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Hi my name is Euyin I’m 18 years old. 156cm (5’2) 42 kg (93lbs)


Sep 5, 2024
Instagram: tzuwei1287
I want a more sharper face with stronger features. I have an oval face and a soft jaw line. I’ve been told that I resemble a chipmunk cuz I have big cheeks😭 I just wish to have a more sculpted face. Some work out tips and diet tips could definitely help me out

Edit: I added a back cam pic of me with flash
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  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #5
I think that you look good and yeah a sharper jawline maybe would look better but its not that important since you are a woman

I think that you look good and yeah a sharper jawline maybe would look better but its not that important since you are a woman’s

I think that you look good and yeah a sharper jawline maybe would look better but its not that important since you are a woman
I just wanna loose the chipmunk cheeks and have a sharper/ more prominent jawline. Thanks for the advice though 😄
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  • #8
If you are not fat there is nothing you can do except for surgery
I’m not fat but I’m not lean. Im kinda skinny fat (I don’t wanna get surgery and I’m trying to avoid that.) I think working out would be the best solution for me but idk where to start and how
stacylite potential, even more with the half asian potential

I would say use you masseters more, small caloric deficit in your diet, avoid salt (replace it by potassium chloride), stay hydrated, and add cardio

It's not mentioned enough for women but did you use any medications, topical medications ? like birth control or accutane etc
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  • #16
stacylite potential, even more with the half asian potential

I would say use you masseters more, small caloric deficit in your diet, avoid salt (replace it by potassium chloride), stay hydrated, and add cardio

It's not mentioned enough for women but did you use any medications, topical medications ? like birth control or accutane etc
I have never been on birth control or accurate nor do I have any medical symptoms I’m aware of. Okay, I will try to watch my diet. Thanks hehe
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  • #22
No I do not. I was hunching over in that pic I was not pushing them out cuz my boobies aren’t the main focusss I’m self conscious about them okayyy no one appreciates itty bitties
I’m not fat but I’m not lean. Im kinda skinny fat (I don’t wanna get surgery and I’m trying to avoid that.) I think working out would be the best solution for me but idk where to start and how
Working out wont change your bone structure. I also wouldnt lose weight. I think you are already pretty cute and not having a chiseled jaw does not affect you tremedously
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #24
Working out wont change your bone structure. I also wouldnt lose weight. I think you are already pretty cute and not having a chiseled jaw does not affect you tremedously
Hmmm I see I’ll take that to consideration. Thank yuuuu
You are underweight according to the BMI scale, start eating more healthy food and exercise to build muscle. Do you have heterochromia or am I tripping? Are your ears flared? If so, keep your hairstyle. Do you have an overbite? If so, consider visiting an orthodontist. You are very pretty and feminine, with good overall coloring.

Focus on being healthy. Start moving more/ you can start doing HIIT. If u want a curvier build, go to the gym and do weightlifting. You can look up a gym plan in yt or google or ask @pompompurino , she's a gymrat
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #30
You are underweight according to the BMI scale, start eating more healthy food and exercise to build muscle. Do you have heterochromia or am I tripping? Are your ears flared? If so, keep your hairstyle. Do you have an overbite? If so, consider visiting an orthodontist. You are very pretty and feminine, with good overall coloring.

Focus on being healthy. Start moving more/ you can start doing HIIT. If u want a curvier build, go to the gym and do weightlifting. You can look up a gym plan in yt or google or ask @pompompurino , she's a gymrat
i thought I was over weight lol I guess Asian standards are crazy. I don’t have heterochromia I think it’s just the lighting messing with me but I do kinda have hazel eyes. My ears aren’t flared they are kinda like elf ears just like my dad’s. I had braces so no I do not have an overbite. I will start eating healthier, exercising more frequently and build some muscle since I’m like a sack of potatoes rn I have 0 strength. Okay I will check her out. Thanks a lot for the advice I appreciate it 🥰🥰
That’s the dumbest thing I have heard in a very long time 👍
So is that cat drinking boba tea. Looks absolutely dumbtarded.

I want to know what kind of Chinese you happen to be. I'm a white dude and I like Asian girls. Hopefully I can avoid having any daughters that end up looking like ruddy faced crybabies.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #32
So is that cat drinking boba tea. Looks absolutely dumbtarded.

I want to know what kind of Chinese you happen to be. I'm a white dude and I like Asian girls. Hopefully I can avoid having any daughters that end up looking like ruddy faced crybabies.
Why are you so mean what the heck
You are underweight according to the BMI scale, start eating more healthy food and exercise to build muscle. Do you have heterochromia or am I tripping? Are your ears flared? If so, keep your hairstyle. Do you have an overbite? If so, consider visiting an orthodontist. You are very pretty and feminine, with good overall coloring.

Focus on being healthy. Start moving more/ you can start doing HIIT. If u want a curvier build, go to the gym and do weightlifting. You can look up a gym plan in yt or google or ask @pompompurino , she's a gymrat
i agree with everything @fable said, if you ever want to get into the gym and stuff just shoot me a pm and i can help you out! 🙏
I want a more sharper face with stronger features. I have an oval face and a soft jaw line. I’ve been told that I resemble a chipmunk cuz I have big cheeks😭 I just wish to have a more sculpted face. Some work out tips and diet tips could definitely help me out

Edit: I added a back cam pic of me with flash
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HIII welcome to the forum!!!
If u need any help or have questions feel free to dm
Oh no!!!

You know what I don't like about Thailand? The people only live for today. It's not good to take life too seriously, but Thai people seem to have no balance as far as that goes. Everything is something to laugh about and they can't really see too much down the road ahead. You have to have room for solemnity.

I've never been to Thailand, probably because I like yama a little too much and I don't want to risk being locked up forever, so I've always opted to spend a lot of my time in Cambodia. Khmer people might be a little bit rough compared to Thais but they have a much better grip on life.
So is that cat drinking boba tea. Looks absolutely dumbtarded.

I want to know what kind of Chinese you happen to be. I'm a white dude and I like Asian girls. Hopefully I can avoid having any daughters that end up looking like ruddy faced crybabies.
That has no value or humour. You won’t find any Asian girl if you r such a scummy person
I don’t like my face shape. I’m okay with my features but my face shape is sooo round I look like a golf ball
you can look into hairstyles that flatter your bone structure better, what you have rn is good but ones that hide more of the jaw and accentuate your cheekbones maybe.
I don’t like my face shape. I’m okay with my features but my face shape is sooo round I look like a golf ball
you look perfectly fine, i’d love to look like you.
i feel like you are just experiencing some sort of dysmorphia.

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