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Discussion How accurate is this?

id mostly agree
but imo hairstyle should be green, dick should be red
women like big dicks according to studies and social media, and so does height. generally i notice ladies like 6'0+. dick, idk. above average obviously (4.8-6in 2in is average) so yeah
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  • #8
id mostly agree
but imo hairstyle should be green, dick should be red
women like big dicks according to studies and social media, and so does height. generally i notice ladies like 6'0+. dick, idk. above average obviously (4.8-6in 2in is average) so yeah
bro 2 inche isnt avg ? good thread on org
Being NT and low inhib is always on top, but overall, this chart is pretty much accurate. It all depends on your location and competition. Height-wise, you just have to be taller than an average woman, even better if you're taller than an average male. In my experience, dick size is less important in countries with a good education system (look up PISA test results to determine that). Sure, big dick size can be a halo once the rumors spread, though it can be a failo if it's micropenis level. Sex is more about oral and finger game anyways, most women almost never orgasm from penetration alone. If it ever comes down to penetration, your erection quality and technique will matter more.
I know NT means socially good, what is low inhib bro?

if im as tall as average as average male around here am i chilling?
low inhibi is chilling and not anxious, afraid to speak, shy, etc.
just chillin
Naturally humans penis size's arent supposed to not fit with eachother meaning for example asians penis sizes In which they had to adapt to the freezing weather should fit in with eachother's of the opposite sex but globalization and porn spreading has created higher standards for everyone
what do i tell them?
Ask about palate expansion and widening, Measure ur palate rn and if it's under 38 then ask for it. U can measure it by biting paper and measuring the distance from molar to molar
what softmaxxes should i do for these ? specifcally

for jaw and infraorbitals not skin and hair

i can fix those by myself
Infraorbits are kinda genetic, that would be surgery tier and Jaw like I said Anavar
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  • #41
Ask about palate expansion and widening, Measure ur palate rn and if it's under 38 then ask for it. U can measure it by biting paper and measuring the distance from molar to molar
alr bro thanks
alr. does it help if 5'7 is the average or still big falio
thats cope cuz it accounts for ethnic countries and old people
if you live in a 3rd world country then maybe
still below average
to be fair though, I was like 5'6 at 16 and now im 5'9 at 17
Hair style is very maxx able, just doesn’t make much of a difference if you don’t have a good face

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