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How do i straighten hair without heat

If you've been blessed with the jb magnet that is curly or wavy hair you don't want to straighen that shit bro
If you've been blessed with the jb magnet that is curly or wavy hair you don't want to straighen that shit bro
Mine is naturally too curly to the point it looks like a joke
Like any drying and washing methods which help it straighten and look less ethnic, messy and tangled?
Bro you can not change your hair type naturaly but oiling your scalp and following some simple hair care rule (like never comb wet hair ou sleep with it) can help make it healthier better looking
Bro you can not change your hair type naturaly but oiling your scalp and following some simple hair care rule (like never comb wet hair ou sleep with it) can help make it healthier better looking
I comb my hair wet because doing it when its dry damages it..? its a good thing to only brush when wet because otherwise your ripping your hairs when they naturally tangle
No bro hair when i
I comb my hair wet because doing it when its dry damages it..? its a good thing to only brush when wet because otherwise your ripping your hairs when they naturally tangle
No bro d ont comb wet hair they are very weak a that stage you can comb it with your finger instead