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Hi, I’m Audrey

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I am fragrancecel. Dior sauvage is overrated and overpriced. Buy YSL Y EDP
I went to test them out today and its funny on first smell I thought the same. but in a weird way I keep coming back to it.

I'll test out ysl parfume next time. thanks bro

Found direct comparison between dior sauvage and saint laurent and looks like women prefer edt and men like ysl
I went to test them out today and its funny on first smell I thought the same. but in a weird way I keep coming back to it.

I'll test out ysl parfume next time. thanks bro

Found direct comparison between dior sauvage and saint laurent and looks like women prefer edt and men like ysl

Sauvage is a very generic perfume. You'll smell like every other dude if you wear that.
Sauvage is a very generic perfume. You'll smell like every other dude if you wear that.
True. Most women are sheep though. so the more mass appeal of dior sauvage is better imo but im not a fragrance snob. The sexual sides of our brains are very primal

Thanks for the ysl recommendation brodie. goodlookin
what is the video called
Basically what happened is that he trolled in to getting facial surgery that made him look inhuman or uncanny and he did so much even tho he was already a good looking pretty boy he did that and he cooked himself forever.
Basically what happened is that he trolled in to getting facial surgery that made him look inhuman or uncanny and he did so much even tho he was already a good looking pretty boy he did that and he cooked himself forever.
what the i thought he was just making a face and looking greasy i didnt know he had surgery is he still posting anywhere ?

i thought u were talking abt the black guy on .org that resembled james idk his name do yk who im talking abt ?
what the i thought he was just making a face and looking greasy i didnt know he had surgery is he still posting anywhere ?

i thought u were talking abt the black guy on .org that resembled james idk his name do yk who im talking abt ?
No he is not black 🤣. He is not in org anymore
No he is not black 🤣. He is not in org anymore
i mean there was another guy who looked like him but he was black. And the ppl on org were saying "stop trying to be james u can never replace him" and stuff. But why did james leave forum did he get banned? Does he post on tiktok?
Basically what happened is that he trolled in to getting facial surgery that made him look inhuman or uncanny and he did so much even tho he was already a good looking pretty boy he did that and he cooked himself forever.
i mean there was another guy who looked like him but he was black. And the ppl on org were saying "stop trying to be james u can never replace him" and stuff. But why did james leave forum did he get banned? Does he post on tiktok?
i mean there was another guy who looked like him but he was black. And the ppl on org were saying "stop trying to be james u can never replace him" and stuff. But why did james leave forum did he get banned? Does he post on tiktok?
Idk. It was a long time ago. And I'm not on a y kind of social media, so you'd have to dive into that by yourself.
He got teeth extractions for health
He did not get cosmetic surgery
He also had mental health issues and substance abuse, overall high cortisol
The documentary was entirely wrong and he asked them to take it down
Thats what I meant. Sorry lol. I counted teeth extractions as surgery. Yes this is correct and yes the video is wrong which is why I did not use it in that post.
My name is Audrey, im 16 years old and im from SoCal. I’ve been looking to get into modeling with my friend and plan to do some shoots in the summer. Though im not entirely interested in looksmaxxing I still admire the fact that you guys in this community can really help people change the way they look physically. I’m constantly trying to improve myself so if you have any tips feel free to send them. These are just some pictures but I have many others on my tiktok. Other than that I just wanted to say hi. tt: audreymarryme
True stacy
My name is Audrey, im 16 years old and im from SoCal. I’ve been looking to get into modeling with my friend and plan to do some shoots in the summer. Though im not entirely interested in looksmaxxing I still admire the fact that you guys in this community can really help people change the way they look physically. I’m constantly trying to improve myself so if you have any tips feel free to send them. These are just some pictures but I have many others on my tiktok. Other than that I just wanted to say hi. tt: audreymarryme
bro's tiktok got banned
no clout for you goyim!
My name is Audrey, im 16 years old and im from SoCal. I’ve been looking to get into modeling with my friend and plan to do some shoots in the summer. Though im not entirely interested in looksmaxxing I still admire the fact that you guys in this community can really help people change the way they look physically. I’m constantly trying to improve myself so if you have any tips feel free to send them. These are just some pictures but I have many others on my tiktok. Other than that I just wanted to say hi. tt: audreymarryme
You’re actually perfect
My name is Audrey, im 16 years old and im from SoCal. I’ve been looking to get into modeling with my friend and plan to do some shoots in the summer. Though im not entirely interested in looksmaxxing I still admire the fact that you guys in this community can really help people change the way they look physically. I’m constantly trying to improve myself so if you have any tips feel free to send them. These are just some pictures but I have many others on my tiktok. Other than that I just wanted to say hi. tt: audreymarryme
I like your attitude girly beans! You know how to sing songs and dance, I'm willing to bet.

I always dance like a jerk. I'll do the movements and get real pissed off because I don't feel like I'm doing them good enough. Then I'll wear a mean look on my face and stare people down while dancing, making sure nobody else on the floor is having any fun anymore because I'm not happy. Making every person around me miserable is something I do quite a bit. I don't mean to be that way though. My bark is worse than my bite.

I enjoy having this talk with you. Sometimes I feel like making friends just comes so natural to me compared with others. Not too many people are as interpersonally savvy as myself!

You're Slavic!! I've always especially admired Slavic people. Many times people have told me I look Slavic even though I'm not.


I'm French, Scandinavian, Irish, Swiss German, Scottish, Danish and Dutch. My dad's from Tennessee and my mom's from Ontario. Aren't my hands nice looking? I always get complimented on my hands.

Do you think if we ever became really close friends you would mind if I got a crossbow? I know girls don't like weapons but I gotta be proactive when it comes to defending myself. I'm a pretty good shot. When I was younger I always carried around a wrist rocket and would shoot at the neighbor's cats and dogs.

This has been awesome! I'm really glad I met you on here.

I'm gonna go to bed now. Goodnight. I'm just getting over an ear infection.
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