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How to get better androgen receptors?

it only increases T after 7 days but returns back to normal after the seventh day.
in the study everyone links it shows an avg increase of 50ng/dl in like 2 weeks, then back to baseline

Free T is all that matters, and that fluctuates a shit ton.

Theres a lot of factors that influence it but some of them are:

Lowers Free T:
- low inflammation
- low insulin
- high catecholamines

opposite for increasing + other things you can look into yourself tbh.

theres a lot of things that affect T and even then theres plenty of other hormones that actually produce the effects everyone attributes just to testosterone

JFL @ nofapcopers
in the study everyone links it shows an avg increase of 50ng/dl in like 2 weeks, then back to baseline

Free T is all that matters, and that fluctuates a shit ton.

Theres a lot of factors that influence it but some of them are:

Lowers Free T:
- low inflammation
- low insulin
- high catecholamines

opposite for increasing + other things you can look into yourself tbh.

theres a lot of things that affect T and even then theres plenty of other hormones that actually produce the effects everyone attributes just to testosterone

JFL @ nofapcopers
What to eat to increase inflammation
Headbutting a wall for 12 hours straight affects brain receptors too.

I think he's talking about dopamine receptors.
You know the involvement of that intense rush of dopamine in each and every phase of sexual stimulation kinda dulls your brain makes it insensitive to dopamine over time
I think he's talking about dopamine receptors.
You know the involvement of that intense rush of dopamine in each and every phase of sexual stimulation kinda dulls your brain makes it insensitive to dopamine over time
no bro
Invent a timemachine and pick better parents with more androgen tendencies

Androgen receptor sensitivity and Density = genetics

theres Nothing you can Change About it

the only diet which ever mattered was the diet your mother had during pregnancy
Invent a timemachine and pick better parents with more androgen tendencies

Androgen receptor sensitivity and Density = genetics

theres Nothing you can Change About it

the only diet which ever mattered was the diet your mother had during pregnancy
my whore mom exercised heavily and ate well during pregnancy and look where his son hangs out now
I think he's talking about dopamine receptors.
You know the involvement of that intense rush of dopamine in each and every phase of sexual stimulation kinda dulls your brain makes it insensitive to dopamine over time
Blunt trauma destroying brain cells is the same thing as believing no fap works.