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How do I correct potruded teeth?


Active member
May 21, 2024
My teeth are potruded, I already have had braces with bands and wear my retainer regularly. What could I do to get rid of my potrusion?
if they are slightly protruded it is fine, it is normal to have a slight overbite. if you have extreme overbite or underbite, talk to your ortho about these problems.
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if they are slightly protruded it is fine, it is normal to have a slight overbite. if you have extreme overbite or underbite, talk to your ortho about these problems.
idk what it is called but my upper teeth protrude more than my lower n my lower touch the back of the upper teeth when i bite down.
is there any way to improve how it looks?
practice holding it in your mouth correctly, make sure they arent perfectly on top of each other (this will cause grinding and wearing down of enamel), instead slight protrusion. but it is a temporary solution
It could potentially make your face look different
yh my ortho said the only way to fix is premolar extraction+braces but thats gonna f**k up my face in the long run
You could potentially get the extraction then surgery
mine didnt f**k up my side profile but u gotta be careful
My teeth are potruded, I already have had braces with bands and wear my retainer regularly. What could I do to get rid of my potrusion?
go to an orthho if its extreme surgery may be needed
