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New member
Jul 23, 2023
I'm 15 and I'm 5'5 , I'm so much insecure about my height cuz most of my classmates are taller than me so I feel a sense of inferiority so I want to increase my height as much as possible, any tips?
Lower your estrogen, on top of that eat quality food and exercise like sprinting. A good sleep would also help a lot, and pray to god u get taller lmao
Try buying truheight gummies on Amazon they are an easy source of calcium and vitamin d I have alright genetics and I went from 5 8 at 14 to 5 10 in a month
Try buying truheight gummies on Amazon they are an easy source of calcium and vitamin d I have alright genetics and I went from 5 8 at 14 to 5 10 in a month
u sure those work? or could it be placebo? idk but seems a bit unrealistic tbh
don´t worry brother, When I was 15 I was about 170cm now I´m 183 at 17 and 1/2. You have a lot of time to grow, to be precise four years, you´ll grow until 19 years old. Here a few tips:
1. sleep 8+ a day
2. don´t eat any food 2-3 hours before you go to sleep
3. start exercising about 3 times a week. you can hit the gym or do calisthenics
4. eat healthy nutritional food (watch some youtube videos about a healthy diet that maxximises growth)
just live a healthy lifestyle to maximize the human growth hormone, which is responsible for your growth.

5. special tipp start sprinting: it increases human growth hormone by three or fourfold if you sprint correctly. It isn´t important how fast you are, but rather how much effort you put into it and how close to failure you can come
my routine is:
20-30 seconds all-out sprinting
90-120 seconds rest
and repeat this process 8-10 times for maximum results. And this one workout do 2-3 times a week
but being dutch is a cheat code bro
I am Dutch, so it's kind of unfair, but I am 18 years old and 194 cm tall. The things I think have the most effect are sleep; I used to sleep 8-10 hours a day, nutrition; I think the Dutch diet plays a role as well, as I eat vegetables, potatoes, and meat every day, and exercise.

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