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Has anyone here done a heightmaxxing stack?


if you can’t join them, rise above them
Established Member
Dec 21, 2023
If so what did you take and at what dosage? What was your experience like and what were your results? What was one thing you wish you did differently?

I am 14m. After precisely measuring myself today with someone else’s help, I came to find out that I am 5’10”/178 cm.

All that I know about heightmaxxing atm is:
-HGH is the basis of the stack
-bacteriostatic water is needed to reconstitute it
-3mm syringe
-fridge to store it in
-you also need an aromatase inhibitor such as aromasin (I might look at a natural one like DIM, chrysin, stinging nettle, or grape seed extract)
-you also need a somatostatin inhibitor

-none of this matters without high protein intake
-good lifestyle, 8+ hours of sleep, lots of real food
-might take TUDCA for liver support
-might take fish oil and glucosamine for joint and cartilage health
-might take beet powder to manage blood pressure

other things
-alternatively mk-677 can be used instead of hgh but it’s risky
-alternatively IGFs can be used but they don’t travel through the body effectively

please share personal experiences and thoughts as I have made up my mind to do a heightmaxxing cycle, I just need advice on how to do it most safely and effectively
Too obsessed with height, I’m 5”9 ft and have had amazing success with women, also shoe lifts are a thing 2” shoe lifts can easily make you taller and you get used to them. Worry about if your face genetics determine if it’s over or not for you
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  • #3
Too obsessed with height, I’m 5”9 ft and have had amazing success with women, also shoe lifts are a thing 2” shoe lifts can easily make you taller and you get used to them. Worry about if your face genetics determine if it’s over or not for you
while I agree with your point, my growth plates are still open so I might as well not waste my potential
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  • #5
yeah man the earlier the better
If your 5”10 already at 14 your gonna make it bro lol above average height you’ll be fine even if you don’t grow anymore but if you can grow more that’s a plus
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  • #8
taking hormones at such a young age will f**k you up
after doing some more research I tend to agree, especially with the aromatase inhibitors, and plus hgh is hard to get and expensive

I think I might try some supplements and maybe CJC 1295 DAC or GHRP 2, which are prohormones (meaning it is similar to growth hormone releasing hormone, basically tells the pituitary gland to produce more hgh. So this won’t result in excessively high levels of GH and IGF 1, it only makes sure your body is producing as much as is possible.)

And i’d cycle it and do PCT to prevent any effects on my pituitary function
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