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Method High how is your testosterone ?


Jul 4, 2019
I truly believe the number one thing everyone here should do is get a testosterone test.

Not just a testosterone test, but including an estrogen panel.

I will predict with certainty that 80% of users here have dysfunction with their hormones or lack thereof of proper hormonal balance

.It will explain many things. Your skin (acne), lack of muscle development, lack of masculinity traits in the face (not necessarily personality).

The height issues you might or might not face. If you are below 18, beg your parents to have your hormones tested for health and development reasons. If you are above 18, just get it tested ASAP and always test in the morning when you wake up after a good night's rest.

Don't delay. Provide yourself data that you can factually base your progress on. Don't assume you have good testosterone ever based on your preconceived notion that your behavior is indicative of high testosterone.

In fact, most here exhibit high E plus medium T behaviors. I'm not meaning to make fun of any of you at all; in fact, I care an awful lot. Will knowing this info solve all of your issues? No, but it can help you improve lots of your symptoms.

Just for a general relation experience

I too had low T and high E sometime ago perhaps 5 years ago today. It explained my acne. My mood. My voice. My facial hair. My muscle building. It even had me one inch shorter. I personally chose to use testosterone replacement therapy and my entire life changed. My dating prospects changed. My height grow an entire inch within 2 years. My body hair grew in. My muscles could actually grow and for a tmi for those who actually care my dick grew 1 inch from its starting point. Literally everything in my life got enhanced including my mentality. Things got more passionate and life has more depth to it. My entire wordview changed.

I highly recommend either it be through natural means or unnatural means (though bio identical testosterone is pretty fucking natural it's like a supplement in its essence ) to optimize your testosterone levels to have the best shot at being a man.
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Haven't gotten one, I think low.
Will get one soon, once I become independent of my parents.
Did you have to do a PCT with HCG after few weeks ? Because TRT is a steroid cycle. As i remember your testicles stop producing natural testosterone so i'm not sure it can be called a supplement
unless you're chronically low t, it doesn't matter. there is no thing like "the more t, the better it is" you will just get acne, oily skin and unwanted hair growth.
Solve the T problem naturally first, with proper diet, sleep, supplements and exercise (split wood with an axe and eat butter). And if nothing works long term, then TRT

unless you're chronically low t, it doesn't matter. there is no thing like "the more t, the better it is" you will just get acne, oily skin and unwanted hair growth.
You've have mistaken therapy testosterone, who is just above the limit of a healthy young adult, with trenbolone acetate
Solve the T problem naturally first, with proper diet, sleep, supplements and exercise (split wood with an axe and eat butter). And if nothing works long term, then TRT

You've have mistaken therapy testosterone, who is just above the limit of a healthy young adult, with trenbolone acetate
Chopping wood? Is that supposed to simulate hunting or some shit?
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Did you have to do a PCT with HCG after few weeks ? Because TRT is a steroid cycle. As i remember your testicles stop producing natural testosterone so i'm not sure it can be called a supplement
I never come off and I take hcg with trt. Your wrong. Trt is not a cycle. A cycle is when you blast to Supra levels ( above 1200 ng/dl give or take) then you come off. For me. I do what a doctor would do essentially. Trt is within 150mg to 50mg a week. That's what the medical practice tends to put you at. You never stop. You can take hcg if you care about your testicle shrinking. It's not a requirement. It also might help fertility. Even if you are zero you can always regain it.

A blast is anything above 250mg to 1gram. That's basically above what a human could naturally achieve and it's not sustainable hense why we "cycle" those levels. I do not do this so I don't need to "cycle" off. It's actually pretty shitty to stop taking testosterone once you take it. It's a commitment. Your betting staying on with good normal levels than you are coming off and hcg won't make you recover. The body recovers when it wants to. We have things that can smoothen the ride down but your going to go down and it's going to suck. I'm talking almost 0 testosterone. Some can no handle that and the ones who do have to take a buttload of supplements to even have a chance.
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is there an estrogen version for girls ?
Optimize progesterone and estrogen. Diet can help. Consume lots of soy products. You need healthy t as a women too. Look into progesterone supplments and estrogen creams. Idk your age. But women do this too. Iv helped my girlfriend Optimize hers and she's very beautiful when she glows and is healthy. All genders can benefit from hormone optimization.
I never come off and I take hcg with trt. Your wrong. Trt is not a cycle. A cycle is when you blast to Supra levels ( above 1200 ng/dl give or take) then you come off. For me. I do what a doctor would do essentially. Trt is within 150mg to 50mg a week. That's what the medical practice tends to put you at. You never stop. You can take hcg if you care about your testicle shrinking. It's not a requirement. It also might help fertility. Even if you are zero you can always regain it.

