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Hi, I’m Audrey

Dec 21, 2024
My name is Audrey, im 16 years old and im from SoCal. I’ve been looking to get into modeling with my friend and plan to do some shoots in the summer. Though im not entirely interested in looksmaxxing I still admire the fact that you guys in this community can really help people change the way they look physically. I’m constantly trying to improve myself so if you have any tips feel free to send them. These are just some pictures but I have many others on my tiktok. Other than that I just wanted to say hi. tt: audreymarryme


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He most popular example would be Curlyheadjames. I won't get into that here, but there's a yt vid on it.
This was fake btw
He only had teeth extractions and it made him uncanny
Looksmax was not the reason for his mental health struggles either, he just vented on there pretty sure
ima just say it. the brunette is to fat as it is now. she should loose some weight if she wants to modell
Femininity maxx listen to lana delrey. and learn how to play with mens emotions and you'll bag a millionare before 20 srs

i havent seen ur tik tok but if you can pull off the innocent bambi vibe guys will be obsessed and you'll make bank
in the most respectful way I can say this, your friend will look way better if she loses some weight, not drastically but like some kgs
She's definitely not fat and is actually really pretty, she'll just look better with a lower weight
especially when modeling, it's pretty known it's easier if you're thin, she has potential
I'd say she's mid to high MTB while you're high MTB to HTB? not too sure
stacylite tbh, it depends on what your height and weight is if you want to model. models are verryyyy skinny and their bmis are usually in the underweight range, i think you have the perfect look to model!!!
You have a model face but you need to be tall and underweight to model, thus doesn't mean starve yourself btw
Female models are usually 5'8+ sometimes 5'7 but you`re probably better off if you`re like 5'9. Runway are very thin and have specific measurements while commercial not as strict.
