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New member
Apr 24, 2024
This is my first thread here.
I've been on this website for some time and I thought it would be a good idea to contribute in some way as I found this really useful.

I didn't write this but here's the cure:
Sounds like cap but from replies it might be valid

Assuming it is true though and autism can be cured from changing gut microbiome, what foods will fix it? I don't think its as easy as eating yogurt because autists probably eat yogurt. And there would probably be something causing their microbiome to be that way in the first place so you might have to fix that too.
I think the real cure for autism is taking estrogen/becoming futa. That way you can have promiscuous sex. If there are 10 futas in a room and 1 of the futas fucks all the other futas, and you are railed in the butt then you will get the poop of the non-autist futas, the poop of the non-autist futas will cure ur autism (i heard changing colon bacteria and getting stranger's poop in ur anus can cure u.)
Yea it’s definitely larp
didn't read all of it but the research sounds convincing

i am wondering if the world autism chart matches the heat map of ice cream trucks because ice cream trucks play the same song everyday and i wonder if this contributes to autism

either way i feel a world autism chart and regional autism chart could give us a glimpse to autism
didn't read all of it but the research sounds convincing

i am wondering if the world autism chart matches the heat map of ice cream trucks because ice cream trucks play the same song everyday and i wonder if this contributes to autism

either way i feel a world autism chart and regional autism chart could give us a glimpse to autism
That sounds a little far fetched
Apparently the western diet and the obsession to wash and sterilize everything has wrecked the gut flora of many people and is the cause of many health issues: allergies, autoimmune diseases, chronic inflammation, hypothyroidism, adrenal fatigue, diabetes, leaky gut, autism, etc.
Back in the old days, people would eat fruits and vegetables even if they weren't properly washed, and this provided all sorts of beneficial bacteria to their gut, that many people lack today. I grew up as a kid in a village and we would often eat fruits and berries directly from trees or bushes without washing them first, and we were perfectly fine. After I moved to the city and adopted a more modern diet, I started to get all sorts of health problems.
Anyway, I recommend reading the book "Eat dirt", the author shows many ways to restore your gut flora, by gradually exposing yourself to a wide variety of soil-based organisms:
Eat dirt
they put harmful pesticides on everything that is why people wash veggies

find fruits and veggies that are natural and dont wash them

probiotics wont make it past the stomach acid. Neither is it explained how non-incel autists have autism, if saliva cured autism? Perhaps the studies should have compared khhv autists saliva to non-incel autist saliva?
