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How to develop proper sleep posture

if you cant sleep on the back just sleep how ever you can, even tho not sleeping on the back can fuck your face symetry, the sleep itself is more important
I can genuinely not sleep on my back. Every fucking night I end up turning to my stomach with my face smushed on the pillow to the side. Do I have to chain myself to the bed or some shit
some of the tips i've heard are putting pillows on each side of yourself to keep your body from rolling over, and putting a pillow underneath either your lower back or legs for added comfort. also melatonin supplements- if you're gonna take them, then take them at the same time everyday and the same amount (after you find an amount that suits you ofc) so you're body feels like it's still on a schedule. in terms of less healthy options, there's weed and alcohol, i dont really recommend using those for sleep though

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