn't going to get u anywhere in life
If u look mogger then what u wear doesn't matter

U could wear the most weird corny fashion model clothes and people will respect
If u get assaulted its not cuz of ur mogger eye colour
No such thing as too tall in today world

Unless u are in a shit country (u will have problems in daily life cause u don't fit in anything and nothing fits u )
Wide clavicles are halo for men of all heights
Flirting as subchadlite is never good u have a good point
Overall sounds like a thread where making failos appear as halos

Shit thread

Doesn't make sense

Try to live life near people who are crazy and stupid (high t low iq males) i am not like them
U clearly don't understand how much low trust features matter and to balance u need good colouring , good lips , and eyelashes , feminine hair . These things paired with low trust feature produce moggers.(u can be mogger without all of them)

Imagine if Richard Ramirez had thin, dark lips with straight hair , he would be scary ogre but having the opposites made him mogger
Overall sounds like a thread where making failos appear as halos

Shit thread

Doesn't make sense

Try to live life near people who are crazy and stupid (high t low iq males) i am not like them
U clearly don't understand how much low trust features matter and to balance u need good colouring , good lips , and eyelashes , feminine hair . These things paired with low trust feature produce moggers.(u can be mogger without all of them)

Imagine if Richard Ramirez had thin, dark lips with straight hair , he would be scary ogre but having the opposites made him mogger
U can also be a mogger with low trust feature with a feminine eye area (henry cavill)

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