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How do i debloat my face

fortnite nerd

May 12, 2024
I've been drinking lots if water and eating a lit less processed food, what else can I do to debloat my face
make sure not to overdrink water 3l a day max but not too little so atleast 1.5l
Put face wash on your face and start pressing in and pushing back your skin. Kinda like gua Sha but I just use my hands and it does wonders
natural diet
Who got you so obsessed with this "natural" way of living? Do you watch someone on yt?
I’ve been interested in it for a while learning how chemicals, processing of food, unnatural foods, overall modern day stuff effect the human body and mind
I’ve also been starting to eat more naturally and I’ve never felt better so that’s why I recommend it
lose fat mass, gain lean mass.
you can do that with resistance training + proper diet.
lose fat mass, gain lean mass.
you can do that with resistance training + proper diet.
think of your body like a car, the exercise is the engine and the food you eat is the fuel. you must have both to get the car moving👍
depends if its fat or water, if its fat do cardio and fix your diet. if its water i recommend drinking 3+ liters of water everyday with at least 5g of salt in it, it will make your body think that you dont need the storage of water anymore and they will flatten overtime. dont do this if you didnt hit the puberty yet( the water part) because it might affect your tes levels and growth
I've been drinking lots if water and eating a lit less processed food, what else can I do to debloat my face
spinach and coconut water saved my life, both have good potassium. Don't completely stay away from salt because that will end up in less test and more bloating from water retention so like femcel said dont overdrink water 3l a day max but at least 1.5L depending on body weight
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spinach and coconut water saved my life, both have good potassium. Don't completely stay away from salt because that will end up in less test and more bloating from water retention so like femcel said dont overdrink water 3l a day max but at least 1.5L depending on body weight
Ty sm

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