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Hii guys! I am still undecided abt my rating so i want to know what makes you think htb respectively mtb.

lol i was wondering what that was in the first picture u have flakes from the mascara stuck in ur eyelash, ur supposed to blink on ur finger in between ur eyelashes to get rid of that lol, i think ur lips look fine though. i dont think the pictures of u in the graduation gown are close enough for me to see the eye makeup properly but the lip liner is good
Those candids are from the grad. One is a close up
Those candids are from the grad. One is a close up
ah ok, yeah the eye makeup is definitely better because there is no falking of the mascara but yeah your eyeliner basically fully faded in parts tbh only girls will notice that shit, but i guess if u want to fog other girls (idk if this is your goal lol) then u would have to keep re applying which is annoying asf. u should always check like every now and then when u have mascara on if it is flaking just with ur phone camera because it happens quite easily like if sometjing touches ur eyelashes it could flake
ah ok, yeah the eye makeup is definitely better because there is no falking of the mascara but yeah your eyeliner basically fully faded in parts tbh only girls will notice that shit, but i guess if u want to fog other girls (idk if this is your goal lol) then u would have to keep re applying which is annoying asf. u should always check like every now and then when u have mascara on if it is flaking just with ur phone camera because it happens quite easily like if sometjing touches ur eyelashes it could flake
Tbh it rained and my hair also got ruined.
ah ok, yeah the eye makeup is definitely better because there is no falking of the mascara but yeah your eyeliner basically fully faded in parts tbh only girls will notice that shit, but i guess if u want to fog other girls (idk if this is your goal lol) then u would have to keep re applying which is annoying asf. u should always check like every now and then when u have mascara on if it is flaking just with ur phone camera because it happens quite easily like if sometjing touches ur eyelashes it could flake
These are some videos from that day but they are quite low in quality. As you can say my hair got really fast bad and i am a bit dependent of how my hair looks, I would say. even more than make up. I will delete them soon. Sorry for being awkward...someone took my cape and was confused as I was supposed to do it myself
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Your current rating is htb maybe mid...But one thing is for sure that if u continue using this INCEL site for ratings and PSL all day , it will destroy your mental health and physical health and can also drop u down u mtb
These are some videos from that day but they are quite low in quality. As you can say my hair got really fast bad and i am a bit dependent of how my hair looks, I would say. even more than make up. I will delete them soon. Sorry for being awkward...someone took my cape and was confused as I was supposed to do it myself
View attachment 77505
View attachment 77506
honestly u look really good there i wouldnt even worry about ur hair too much, imo ur pretty easily the best looking of that group in both videos, like when i look at the video idgaf about ur hair im just looking at ur face, ur lips and bones are obviously striking so that will always be the focal point, u do look awkward in the firs video tho lol. id say the only one who is close to u is the girl to the right of u in the first video with the brown hair but u are a level or two above her
Your current rating is htb maybe mid...But one thing is for sure that if u continue using this INCEL site for ratings and PSL all day , it will destroy your mental health and physical health and can also drop u down u mtb
on what basis is she mtb jfl, she barely has any flaws besides recessed infras. keep in mind she has on 0 makeup and shes still fogging
honestly u look really good there i wouldnt even worry about ur hair too much, imo ur pretty easily the best looking of that group in both videos, like when i look at the video idgaf about ur hair im just looking at ur face, ur lips and bones are obviously striking so that will always be the focal point, u do look awkward in the firs video tho lol. id say the only one who is close to u is the girl to the right of u in the first video with the brown hair but u are a level or two above her
Yes she is very pretty. She actually does some sort of modelling but nothing huge yet tho
on what basis is she mtb jfl, she barely has any flaws besides recessed infras. keep in mind she has on 0 makeup and shes still fogging
Please read my paragraph again...I rated her mid Htb..I said that if she continued using this site all day , it may ruin her physical and mental health and her rating might drop down to mtb