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Info Hairloss.


New member
Aug 23, 2019
I haven’t seen much about hairloss in this forum so I’ve decided to make a thread to help those who are suffering of MPB.
So from all the research I’ve done, I’ve come to the conclusion that hair loss is cause by the 3 things (I could be wrong we still don’t know what causes hairloss which is why we haven’t found a cure for it) DHT, Internal inflammation and external inflammation. If DHT was the only reason behind hairloss finasteride alone would be enough yet there’s people who take finasteride and still lose hair. This means hairloss is cause by multiple things not just DHT.
Get products that help with DHT and scalp inflammation.
For DHT:
. It’s one of the few FDA approved drugs for hairloss. Study shows 2-3 percent of people who take finasteride experience side effects. Many of the people who experienced in this study kept on taking finasteride as they were satisfied with the results and eventually their side effects went away. The people who quit the drug due to side effects reported that their side effects also went away after quitting. Finasteride also seems to be effective long term as study shows that after 10 years, 86 percent of men using finasteride were above baseline.
Hair Regrowth:
Minoxidil. It’s also FDA approved. It helps the hair grow and I would recommend the 5%. Side effects may include wrinkles so don’t let it drip or get on your face. Make sure to apply it 2-3 hours before you go to sleep so it doesn’t get on your pillow and then on your face.
Dermarolling. If you’re not responding to minoxidil, I would recommend to dermaroll before applying minoxidil as it will help absorb minoxidil and basically make you a good responder. When dermarolling it’s important to clean your dermaroller and don’t press too hard.
Ketoconazole. I would recommend a shampoo with Ketoconazole (regenepure dr,nizoral).
If you have bad external inflammation I would also recommend an egg white hair mask.
For internal inflammation it’s mostly supplements.
Here’s some of the stuff that helps with internal inflammation.
Curcumin, Ginkgo Biloba Extract, Stinging Nettle Extract, Green tea extract, Fish oil, Borage Oil, Perilla Oil, Perilla leaf extract, grape seed extract and vitamin E.
You don’t have to buy every supplement on the list however get whatever helps with your inflammation.To sum it up What’s most important is solving DHT (finasteride), Hair regrowth (Minoxidil, maybe dermarolling), and inflammation (Ketoconazole shampoo, supplements to help with inflammation).
using fin is low iq

every single supplement besides curcumin (extract) is also cope
How is fin low iq?
DHT has other roles in erection/ejaculation/muscle building besides just being stronger than T
I’ve met people who are on fin who don’t have a problem with elections and can build muscle. I personally think it depends on the person. If you’re in the unlucky 2-3 percent who experience those side effects then yeah don’t take finasteride.
y41112 on looksmaxxing

Joined Jan 9, 2019 Messages 2,137

Jul 28, 2019

  • #3

Framletgod said:

TLDR: You're either fucked or not. Finasteride won't save your sorry ass from eventually going bald. There's only one way you can be saved.
I’ve met people who are on fin who don’t have a problem with elections and can build muscle. I personally think it depends on the person. If you’re in the unlucky 2-3 percent who experience those side effects then yeah don’t take finasteride.
i never took or will ever take fin. i barely even have body hair besides my pubes and im NW0.5

as you can see people prone to balding have less rectangles and lines
On a serious note though. There's no way to tell if you're predisposed. But slow hair growth (head hair) throughout your life would be an indicate that you're prone. Quick and full growth would indicate the opposite. ie: after a haircut, when you're like 5-18 yrs old. It'd be easier to identify men with high Anagen phase activity as they wouldn't be taking steroids yet or pumping out lots of androgens. 5-9 years old would probably be the best age range to heuristically tell if you're going to go bald or not.

You see 0ng/dl T soyboys who are bald because they have genetically underactive Anagen phases since birth, thin hair, slow growth. It's not DHT or androgens that did them in and made them bald at 24y/o. It was TIME that took it's toll. Time in a proportionately more active Catagen phase(s) than active Anagen phase(s).

C:A activity ratio over time. Lowering DHT works, but if you're predispositioned to MPB, you're just slowing things down. You don't have the Anagen phase activity of a non MPB prone male (until you start taking sm04554).
On a serious note though. There's no way to tell if you're predisposed. But slow hair growth (head hair) throughout your life would be an indicate that you're prone. Quick and full growth would indicate the opposite. ie: after a haircut, when you're like 5-18 yrs old. It'd be easier to identify men with high Anagen phase activity as they wouldn't be taking steroids yet or pumping out lots of androgens. 5-9 years old would probably be the best age range to heuristically tell if you're going to go bald or not.

You see 0ng/dl T soyboys who are bald because they have genetically underactive Anagen phases since birth, thin hair, slow growth. It's not DHT or androgens that did them in and made them bald at 24y/o. It was TIME that took it's toll. Time in a proportionately more active Catagen phase(s) than active Anagen phase(s).

C:A activity ratio over time. Lowering DHT works, but if you're predispositioned to MPB, you're just slowing things down. You don't have the Anagen phase activity of a non MPB prone male (until you start taking sm04554).
after i got a buzzcut it grew back long in like 3 months i think, is that slow tbh?
i never took or will ever take fin. i barely even have body hair besides my pubes and im NW0.5
I’m just going by the research and what I’ve seen has worked best for other people. The research indicates finasteride is effective on stopping hairloss. The people who have taken finasteride for over 5 even 10 years have stopped their hairloss without any side effects. I’m not saying finasteride isn’t harmful but all the research and tests done on finasteride indicate that it’s effective and safe. Unless once again you’re in the unlucky 2-3 percent.
I've no clue man. You'd be able to make a better assessment than me :)
high inhib

I’m just going by the research and what I’ve seen has worked best for other people. The research indicates finasteride is effective on stopping hairloss. The people who have taken finasteride for over 5 even 10 years have stopped their hairloss without any side effects. I’m not saying finasteride isn’t harmful but all the research and tests done on finasteride indicate that it’s effective and safe. Unless once again you’re in the unlucky 2-3 percent.
vegan diets are also considered safe and healthy by (((doctors))) JFL @ u thinking most doctors dont just barely get trough med school memorizing everything just to make a lot of money afterward

most doctors are retards good at memorizing and with enough money to pay for med school

as you can see people prone to balding have less rectangles and lines