A blast is anything above 250mg to 1gram. That's basically above what a human could naturally achieve and it's not sustainable hense why we "cycle" those levels. I do not do this so I don't need to "cycle" off. It's actually pretty shitty to stop taking testosterone once you take it. It's a commitment. Your betting staying on with good normal levels than you are coming off and hcg won't make you recover. The body recovers when it wants to. We have things that can smoothen the ride down but your going to go down and it's going to suck. I'm talking almost 0 testosterone. Some can no handle that and the ones who do have to take a buttload of supplements to even have a chance.
taking hcg with trt is stupid because your body eventually builds resistance to hcg.
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taking hcg with trt is stupid because your body eventually builds resistance to hcg.
I'm going to assume you know nothing about this subject. I want you to join the community I'm apart of. Hcg is not stupid. Yes your body becomes desentized but you can take breaks. I'm almost an expert at this subject because i have to be. I have no choice. Are you on testosterone replacement therapy? Do you have experience? Or are you saying what you heard? If not I suggest you do more reading. Just to add to this point. You take hcg when you want a baby. I want a baby. I'll be trying for a baby soon so taking hcg is within my interest.
I'm going to assume you know nothing about this subject. I want you to join the community I'm apart of. Hcg is not stupid. Yes your body becomes desentized but you can take breaks. I'm almost an expert at this subject because i have to be. I have no choice. Are you on testosterone replacement therapy? Do you have experience? Or are you saying what you heard? If not I suggest you do more reading
i never said hcg is stupid. i said hcg is stupid to take when you're taking it while you're on other exogenous hormones because your body builds resistance. you didn't specify if you took breaks or not.
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I believe this chopping wood is very real. My grandfather was into chopping trees down. He definitely lived into old age and seemed to have enough energy to do his outside work despite being old. I wouldn't even say he was frail. Though I do think he was still low T at his age.....kinda hard to stop that decline with out medical intervention.
I never come off and I take hcg with trt. Your wrong. Trt is not a cycle. A cycle is when you blast to Supra levels ( above 1200 ng/dl give or take) then you come off. For me. I do what a doctor would do essentially. Trt is within 150mg to 50mg a week. That's what the medical practice tends to put you at. You never stop. You can take hcg if you care about your testicle shrinking. It's not a requirement. It also might help fertility. Even if you are zero you can always regain it.

A blast is anything above 250mg to 1gram. That's basically above what a human could naturally achieve and it's not sustainable hense why we "cycle" those levels. I do not do this so I don't need to "cycle" off. It's actually pretty shitty to stop taking testosterone once you take it. It's a commitment. Your betting staying on with good normal levels than you are coming off and hcg won't make you recover. The body recovers when it wants to. We have things that can smoothen the ride down but your going to go down and it's going to suck. I'm talking almost 0 testosterone. Some can no handle that and the ones who do have to take a buttload of supplements to even have a chance.
Yeah no cycle means normal doses of TRT, close to human production. 50mg is too low because most dudes need at least 100mg. I think i've read a study like that when the 50Mg subjects have lost strength and muscles, because a synthetic input cut any natural production.

And you didn't have fertility problems ?
Personally i will hop on TRT once i have enough kids
I believe this chopping wood is very real. My grandfather was into chopping trees down. He definitely lived into old age and seemed to have enough energy to do his outside work despite being old.
I split wood rn for the winter, and this is true, you feel the benefits. Doing masculine shits like splitting wood or doing Muay ThaÏ boost male hormones for sure
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Yeah no cycle means normal doses of TRT, close to human production. 50mg is too low because most dudes need at least 100mg. I think i've read a study like that when the 50Mg subjects have lost strength and muscles, because a synthetic input cut any natural production.

And you didn't have fertility problems ?
Personally i will hop on TRT once i have enough kids
Actually surprisingly no. Zero fertility issues even when I don't use hcg. I still managed to have some pregnancy scares in the past. It was quite odd. I even very briefly took tren and still got a girl pregnant. Iv done alot of research. Supposedly your fertility is highly dependent on sperm count and how strong they are. Mine are strong so they still pack a punch even if they are reduced? My dad did claim his men has strong fertility genes and I always thought he was just saying bullshit.
Actually surprisingly no. Zero fertility issues even when I don't use hcg. I still managed to have some pregnancy scares in the past. It was quite odd. I even very briefly took tren and still got a girl pregnant. Iv done alot of research. Supposedly your fertility is highly dependent on sperm count and how strong they are. Mine are strong so they still pack a punch even if they are reduced? My dad did claim his men has strong fertility genes and I always thought he was just saying bullshit.
Crazy to read that, when i've seen cases of permanent infertility after one cycle of 200mg test, even after weeks of hcg. Genetics matter once again
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Crazy to read that, when i've seen cases of permanent infertility after one cycle of 200mg test, even after weeks of hcg. Genetics matter once again
My theory is through genetic health. Possibly I tried to use my genetics. Test in order to determine if my fertility was higher than normal maybe some gene? . But I didn't get much back, so my only conclusion is a somehow. I have less damage to my dna maybe through generations of my Family, but yes, I too believe that genetics play a big role in your fertility and your response to external hormone supplements.
My theory is through genetic health. Possibly I tried to use my genetics. Test in order to determine if my fertility was higher than normal maybe some gene? . But I didn't get much back, so my only conclusion is a somehow. I have less damage to my dna maybe through generations of my Family, but yes, I too believe that genetics play a big role in your fertility and your response to external hormone supplements.
That's why i'll touch trt in my 40s and if i have enough kids. I didn't take any risks rn
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That’s not how hormones work lol still get it tested just in case
Well technically there is. Hrt exists for women but its a bit more specialized. Estrogen cream combined with progesterone with small dosage of testosterone. This is mostly used with pre menopausal women to great effect
Well technically there is. Hrt exists for women but its a bit more specialized. Estrogen cream combined with progesterone with small dosage of testosterone. This is mostly used with pre menopausal women to great effect
Do they get a bbl and big tities once they hop on? I want to put it in my futures gfs moisturiser

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