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Hi, I’m Audrey

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Probably. What a shame.
she wouldn't have gone for any incel anyways my friend.. focus on the real world and strive to be a man who can have a beautiful relationship
she wouldn't have gone for any incel anyways my friend.. focus on the real world and strive to be a man who can have a beautiful relationship
Who cares what she would have gone for? That's what manipulation is for. To have your way with girls that "wouldn't have gone for you".
Who cares what she would have gone for? That's what manipulation is for. To have your way with girls that "wouldn't have gone for you".
bro.. manipulation wont work if ur ugly and unsocial and say weird incel shit?
My name is Audrey, im 16 years old and im from SoCal. I’ve been looking to get into modeling with my friend and plan to do some shoots in the summer. Though im not entirely interested in looksmaxxing I still admire the fact that you guys in this community can really help people change the way they look physically. I’m constantly trying to improve myself so if you have any tips feel free to send them. These are just some pictures but I have many others on my tiktok. Other than that I just wanted to say hi. tt: audreymarryme
Delete this thread, there's too many simps tryna be cool in the comments and I can't take this cringe nomo
It's because it's just that she's physically the embodiment of everything I dreamed of in a girl, and I'll never have it.
there’s no way 💀
bro.. manipulation wont work if ur ugly and unsocial and say weird incel shit?
If you're a man all sex and relationships should be the product of manipulation. That's natural. You're supposed to make a woman want you. Girls want to be manipulated and made to think about you all the time. They want you to play with tension. They want you to tease.

If you're with a girl and you didn't get her through manipulation then she settled for you.
If you're a man all sex and relationships should be the product of manipulation. That's natural. You're supposed to make a woman want you. Girls want to be manipulated and made to think about you all the time. They want you to play with tension. They want you to tease.

If you're with a girl and you didn't get her through manipulation then she settled for you.
You're not supposed to "make" a woman want you, she either wants you, or she doesn't. Manipulation is cope.
You're not supposed to "make" a woman want you, she either wants you, or she doesn't. Manipulation is cope.
Looks and personality are just a prerequisite to getting to know you. Girls want a man that's skillful in interaction too if they're gonna get sprung.

If what you're saying were true then girls wouldn't so often get turned off after getting to know guys that they for a time liked from a distance.
If you're a man all sex and relationships should be the product of manipulation. That's natural. You're supposed to make a woman want you. Girls want to be manipulated and made to think about you all the time. They want you to play with tension. They want you to tease.

If you're with a girl and you didn't get her through manipulation then she settled for you.
2nd part is not true at all, but manipulation can "help" only if your good looking enough and want a toxic relationship.
Looks and personality are just a prerequisite to getting to know you. Girls want a man that's skillful in interaction too if they're gonna get sprung.

If what you're saying were true then girls wouldn't so often get turned off after getting to know guys that they for a time liked from a distance.
And how often does that happen. I've never seen it.
If you're a man all sex and relationships should be the product of manipulation. That's natural. You're supposed to make a woman want you. Girls want to be manipulated and made to think about you all the time. They want you to play with tension. They want you to tease.

