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how can i fix a weak or receded chin


pretty boy lover
May 1, 2024
milky way
The Paragon
basically what the title says. i think its my biggest weakness. im new to looksmaxxing idk anything. are recessed and weak chin the same thing? can i strengthen my chin with mastic gum or mewing? and btw if i use mastic gum will it make my jaw too masculine looking ?? or just define it?
im 21 for reference it might be too late for facial development from mewing. also how can i see for sure if i have a receded chin, is there a measurement or line i can draw or whatever idk im new to this shii
you can get genioplasty , chin implant or fillers , mewing wont do much at 21
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damn is there really no softmaxxing technique i can do
You could try that orthotropics or whatever tf but it probably won’t work
basically what the title says. i think its my biggest weakness. im new to looksmaxxing idk anything. are recessed and weak chin the same thing? can i strengthen my chin with mastic gum or mewing? and btw if i use mastic gum will it make my jaw too masculine looking ?? or just define it?
im 21 for reference it might be too late for facial development from mewing. also how can i see for sure if i have a receded chin, is there a measurement or line i can draw or whatever idk im new to this shii
Don't use mastic gum.

Just get decently leaner so that your cheeks aren't as puffy and that will make your face more harmonious. If your face is very "top heavy" it can draw a lot more attention to that recessed chin.

Unless we have a picture it will be hard to find out what to do to as a "weak chin" can be caused by lack of mandibular length, normal mandibular lank but high gonial angle or bad chin projection.

A good way to check if you have a recessed chin is to take a picture of your side profile and draw a straight lin from your bottom lip to your chin's bottom peak. If the line slants inwards excessively then you do have a recessed/weak chin.
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  • #9
whats the best way to get lean in your opinion, without looking too muscular or masculine? since it includes losing weight, at my lowest weight naturally when i was younger and usually fluctuated between 105-110 pounds (im 5'1 so it wasnt an abnormal BMI) i still had a bit of a round face (partially hides my cheekbones and shows more esp. when i smile) and i still have a double chin even tho im skinny asf like i was made fun of for it growing up so bc of my genetic makeup im just worried i might become underweight if i try really hard to get lean. again like i said tho im new to this so if u know a way i can still get lean please lmk

and why not use mastic gum? wont it define my jawline?
whats the best way to get lean in your opinion, without looking too muscular or masculine? since it includes losing weight, at my lowest weight naturally when i was younger and usually fluctuated between 105-110 pounds (im 5'1 so it wasnt an abnormal BMI) i still had a bit of a round face (partially hides my cheekbones and shows more esp. when i smile)
and why not use mastic gum? wont it define my jawline?
Don't worry about looking too masc if you get lan, Just because you have a prominent jawline/zygos won't immediately make you masc, your overall brain structure and features contribute to your feminine look.
at my lowest weight naturally when i was younger and usually fluctuated between 105-110 pounds (im 5'1 so it wasnt an abnormal BMI) i still had a bit of a round face (partially hides my cheekbones and shows more esp. when i smile)
BMI is an unreliable way to measure weight. You should be looking at bf% and body composition as a better measurement. If you pinch your stomach or love handles and you feel that there is alot of fat, you probably do need to lean down abit more, for health reasons too.
and why not use mastic gum? wont it define my jawline?
To a certain extent yes but it will look too masc, I am assuming you are a girl. Trained masseters just don't look good on women, you will have that squarish jaw-shape.
again like i said tho im new to this so if u know a way i can still get lean please lmk
Don't worry about BMI, it is an outdated way to measure body composition. Just try to get lean to about 20-15 percent body fat. If you still have a double chin then you'd have to do surgery. It would be easier if we could see a picture though.
105lbs at 5ft1 isn't lean for a female but it is still a healthy weight. Not "lean" though and you can still hold alot of fat.
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  • #13
105lbs at 5ft1 isn't lean for a female but it is still a healthy weight. Not "lean" though and you can still hold alot of fat.
aight time to hit the gym thank you
my diet is shit so ill work on that too
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  • #14
105lbs at 5ft1 isn't lean for a female but it is still a healthy weight. Not "lean" though and you can still hold alot of fat.
also thank you for your detailed replies i appreciate it
Post examples how other people resembling ur chin
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  • #16
Post examples how other people resembling ur chin
i showed to sigma and whitepill in dm, they confirmed it is pretty recessed :( i will try hard mewing, finding an orthotropic orthodontist for headgear or smth, and if they dont do anything ill do a lot of research and bonesmash as last resort. if that doesnt work ill have to live with it.

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