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How do I improve my looks?

If ur average for ur height and shit. Ur too big. don’t hate me for saying that
Yeah I used to be 120 and I had a nice body when I was like 14/15 but this year I’ve gotten more acne and gained weight so idk if it’s a hormonal thing but I’m definitely not used to my weight I’ve always been on the skinnier side so I’ll try to lose weight thanks, is that all?
Yeah I used to be 120 and I had a nice body when I was like 14/15 but this year I’ve gotten more acne and gained weight so idk if it’s a hormonal thing but I’m definitely not used to my weight I’ve always been on the skinnier side so I’ll try to lose weight thanks, is that all?
if u have acne get on accutane ASAP it saved me, and it can also shrink noses. Send a side profile pic and I can probs help more but ur not even a bad looking girl in ur self taken pics
Okay, I have a round face genetically I was 120 lbs and I still struggled with face fat even though my body was super skinny - I’m like 5’6 and 140 now which is I guess average but I’m still wanting to lose weight,
thank you
Honestly you shouldn't because you look good and it might affect your physique in a negative way, but as you grow older you shed facial fat so there's that
if u have acne get on accutane ASAP it saved me, and it can also shrink noses. Send a side profile pic and I can probs help more but ur not even a bad looking girl in ur self taken pics
I’ve tried but my dermatologist says my acne isn’t bad enough to go on it but I have an appt this week, I’ll add one in a second my side profile isnt really good but I don’t think I can do anything to change it
I’ve tried but my dermatologist says my acne isn’t bad enough to go on it but I have an appt this week, I’ll add one in a second my side profile isnt really good but I don’t think I can do anything to change it
yeah maybe. But ur side profile will give me a lot of indicators of ur bones in ur face so I can tell u softmaxxing tips that u can apply regardless of bones
nothing changed as in it didn't benefit your skin? It varies from person to person and only a doctor is qualified to make the decision on wether it's worth it
No it cleared my skin but I meant no hormonal changes occurred. And yes I know what ur sayinh is right but I couldny tell her acne level due to her using makeup
Side profile and maxilla look good. how are u treated irl by guys? this is the telling factor as to if ur attractive irl rather than in pics
My guy friends tell me im pretty and they say their friends think im pretty but their friends are scared of me but idk anymore that’s all I know, I feel like some of the popular guys think im ugly but I have been at the same school since I was 7 so they already have like previous impressions of me
My guy friends tell me im pretty and they say their friends think im pretty but their friends are scared of me but idk anymore that’s all I know, I feel like some of the popular guys think im ugly but I have been at the same school since I was 7 so they already have like previous impressions of me
bro idek how u ended up on here. u look good in ur pics, guys think ur pretty and u still end up on an incel website wtf wrong with the world
Hi, I’m a 16 year old girl and I’ve tried almost everything but Im not sure what else I can do so does anyone have any tips? Please be respectful- the first two I have makeup on and the last I don’t the last picture is me in a normal picture and idk how I can look so different so lmkView attachment 62236
You’re already pretty