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Had a dream I had a gf


Well-known member
Established Member
Aug 15, 2023
In the dream I was a normal above average looking male below 6 feet in height. I approached a girl and had approach anxiety, but the amount of anxiety a normal male has. (IRL when I approach a girl I have 10x the amount of anxiety than that and feel autistic.) In the dream, she did not reject me, she was into me and wanted to be my gf.

So I was walking around town. There was a road and I was waiting to cross the road then my gf texts me. I got slightly irritated because I waited 5 minutes to cross the road and I finally had an opening, but I had to text. I felt anxiety like if I didn't text her right away she would dump me. Even though I had a gf I still felt anxiety. It was still better than being an incel, but it didn't feel that utopian, I still felt anxiety often that if I didn't say or do what she wanted that she might dump me.

Then I went into a restaurant and they messed up my order. I was complaining and the workers kept arguing with me like it was my fault, even though it was their fault. During the argument, the workers started walking towards me and crowding in front of me, so I started walking backwards. There was a group of 3 unattractive short and overweight females sitting on an circular shaped couch. I needed a shower at that time, and my crotch stank. One of them got a whiff of my butt, then starting bitching and moaning at me about it, in a really rude way, getting up and tirading me about it. I felt really embarrassed and ashamed so I power-walked away and forgot to get the food I ordered.

That was the dream. I had a gf, but I didn't feel that much better than an incel. I don't remember getting laid in the dream. The dream was only slightly above meh. I have had dreams where am I a cis female. Those are usually much better dreams and I feel a lot better in those dreams. The point is, what a lot of incels want, is to be treated like a cis female. I don't think its enough just to get a girlfriend, because you might still have anxiety about her dumping you. When you are a cis female, you have all the power and confidence and feel secure about yourself. The problem is HRT is not a reliable technology to become a cis female.
bro is having gender identity crisis
getting a gf irl will be much more better trust me
if u have gf why do you darktriad max
I do not have a gf at the moment , i dont believe in commitment like that until it should be worth it , i get any girl i want anyway ( friends with benefits or situantionships until i get bored ) i believe in fast life genes .
but for youe case a gf or a positive female figure in your life will be good for you
i dark triad maxx because i love power and what comes with it
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I do not have a gf at the moment , i dont believe in commitment like that until it should be worth it , i get any girl i want anyway ( friends with benefits or situantionships until i get bored ) i believe in fast life genes .
but for youe case a gf or a positive female figure in your life will be good for you
i dark triad maxx because i love power and what comes with it
Dreams are the objective reality. Real life is subjective and not a true reality because of peer pressure. You know this.

Let me explain. In real life you are always trying to conform to social norms because of peer pressure. Most of the time you do not realize this because its automatic. In a dream its different. For example if you go walk outside in a dream you do not care what other's opinion of you is, unless that is part of the specific plot of the dream. In a dream things just happen naturally, but in real life you start to micromanage.

Thus I believe being a cis female is objectively better than being a dark triad male. But being a cis female is definitely better than being an incel male, it would be difficult to debate otherwise. The problem is, HRT is not a reliable technology to become a cis female. But if there was some way to magically choose between becoming cis female or dark triad male, I do not believe there would be any contest in terms of what has the most quality of life. But since there is no way to magically choose that, I believe you have the upper hand because I have a bad lower third and not enough cheek development, so I am stuck as an incel male. The idea of a positive female figure in my life who doesn't reject me sexually seems like pure fantasy
why do you deny reality
as the ontological argument says : it is greater for a being or something to exist in reality than merely in the mind. In other words, a being that exists is greater than a being that is only imagined.
dreams are temporary , not real , you may find pleasure in them but is is not real
i believe you have the upper hand because I have a bad lower third and not enough cheek development, so I am stuck as an incel male. The idea of a positive female figure in my life who doesn't reject me sexually seems like pure fantasy
it is harsh that it is over , but the quest to make your life better is still there
i mean you lose nothing , hope is the only thing you have
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  • #8
why do you deny reality
Because reality is only a simulation.

as the ontological argument says : it is greater for a being or something to exist in reality than merely in the mind. In other words, a being that exists is greater than a being that is only imagined.
dreams are temporary , not real , you may find pleasure in them but is is not real
Dreams are not the same as imagination.

Dreams being temporary gives them more value. For example, reality of working at a boring office job 9 to 5 at the exact same location everyday, makes it lose value.

And there are 5 or more types of imagination that you have to specify.
1. Daydream: When you are at school and bored and you have a lame daydream just to pass the time.
2. Divine daydream: When you are connected to Source and get a better daydream, almost like you are on drugs, except with 1 problem is a random noise can break the trance.
3. Dreams: For example if you are in a dream and trip on a log it actually feels like you are falling and your leg muscles react.
4. Videogames: When you are in a good videogame you are in another reality, but videogames are usually not as potent as dreams. And when AAA studios make games they are usually lame and not that much better than a daydream.
5. Movies: When you watch cinematic movies you develop mirror neurons empathy so it is like you are a spirit watching over the protagonist of the movie. If you watch porn it is like you are a spiritual cuck jacking off to two random people in the porn because you fell in love with them instantly.
6. Drugs: Drugs can enhance imagination or even challenge the laws of physics, some claim to become 5d or 7d on drugs and ascending to true reality. And some claim true reality has literally more than 4 actual mathematical geometric dimensions.
7. Hallucinations: Your brain fakes reality in order to optimize computations. When the prediction algorithm fails is when you see hallucinations. However, some believe some hallucinations are not merely a brain glitch, but a glitch of actual reality.

