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- Body Part:The Back

Now the thing with back training is,while there are no exercises that isolate a single muscle,you can select exercises that place more emphasis on a given muscle based on your goals (Width vs Thickness)
Training for Width: Latissimus Dorsi

The lats are one of the most important muscles on your back when it comes to aesthetics.Trained lats not only give the illusion of a smaller waist,by adding mass right above it,they actually help you spread your shoulders by pulling your shoulder blades away from each other in their resting tone.

How to train your lats at home ?
The best way requires you to purchase a piece of equipment.
Neutral Grip Pull Ups

Now the key here is,allowing your biceps to be in a strong position so that they don't just tire out before your lats do.in that case you can't continue doing pull ups and we don't want that.But we also don't want our biceps to be in such a strong position that they do most of the work.Neutral grip pull ups are the best for that.
Another creative way to train your lats is
With this exercise you are basically rowing your own bodyweight.Now in order to get the best out of this for your lats,have your feet close together and tuck your elbows to your sides while pulling.
It's better if you can do this with one arm,if you can't however go for a narrow grip.

An easier variation for people who can't handle their bodyweight would be
Leg Press Towel Rows

Here you in complete control of the resistance,so don't be a pussy and press hard.
A difficult and complex exercise that is extremely beneficial is
The Bodyweight Pullover

Training for thickness:Trapezius and Posterior Deltoid

The best exercise in my opinion to train your traps without weights is
The Scapula Pull Up

In this exercise,you squeeze your shoulder blades together while hanging from the bar.
That's it.No other pulling motion involved.Just try to bring your shoulder blades together.
Another way to train your traps is
Elbow Rows

Here you are simulating the rowing motion with your body weight.
Push through your elbows and squeeze your upper back muscles as you go.
Remember to push through your elbows with your back muscles and not crunch your way up,that involves using the abs.
- Body Part:Shoulders
Handstand Push Ups

Bodyweight Lateral Raises

Now this is an important exercise because this is the only way that i know of to directly train your side delts without weights.
These exercises and countless other push up variations,along with dips offer you a wide variety of exercise to choose from for your shoulder training.
Useful Equipment for the back
Door Frame Pull Up Bar
What I have to say about these things is that they are safe for doing pull ups and scapulsr pull ups.But you shouldn't attempt things like muscle ups or kipping pull ups.Door Frame Pull Up Bar

Another thing is it says it can handle up to 120 kilograms on my bar,however even if the bar can,the door frame may not be able to.
As an 81 kg guy I had no problems whatsoever yet.And it depends on the door frame but I'd say it's safe for guys who weigh up to 95 kilograms.
The Chest Expander
Great for both your traps and your lats.It also builds extreme tendon and ligament strength (that will help with back width and decrease risk of injury).I will make a separate thread on it to show you how to use it.Part#3 will cover arms and legs