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Discussion How accurate is this?

I don't think there's much a person can really do about a little pecker.
I mean I wouldn't really know what you'd consider 'good sized' and 'too small' but (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) poor diet, poor habits, no sleep, and stress can only make it worse. Jerking off too much probably makes it worse too. From what I imagine if you're eating better and putting more time into prioritizing your health then, the increase in testosterone might help a little bit. If not that, then some kind of supplement or straight up asking a doctor about testosterone. If someone's dick is like so small it's not developed as it should, I'm pretty sure that's something they prescribe it for. --Don't they also make like pumps for that?? To encourage growth/temporarily enlarge your shaft or whatever? I've heard of them but never actually seen them.

That, or alternatively you could just say fuck it we ball and click on those dick enlargement ads on porn sites and see if you grow a monster cock or a monster clot.💀
I mean I wouldn't really know what you'd consider 'good sized' and 'too small' but (feel free to correct me if I'm wrong) poor diet, poor habits, no sleep, and stress can only make it worse. Jerking off too much probably makes it worse too. From what I imagine if you're eating better and putting more time into prioritizing your health then, the increase in testosterone might help a little bit. If not that, then some kind of supplement or straight up asking a doctor about testosterone. If someone's dick is like so small it's not developed as it should, I'm pretty sure that's something they prescribe it for. --Don't they also make like pumps for that?? To encourage growth/temporarily enlarge your shaft or whatever? I've heard of them but never actually seen them.

That, or alternatively you could just say f**k it we ball and click on those dick enlargement ads on porn sites and see if you grow a monster cock or a monster clot.💀
No, there's nothing that can be prescribed for a micropenis. And no, poor diet and a lack of sleep won't make it smaller. And testosterone with good diet/adequate sleep won't make it bigger.
if you live in a 3rd world country then maybe
still below average
to be fair though, I was like 5'6 at 16 and now im 5'9 at 17

How tall r ur parents?

Did you do anything to grow taller like jumping rope or anything like that ?
How tall r ur parents?

Did you do anything to grow taller like jumping rope or anything like that ?
both are 5'6.5 - 5'7
not sure exactly but around that range
I just started sprinting, sleeping more and eating a shit ton of food lol
Hair looks good but it probably needs more health indicators so I would recommend fixing your diet