it is harsh that it is over , but the quest to make your life better is still there
i mean you lose nothing , hope is the only thing you have
Bane said that hope is an illusion.
Bane said that hope is an illusion.
still it is the only thing preventing you from ending your life , subconsciously
Dreams being temporary gives them more value. For example, reality of working at a boring office job 9 to 5 at the exact same location everyday, makes it lose value.
you must embrace reality , embrace the suffering , the absurdity , all the shitty things accept them
that is my advice to you , be stoic about your case and move on , better things may await you
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still it is the only thing preventing you from ending your life , subconsciously
i posted a guide for the afterlife here:

but that's just it. a guide. a guide of my best information and to the best of my ability based on data and resources that I have gathered, that is the most probable outcome. But that is just it, its what I believe is the most probable outcome, I am not 100% sure of it. It seems wiser to stay alive in order to gather more data, gather more analysis, create more accurate analyses. Even if my thread is 100% true, its just a guide, who is to say my advice will even work out, you might just reincarnate on the planet anyway.

and its like what do the new generations have? They have nothing, that's what. Its like they got crappy CGI cartoons with no talent. its like the earlier gens had Bill nye they had science they had substance. Now what do the new gens got All they do is watch tiktok and vapid meaningless content, they sit on social media being jealous of people and lusting at fictional anime pics. its like they are dopamine addicted to nothing. who would want to reincarnate into this world as a newgen. that alone should make u reconsider ropemaxing or not.
In the dream I was a normal above average looking male below 6 feet in height. I approached a girl and had approach anxiety, but the amount of anxiety a normal male has. (IRL when I approach a girl I have 10x the amount of anxiety than that and feel autistic.) In the dream, she did not reject me, she was into me and wanted to be my gf.

So I was walking around town. There was a road and I was waiting to cross the road then my gf texts me. I got slightly irritated because I waited 5 minutes to cross the road and I finally had an opening, but I had to text. I felt anxiety like if I didn't text her right away she would dump me. Even though I had a gf I still felt anxiety. It was still better than being an incel, but it didn't feel that utopian, I still felt anxiety often that if I didn't say or do what she wanted that she might dump me.

Then I went into a restaurant and they messed up my order. I was complaining and the workers kept arguing with me like it was my fault, even though it was their fault. During the argument, the workers started walking towards me and crowding in front of me, so I started walking backwards. There was a group of 3 unattractive short and overweight females sitting on an circular shaped couch. I needed a shower at that time, and my crotch stank. One of them got a whiff of my butt, then starting bitching and moaning at me about it, in a really rude way, getting up and tirading me about it. I felt really embarrassed and ashamed so I power-walked away and forgot to get the food I ordered.

That was the dream. I had a gf, but I didn't feel that much better than an incel. I don't remember getting laid in the dream. The dream was only slightly above meh. I have had dreams where am I a cis female. Those are usually much better dreams and I feel a lot better in those dreams. The point is, what a lot of incels want, is to be treated like a cis female. I don't think its enough just to get a girlfriend, because you might still have anxiety about her dumping you. When you are a cis female, you have all the power and confidence and feel secure about yourself. The problem is HRT is not a reliable technology to become a cis female.
n***a get some help
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gyattttttttt hmu when you fully trans
last night i had some more dreams.

first dream playing halo, there was a white cis male narrating on the mic complaining about a player in the game (wasn't me they were complaining about.) The gameplay of halo seemed better than the halo of this reality, and I kept killing people with grenades. In my dreams I play popular games that most people in this reality have played, except that I have access to an alternate timeline where the games are better and different than this reality.

In the 90s this timeline was about on par in quality with the alternate timeline, after the late 90s the timelines start to diverge in quality and this reality (the reality you all are in) started to become more dystopian.

Next dream I had I was a girl in a fps getting headshots, it seemed like VR where it was reality. And of course the gameplay was better than this reality. Next dream I was in a computer lab, I remember feeling like a male in the dream and trying to be cis, and feeling uncomfortable and insecure and sexually frustrated and incel. There was a girl behind me that I was sexually attracted to, she was non-white and dark color and had cosplay armor of a person from a videogame. I dont remember what happened but, somehow I magically knew she was a lesbian and that she would reject me, so I somehow transformed into her twin sister, but keeping my penis, and also magically growing my penis to double in size. But somehow, before she kissed me, somehow we magically divided (like 2 cells seperating) and i went back to being a male incel while their twin sister kissed them, i remember feeling hopeless.

Next dream there was a bunch of girls, they felt upperclass, it didn't feel first-person like I was the girls, but a spirit watching over them in third-person. And I had a lot of empathy in the dream to the point like I could feel their emotions, and I realized it is better to be a girl than man. Something about their emotional expression just felt more natural and genuine.

Transition is not the same, estrogen doesnt fully feminize the brain, I am talking about magically becoming a girl. I guess if I had to summarize in one word, is that being male feels poor, being a girl feels rich. For example one of the best times of having male testosterone was when I felt like poor white trash. And when I feel girly I feel rich and magical.

I realize I am a two spirit and therefore alpha and therefore have the most rational opinions.

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