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Info how much fiber do you need daily (hint: a lot)

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Deleted member 304

a lot of bullshit

you need exactly
0g of fiber per day

do you think hunters used to eat fucking fruit and veggies you fucking r****d?

the only reason you dont feel like shit from fiber right now is because your gut microbes, but go 30 days without it and when you reintroduce it you will find YOU WILL WANT TO DIE FROM THE PAIN

compare this with a vegan reintroducing meats, and you will find most said they felt much better after quitting, because our bodies are made to EAT MEAT

this is the only kind of vegetable you should be eating
  • Humans are Omnivores. We cannot live without meat but substituting the entirety of your diet with meat or animal products is literally toenail IQ.
  • Meat is acidic. Human blood is meant to have a pH of 7.35 - 7.45. Herbivores have a more alkaline pH whilst carnivores have a more acidic blood pH. This is common medical and nutritional knowledge.
  • The Masai tribe are an example of a carnivore's they die young (around 30) due to heart problems when combined with the high amount of running they do as high acidity can cause plaque buildup in the arteries.
  • Anti-oxidants aren't provided in a Carnivore diet this means your body converts fewer minerals and nutrients due to over-supplementation - just look at how Innuits have a high calcium diet yet have osteoporosis. Also, cells age when free radicals aren't cleared up by anti-oxidants.
  • Carnivores are just as bad as vegans in mentality.

have fun eating rotten meat for ur k2 loser.
  • Humans are Omnivores. We cannot live without meat but substituting the entirety of your diet with meat or animal products is literally toenail IQ.
  • Meat is acidic. Human blood is meant to have a pH of 7.35 - 7.45. Herbivores have a more alkaline pH whilst carnivores have a more acidic blood pH. This is common medical and nutritional knowledge.
  • The Masai tribe are an example of a carnivore's they die young (around 30) due to heart problems when combined with the high amount of running they do as high acidity can cause plaque buildup in the arteries.
  • Anti-oxidants aren't provided in a Carnivore diet this means your body converts fewer minerals and nutrients due to over-supplementation - just look at how Innuits have a high calcium diet yet have osteoporosis. Also, cells age when free radicals aren't cleared up by anti-oxidants.
  • Carnivores are just as bad as vegans in mentality.

have fun eating rotten meat for ur k2 loser.
Schools me
  • Humans are Omnivores. We cannot live without meat but substituting the entirety of your diet with meat or animal products is literally toenail IQ.
  • Meat is acidic. Human blood is meant to have a pH of 7.35 - 7.45. Herbivores have a more alkaline pH whilst carnivores have a more acidic blood pH. This is common medical and nutritional knowledge.
  • The Masai tribe are an example of a carnivore's they die young (around 30) due to heart problems when combined with the high amount of running they do as high acidity can cause plaque buildup in the arteries.
  • Anti-oxidants aren't provided in a Carnivore diet this means your body converts fewer minerals and nutrients due to over-supplementation - just look at how Innuits have a high calcium diet yet have osteoporosis. Also, cells age when free radicals aren't cleared up by anti-oxidants.
  • Carnivores are just as bad as vegans in mentality.

have fun eating rotten meat for ur k2 loser.
we are designed herbivores,BUT we can eat meat and it is socially acceptable
I will leave this here
Prove that we can't survive without meat and I will put beef in my anus
Meat was crucial in our human development. We could not evolve bigger brains without eating and cooking it.

Our Ape relatives have bigger colons and smaller intestines. This is so nutrients in faecal matter are reabsorbed after the tough cellouse is fermenting it in the colon.
Digestive Anatomy – The Nutritive Comparison of the ...

Humans have smaller colons because we don't use our colons to reabsorb nutrients in our diet. we use our intestines.

Digestive Anatomy – The Nutritive Comparison of the ...

Carnivores have shorter intestines because nutrients are easily absorbed,
Evolution - Creating Healthy and Safe Environments For ...
Meat was crucial in our human development. We could not evolve bigger brains without eating and cooking it.

Our Ape relatives have bigger colons and smaller intestines. This is so nutrients in faecal matter are reabsorbed after the tough cellouse is fermenting it in the colon.
Digestive Anatomy – The Nutritive Comparison of the ...

Humans have smaller colons because we don't use our colons to reabsorb nutrients in our diet. we use our intestines.

Digestive Anatomy – The Nutritive Comparison of the ...

Carnivores have shorter intestines because nutrients are easily absorbed,
Evolution - Creating Healthy and Safe Environments For ...
anuses me