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Discussion Heightmaxxing

Buddy Boyo

LGBTQP+ supporter
Jul 24, 2019
Neoples Buttcunt
Im 20 now and 6'1 which is a very lowkey height nowadays

my wingspan is 6'5 so theres a high possibility that ive been robbed off several Inches of height due to my high Estrogen Levels and my horrible knock knees

Is there any non autism way to gain a few Inches of height? Im mostly interested in leg length, correcting my knock knees could lead up to a Inch of height

ive heard ankle weights can produce good results, there was a polish guy on a limb lengthening Forum who recently gained 3cm through ankle weight hanging, he gained it within 8 months and he was 20 at the beginning

ive heard hgh can also help, although the HGH im injecting is probably very low grade if not even fake, so it would probably only work with pharma grade HGH which is impossible to get as a small man

but i heard there are also good peptides
Ankle weights is legit.
I used to hang on a pull up bar and stay hanging on it for like 1 and a half minutes.

I saw a rapid height increase when i was 15 yo.
I'm growing at least 1/2 and inch every year.

I used to go to swimming, swimming is legit, however results in adults is very hard to see. But possible.

Right now, I do a lot of stretching and skipping, I will start swimming soon.
HGH of a good quality will definitely give results however, I don't use it, i don't feel the need to.

Because my goal is only to be 188 cm, i'm currently 184 cm.
I already fraud my height till 6'2" when I wear shoes and my hairstyle.

I mainly focus on spine lengthening, cause my legs are already quite long.
Drink milk twice everyday, try eating two bananas everyday. The point is to get a lot of calcium. But if you choose supplements, then go for it.
Try reducing weights if you life too heavy, If you are not, working out right now, stick to body weights.

Get enough sleep and nutrient intake.
Ironically, all of this is bluepilled advice i saw on YT and articles tbh. But all of it worked for me.
I wasn't very hardcore with my routine to increase height. I was 5'9" 2 years ago, but gaining height was a slow procedure, it wasn't in my priority.

Idk if you consider these autism methods or not, but it all gave me impressive results, i'm happy ngl.
Up to you if you want to try. If you want more info in detail, pm me.
Im 20 now and 6'1 which is a very lowkey height nowadays

my wingspan is 6'5 so theres a high possibility that ive been robbed off several Inches of height due to my high Estrogen Levels and my horrible knock knees

Is there any non autism way to gain a few Inches of height? Im mostly interested in leg length, correcting my knock knees could lead up to a Inch of height

ive heard ankle weights can produce good results, there was a polish guy on a limb lengthening Forum who recently gained 3cm through ankle weight hanging, he gained it within 8 months and he was 20 at the beginning

ive heard hgh can also help, although the HGH im injecting is probably very low grade if not even fake, so it would probably only work with pharma grade HGH which is impossible to get as a small man

but i heard there are also good peptides
you could wear lifts for an extra inch pretty easily
Heightmaxxing is a meme, and you're 20 yo so it's over anyway
Ankle weights is legit.
I used to hang on a pull up bar and stay hanging on it for like 1 and a half minutes.

I saw a rapid height increase when i was 15 yo.
I'm growing at least 1/2 and inch every year.

I used to go to swimming, swimming is legit, however results in adults is very hard to see. But possible.

Right now, I do a lot of stretching and skipping, I will start swimming soon.
HGH of a good quality will definitely give results however, I don't use it, i don't feel the need to.

Because my goal is only to be 188 cm, i'm currently 184 cm.
I already fraud my height till 6'2" when I wear shoes and my hairstyle.

I mainly focus on spine lengthening, cause my legs are already quite long.
Drink milk twice everyday, try eating two bananas everyday. The point is to get a lot of calcium. But if you choose supplements, then go for it.
Try reducing weights if you life too heavy, If you are not, working out right now, stick to body weights.

Get enough sleep and nutrient intake.
Ironically, all of this is bluepilled advice i saw on YT and articles tbh. But all of it worked for me.
I wasn't very hardcore with my routine to increase height. I was 5'9" 2 years ago, but gaining height was a slow procedure, it wasn't in my priority.

Idk if you consider these autism methods or not, but it all gave me impressive results, i'm happy ngl.
Up to you if you want to try. If you want more info in detail, pm me.
Could you do a thread about ankle weight
No its not over at 6'1. OP if you are 20, it is likely that your growth plates have fused. So using hgh will not do shit. If you want 4 inches of growth, you can only correct posture( if it is shit), wear lifts and fraud hair. Other option is to just get LL.
Use glucosamine maybe. Some users say it gave them an inch. It might help.

But at 6'1 you aren't at any form of disadvantage anywhere in the world. You can lift to 6'3 which is what girls fetishise the most.

Edit: it could also be the case that you are a late bloomer. To check, get an x ray of your tibia and femur and check if your growth plates have fused. If they aren't, get on aromasin and 5 iu of hgh
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