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Hi my name is Euyin I’m 18 years old. 156cm (5’2) 42 kg (93lbs)

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  • #101
you look beautyfull

soft features including jawline are more femminine, sharper ones are masculine
Thank youuu. I think I look too feminine. ofc no girl wants to look masculine but attractive women have a good balance between looking feminine and a bit masculine. The only masculine feature I have on my face is probably my eyebrows. If I looked a bit more masculine I would’ve had a sharper jaw and less chipmunk cheeks lmao
Thank youuu. I think I look too feminine. ofc no girl wants to look masculine but attractive women have a good balance between looking feminine and a bit masculine. The only masculine feature I have on my face is probably my eyebrows. If I looked a bit more masculine I would’ve had a sharper jaw and less chipmunk cheeks lmao
puffy cheeks and a round face are basically result of high estrogen and low t, obv because you're a woman, so mainly they are caused by hormones and very little chance to change them. Still you could try limiting the amount of sodium and sugar you consume daily, going on long walks as they burn fat (runs burn carbohydrates, not fat)
I want a more sharper face with stronger features. I have an oval face and a soft jaw line. I’ve been told that I resemble a chipmunk cuz I have big cheeks😭 I just wish to have a more sculpted face. Some work out tips and diet tips could definitely help me out

Edit: I added a back cam pic of me with flash
View attachment 38974View attachment 38975View attachment 38976View attachment 38983
What a relief saw 5"2 and though u where a man at first. Would have been over if so.

Anyways r u wasian perhaps? Look kind off asian in 2nd pic or r u just one of those weird wannabe asian folks?
What a relief saw 5"2 and though u where a man at first. Would have been over if so.

Anyways r u wasian perhaps? Look kind off asian in 2nd pic or r u just one of those weird wannabe asian folks?
Also u dont have the bones for a sharp jawline. You could "make it" sharp but u would need to be pretty anorexic. But u dont need a sharp jawline unlesss u modell + u already look good imo. If u got a above average body w that face ur well above average imo. And if not id still say high mtn face mby even low htb.
stacylite potential, even more with the half asian potential

I would say use you masseters more, small caloric deficit in your diet, avoid salt (replace it by potassium chloride), stay hydrated, and add cardio

It's not mentioned enough for women but did you use any medications, topical medications ? like birth control or accutane etc
Stacylite potential? Alr bro relax
What a relief saw 5"2 and though u where a man at first. Would have been over if so.

Anyways r u wasian perhaps? Look kind off asian in 2nd pic or r u just one of those weird wannabe asian folks?
shes half thai half white
lol it’s actually super easy to tell a lady boy cuz of the Adam’s apple, hand size, feet size, shoulders and voice.
They do a damn good job at masking their appearance is all.
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  • #113
They do a damn good job at masking their appearance is all.
The average lady boy is like a 4/10 it’s really rare to find a good looking one. The ones we see on social media are like the gems cuz most of them still look like guys
I want a more sharper face with stronger features. I have an oval face and a soft jaw line. I’ve been told that I resemble a chipmunk cuz I have big cheeks😭 I just wish to have a more sculpted face. Some work out tips and diet tips could definitely help me out

Edit: I added a back cam pic of me with flash
View attachment 38974View attachment 38975View attachment 38976View attachment 38983
I think you look good, you could try to lose a little more fat if you want but you’re already pretty light so it might not be healthy. Your Asian side might have just given you softer features that’s typical for them. you could even argue that the softer more neotenous features are more desirable than sharper features you’ll see more on high fashion models. You look more cute and youthful than sharp and striking
I’m half white and half Asian
Dancing in the car, Elliot Rodger style on Make a GIF

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