If you're with a girl and you didn't get her through manipulation then she settled for you.
teasing and playing with tension. . . setting boundaries and space at times.. that's not manipulation. . . manipulation is a negative connotation.
2nd part is not true at all, but manipulation can "help" only if your good looking enough and want a toxic relationship.
I don't think you know what toxic is. Or you've been conditioned to think it's something that it's not.
I don't think you know what toxic is. Or you've been conditioned to think it's something that it's not.
nope, i'm pretty sure i understand it with the amount of bops i've talked to
And how often does that happen. I've never seen it.
Have you ever had a hot girl that was a close relative or a friend who dated a lot of guys? One that knows you don't want to bang her?
What is a bop?
it's a woman who has had relationships so many times that she can't have a well functioning relationship anymore because of communication issues and constantly comparing their man to other men they have had
it's a woman who has had relationships so many times that she can't have a well functioning relationship anymore because of communication issues and constantly comparing their man to other men they have had
Oh, a whore. How the hell is talking to one of those going to help you understand what a toxic relationship is? For them everything is toxic trauma dumping is a past time.
Oh, a whore. How the hell is talking to one of those going to help you understand what a toxic relationship is? For them everything is toxic trauma dumping is just a mere past time.
lmao i didn't talk to them to understand what a toxic relationship is, i have just had experience with them, therefore I have had experience with toxic relationships
lmao i didn't talk to them to understand what a toxic relationship is, i have just had experience with them, therefore I have had experience with toxic relationships
So you were the one being manipulated. It's supposed to be the other way around. Of course a man getting manipulated by a woman is gonna be toxic.
So you were the one being manipulated. It's supposed to be the other way around. Of course a man getting manipulated by a woman is gonna be toxic.
never said that lol, they ended up liking me but i had to manipulate them to get there because THEY are bops.. in all the nice relationships I have that was never a problem i had to deal with
never said that lol, they ended up liking me but i had to manipulate them to get there because THEY are bops.. in all the nice relationships I have that was never a problem i had to deal with
So you're saying you were being toxic?
two way thing, communication issues, but my original point about manipulation stands
Girls like guys that can can hold intrigue. Tactfully leaving things that the other person strongly desires to know to the imagination is manipulation, but I wouldn't consider it toxic. And it's not the same thing as playing games in order to keep a fast slut under your thumb, which is what you seem to be talking about.
Girls like guys that can can hold intrigue. Tactfully leaving things that the other person strongly desires to know to the imagination is manipulation, but I wouldn't consider it toxic. And it's not the same thing as playing games in order to keep a fast slut under your thumb, which is what you seem to be talking about.
true but manipulation is used with a negative connotation in most cases, the way you describe it isn't really negative, but yes when you said manipulation i assumed you meant playing them
true but manipulation is used with a negative connotation in most cases, the way you describe it isn't really negative, but yes when you said manipulation i assumed you meant playing them
Well manipulation in any form isn't really toxic if your intentions, as well as the outcome, are benevolent.
Have you ever had a hot girl that was a close relative or a friend who dated a lot of guys? One that knows you don't want to bang her?
Well, I had a few really hot cousins only a couple of years older than me that I grew up with in the same neighborhood. They broke a lot of guys hearts that they dated. Always because "they don't have any passion", or something along those lines. These guys were always terachads as far as looks go. The guys who were the ones that broke THEIR hearts were always the ones who knew how to make them go crazy thinking about them all the time. Guys that knew how to manipulate them, hold intrigue, and play with tension.

Girls will get bored very quickly if looks and personality are the only thing a guy has going for him that initially attracts them.
Well, I had a few really hot cousins only a couple of years older than me that I grew up with in the same neighborhood. They broke a lot of guys hearts that they dated. Always because "they don't have any passion", or something along those lines. These guys were always terachads as far as looks go. The guys who were the ones that broke THEIR hearts were always the ones who knew how to make them go crazy thinking about them all the time. Guys that knew how to manipulate them, hold intrigue, and play with tension.

Girls will get bored very quickly if looks and personality are the only thing a guy has going for him that initially attracts them.
I appreciate the anecdote, but I've seen and heard the opposite of this to be true as well. It's hard to draw conclusions.
@James Othy I thin manipulation can't be used to create attraction but can be used to help maintain it
I mean, it can be used to reel a girl in who might be hard to get close to because of certain obstacles. Like when there's no way to approach her because of certain dynamics or settings. Where they might be attracted to you but not open to anything. In those situations you gotta build a web and draw them in first. Like at work for example. I'm a master of bagging girls in the workplace.

I've often used other people (co workers) as unwitting couriers of information. For instance I always have a face for everyone at work. Bold at times but for the most part pretty reserved. I'll choose a person (a girl), not my mark, to reveal something deeper about myself to in a private setting. The information/quality that I reveal to this girl will be somewhat contradictory to other things I've revealed to other individuals or groups there, all out of the presence of my mark. All the while I treat the girl I'm interested in, my mark, differently than everybody else. I treat her differently but not in a way that she knows for sure that I'm interested in her. And I keep my interactions with her less frequent than with others. Over a period of time she ends up receiving a lot of information about me that she hasn't seen herself and might have a hard time imagining. It makes her think about me more and more. When I eventually make my move her reservations go out the window.
I appreciate the anecdote, but I've seen and heard the opposite of this to be true as well. It's hard to draw conclusions.
Depends on the type of girls, who they're dealing with, and what they're after. Some girls just want to be loose and have a good time.
My name is Audrey, im 16 years old and im from SoCal. I’ve been looking to get into modeling with my friend and plan to do some shoots in the summer. Though im not entirely interested in looksmaxxing I still admire the fact that you guys in this community can really help people change the way they look physically. I’m constantly trying to improve myself so if you have any tips feel free to send them. These are just some pictures but I have many others on my tiktok. Other than that I just wanted to say hi. tt: audreymarryme
your features are probably too perfect for modelling
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