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Hi my name is Euyin I’m 18 years old. 156cm (5’2) 42 kg (93lbs)

have a healthy lifestyle (you know what that means)
debloat (decrease sodium, increase potassium)
do light cardio and stretching everyday. on special days you can do fuller cardio and working out
you are very beautiful but you also look sad. like you just watched your hamster get electrocuted
have a healthy lifestyle (you know what that means)
debloat (decrease sodium, increase potassium)
do light cardio and stretching everyday. on special days you can do fuller cardio and working out
you are very beautiful but you also look sad. like you just watched your hamster get electrocuted
Healthy lifestyle is a natural lifestyle
girl u r so pretty legit stacylite u do not to be on here, dont worry ab ur looks enjoy life, enjoy being beautiful dont drive urself crazy worrying ab the tiniest things youll become miserable🙏
you look perfect, im not even simping, im just telling the truth, any extra changes to your face will either yeild very minimal improvements or will most likely be detrimental to your looks.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #66
You look like you’re about to cry, but you still look good. Fuller cheeks are a great feature in women, they show neoteny and a youthful appearance.
I’m not about to cry I think it’s just the way my features look. Okay maybe having fuller cheeks isn’t as bad as I thought lol.

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  • #68
you can look into hairstyles that flatter your bone structure better, what you have rn is good but ones that hide more of the jaw and accentuate your cheekbones maybe.
Hmm I see. Rn I have really long straight hair, I can’t cut it short cuz I love my hair I’m attached to it but I do wanna get a hair cut that would volumenize my hair or frame my face better but I’m not sure what haircut would suit me best.
you look perfect, im not even simping, im just telling the truth, any extra changes to your face will either yeild very minimal improvements or will most likely be detrimental to your looks.
There's a fine line between simpin and pimpin, but after everything's all said and done everything's apparent.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #73
have a healthy lifestyle (you know what that means)
debloat (decrease sodium, increase potassium)
do light cardio and stretching everyday. on special days you can do fuller cardio and working out
you are very beautiful but you also look sad. like you just watched your hamster get electrocuted
I’ve been eating a lot of unhealthy food so I’ll definitely work on a better/ healthier diet. I’ve started a bit of stretching but not any work outs yet. Thanks for the compliment 🥰🥰 I’m not saddddd at all it’s just the way my face looks.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #74
girl u r so pretty legit stacylite u do not to be on here, dont worry ab ur looks enjoy life, enjoy being beautiful dont drive urself crazy worrying ab the tiniest things youll become miserable🙏
Thanks girlie 😻 you’re really beautiful fr. I do wanna live a healthier lifestyle and be more fit.
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  • #77
you look perfect, im not even simping, im just telling the truth, any extra changes to your face will either yeild very minimal improvements or will most likely be detrimental to your looks.
I’ve just recently realized that I don’t need surgery. I really wanted buccal fat removal for the longest time but wanting that made me want other things like chin filler, lip filler, a nose job and so on. Social media was the main cause so as soon as I got rid of that I suddenly felt happy with myself. Thanks for the adviceee.
I’ve just recently realized that I don’t need surgery. I really wanted buccal fat removal for the longest time but wanting that made me want other things like chin filler, lip filler, a nose job and so on. Social media was the main cause so as soon as I got rid of that I suddenly felt happy with myself. Thanks for the adviceee.
Glad you feel comfortable with yourself. I would say that a nose job could ascend you to an even higher looks threshold. Your eyebrows lack density, don't get lip filler, you could slightly debloat your face, and get yourself in shape.
omgg im wasian too and ur so pretty , how'd u get ur brows so straight i love them
Hmm I see. Rn I have really long straight hair, I can’t cut it short cuz I love my hair I’m attached to it but I do wanna get a hair cut that would volumenize my hair or frame my face better but I’m not sure what haircut would suit me best.
grow it out but style the front differently so it covers your cheek areas better or reveal more forehead to even out your perceived facial thirds
i have no idea what ur talking bout
The story of Uncle Tom. It's an American classic. I've heard about it all my life but never read it. I didn't know he got beaten in the story.
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  • #90
omgg im wasian too and ur so pretty , how'd u get ur brows so straight i love them
Aww thank you, your pretty too 🥰🥰. My natural eyebrows aren’t arched they have a soft angle so when I wear makeup I just follow the shape. I’m not sure how yours look but some people look better with a bit of an arch. In Asia people prefer straight eyebrows but I see western celebrities have arched eyebrows.
omgg im wasian too and ur so pretty , how'd u get ur brows so straight i love them
I want a more sharper face with stronger features. I have an oval face and a soft jaw line. I’ve been told that I resemble a chipmunk cuz I have big cheeks😭 I just wish to have a more sculpted face. Some work out tips and diet tips could definitely help me out

Edit: I added a back cam pic of me with flash
View attachment 38974View attachment 38975View attachment 38976View attachment 38983
you look beautyfull

soft features including jawline are more femminine, sharper ones are masculine
I’ve just recently realized that I don’t need surgery. I really wanted buccal fat removal for the longest time but wanting that made me want other things like chin filler, lip filler, a nose job and so on. Social media was the main cause so as soon as I got rid of that I suddenly felt happy with myself. Thanks for the adviceee.
Yea buccal fat removal is so overrated, I have never seen anyone look good after that. It gets rid of all youthful feminine appearance and leaves you looking like a gaunt old witch lady

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