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how do i look more masculine


Mar 12, 2024
how can i look more masculine? i have decently long hair as a man and i constantly get mistaken for a woman. i dont know what the best solution to this i mean i could grow facial hair but idrk or cut my hair but i just dont wanna do that.
how can i look more masculine? i have decently long hair as a man and i constantly get mistaken for a woman. i dont know what the best solution to this i mean i could grow facial hair but idrk or cut my hair but i just dont wanna do that.
Send a pic of yourself if u want real help. Explaining urself wont help shit tbh
does this work?
Cut your hairs, use a different hairstyle, increase test I'd personally recommend hit training or exposure to sunlight, increase beard castor oil ain't gonna work coz your face looks smooth with no hair follicle so start minoxidil for beard growth, get a thicker neck
I'd say use a different hairstyle than middle part
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  • #11
Cut your hairs, use a different hairstyle, increase test I'd personally recommend hit training or exposure to sunlight, increase beard castor oil ain't gonna work coz your face looks smooth with no hair follicle so start minoxidil for beard growth, get a thicker neck
I'd say use a different hairstyle than middle part
what hairstyles?
Probably because you lack dimorphism. You can probably try 250mg test e andk2 + vit D3. Depending on your age and other factors it's possible to increasedimporphism. 1719499165040.pngThis chart shows % of skull maturation size by years but it's also possible yours varies.
does this work?
Yo, only faces with high dismorphism can use long hair looking good. Get yourself a military short hair with a little bit of tuft and a verry small beard if you can
Yo, only faces with high dismorphism can use long hair looking good. Get yourself a military short hair with a little bit of tuft and a verry small beard if you can
He will masculineze over time he is just latepubertycel
Late bloomer then

Don't worry have s healthy lifestyle and u will turn out fine
Dude, i got a verry healthy sportish life style eating only healthy foods and i am one of the most non dismorphic looking people of this forum. Thats not how it works. I know other Brazilians who did nothing and got a high dismorphic face, some of them never drank milk and are tall. Thre is a lot of cope in this lifestyle thing
Masculine asians are rare

And native Americans are masculine bone mogger tribals
Yeah, that depends on the fucking tribe. I do have a colleague who looks like a chad native, but thats not mine nor the case of the 15 old boy of thus thread.
Dominican Hispanic
Sorry bady, it will be verry hard for you. What i am going to say will be a pain, but it will make you stronger and wiser. Woman will never date you because the love you. They will never be attracted to you, and that means they will only date you in order to use you for something else. Your best bet in life is to not depend on your social presence jobs, focus mostly in academic progress to get a high paying job that allows you to buy surgery and be respected till you get there.

A ugly men is poorly treated, but a smart ugly men is respected in academia. Adapt, move environments or be punished by others
Sorry bady, it will be verry hard for you. What i am going to say will be a pain, but it will make you stronger and wiser. Woman will never date you because the love you. They will never be attracted to you, and that means they will only date you in order to use you for something else. Your best bet in life is to not depend on your social presence jobs, focus mostly in academic progress to get a high paying job that allows you to buy surgery and be respected till you get there.

A ugly men is poorly treated, but a smart ugly men is respected in academia. Adapt, move environments or be punished by others
Women like cute men
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  • #34
Sorry bady, it will be verry hard for you. What i am going to say will be a pain, but it will make you stronger and wiser. Woman will never date you because the love you. They will never be attracted to you, and that means they will only date you in order to use you for something else. Your best bet in life is to not depend on your social presence jobs, focus mostly in academic progress to get a high paying job that allows you to buy surgery and be respected till you get there.

A ugly men is poorly treated, but a smart ugly men is respected in academia. Adapt, move environments or be punished by others
damn broski im that ugly 😭 im already on honor role and one of the best schools in usa so i think im good
Coping hard. Did you forgot about all the blackpill about ugly men? Being cute may be better then just not ugly, but he will still be shit treated
By other men yes
Women will not pay much attention
And some women will be attracted to him
damn broski im that ugly 😭 im already on honor role and one of the best schools in usa so i think im good
Even if you are cute now, you will get to a position of adult in the future, but you will look like a child. Some people will find you weird because of that and will stay away from you. You will hardly get a job based on interviews because they will think you are too young. You wont get to a leader position because you dont look mature. Dating is not the real problem, the real problem is all the rest of your social interactions
Even if you are cute now, you will get to a position of adult in the future, but you will look like a child. Some people will find you weird because of that and will stay away from you. You will hardly get a job based on interviews because they will think you are too young. You wont get to a leader position because you dont look mature. Dating is not the real problem, the real problem is all the rest of your social interactions
This might be true
Sorry bady, it will be verry hard for you. What i am going to say will be a pain, but it will make you stronger and wiser. Woman will never date you because the love you. They will never be attracted to you, and that means they will only date you in order to use you for something else. Your best bet in life is to not depend on your social presence jobs, focus mostly in academic progress to get a high paying job that allows you to buy surgery and be respected till you get there.

A ugly men is poorly treated, but a smart ugly men is respected in academia. Adapt, move environments or be punished by others
But why did say this

These both statements are contradictory
By other men yes
Women will not pay much attention
And some women will be attracted to him
Yeah, woman will want to be taken care by him while they actually fuck the high dismorphic guys... He can only have:

1- a relation where the womans fells shit for not fucking a sexy guy.

2- she is fucking the other guy but he does not know

Also, even if you are cute, if you are ugly and is in a majority corporate job or class filled with woman who hates men, you can only survive if you are not ugly, and thats not his case
Yeah, woman will want to be taken care by him while they actually f**k the high dismorphic guys... He can only have:

1- a relation where the womans fells shit for not f*****g a sexy guy.

2- she is f*****g the other guy but he does not know

Also, even if you are cute, if you are ugly and is in a majority corporate job or class filled with woman who hates men, you can only survive if you are not ugly, and thats not his case
Take a break from blackpill bhai

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