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how many finger can you put under your jaw?

use ur white man IQ to explain to a fellow negro what's going on?
make a palm with closed fingers and put it under your jaw and see how many fingers it takes to cover the entire jaw bro
use ur white man IQ to explain to a fellow negro what's going on?
I cant edit it so im gonna delete my post to make it more elaborate but I go a question do you think I can make a good threat from this?
I cant edit it so im gonna delete my post to make it more elaborate but I go a question do you think I can make a good threat from this?
just elobarate in this thread there's no need to delete it and ask that question in this thread as well.
i think you're doing it wrong... Put your finger flat.
If I do it how you did it I can put 8
that doesn't make any sense gonion to gonion is the widest part of the jaw. This challenge is dumb, there's too much room for error and I have -90IQ.