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How much does lean muscle mass increase your SMV?

If someone is a healthy bodyweight and lift weights regularly, and do the basic essentials like showerring regularly, they will almost always be at least a 5, the harsh truth is there are some people who look like absolute shit if they put no effort into their appearance, these people tend to be at least 4 - 5 with doing the basics like I listed.

Just think how bad the people you metioned would look if they gained 75 lbs of bodyfat and stopped lifting.
untrue, body composition plays a big role in how your face looks. healthy body means healthy face.
Yeah but you could be skinny fat and still be attractive simply because of face. Obviously if you are morbidly obese or fat it will effect your face but then you are focusing purely on face and not on body, which shows how irrelevant it is
if you are skinny fat it will show in your face, skinny fat people have bloated faces.
there is a reason why people who looksmaxx get lean and get into the gym, it helps the face.
Why would gym help the face in anyway besides getting lean which you would be naturally
Potentially neck if you have thin one? Thin looks decent with certain archetypes though
neck training matters, it adds masculinity to your face. It can even helps to define the jawline better with proper neck curls while mewing (digastric muscles, mylohoid muscles etc)

Unpopular opinion, not really attracted to huge muscles like this becuase I view highly attractive people as douchebags or they have a bad personality, and that they are out of my league so Ii have a resentment deep Down from my own insecurity

Light toning looks much better and realer
I've heard that from so many women... y'all are attracted to Handsome men with crazy physiques, but y'all are just affraid to be rejected or dealing with the fact that most women will thirst over him if it was your man. But if that type of man was interested in you, and if it was a decent human being, it will be an another story lmao

But don't get me wrong, they're blasting steroids, fraud their pictures and they're so narcissistics about themselves that they probably fuck the mirror
