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How did braces widen her face?


New member
Jan 29, 2024


Apparent braces widened her face, before is left, after is right. Makes no sense?
She looks better on the left side imo, maybe it's the reverse for guys, but idk.
Any high IQ users got a good theory? The doctors that replied in the site's comment section seemed clueless and denied braces having anything to do with it.

I'm not sure tbh, I had braces and my face seemed to have widen as well.

View attachment 33276View attachment 33277

Apparent braces widened her face, before is left, after is right. Makes no sense?
She looks better on the left side imo, maybe it's the reverse for guys, but idk.
Any high IQ users got a good theory? The doctors that replied in the site's comment section seemed clueless and denied braces having anything to do with it.

I'm not sure tbh, I had braces and my face seemed to have widen as well.
Weight gain+masseters growth

View attachment 33276View attachment 33277

Apparent braces widened her face, before is left, after is right. Makes no sense?
She looks better on the left side imo, maybe it's the reverse for guys, but idk.
Any high IQ users got a good theory? The doctors that replied in the site's comment section seemed clueless and denied braces having anything to do with it.

I'm not sure tbh, I had braces and my face seemed to have widen as well.
It is the masseter.

Do not overtrain or they will look like her. I used to have them in that much size and it looks like fat. Do not do it.

View attachment 33276View attachment 33277

Apparent braces widened her face, before is left, after is right. Makes no sense?
She looks better on the left side imo, maybe it's the reverse for guys, but idk.
Any high IQ users got a good theory? The doctors that replied in the site's comment section seemed clueless and denied braces having anything to do with it.

I'm not sure tbh, I had braces and my face seemed to have widen as well.
yeah mse for sure her undereyes got a bit better but still recessed
palate expanders and other stuff to widen her face
masseter growth too
braces can expand face in theory, if the persons teeth are crowded and need space
idk if thats actually how that works but maybe
braces can expand face in theory, if the persons teeth are crowded and need space
not really lol. a lot of people have a combo of braces and an expander
if they need space, the space is made by extraction (bad cus it makes you recessed) or expander
not really lol. a lot of people have a combo of braces and an expander
if they need space, the space is made by extraction (bad cus it makes you recessed) or expander
Expander usually I think
Needs botox in masseters immediately

View attachment 33276View attachment 33277

Apparent braces widened her face, before is left, after is right. Makes no sense?
She looks better on the left side imo, maybe it's the reverse for guys, but idk.
Any high IQ users got a good theory? The doctors that replied in the site's comment section seemed clueless and denied braces having anything to do with it.

I'm not sure tbh, I had braces and my face seemed to have widen as well.
That's easy. Doesn't require a high IQ to answer that. She just got fat.

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