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How to get rid of red cheeks?


New member
Aug 4, 2023
IMG_0593.jpegI need some advice on how to get rid of these red cheeks, it is not sun burn or a simple rash. I have had it for nearly my whole life. If you have any ideas on what it might be or any products that could help it would be appreciated. (Rate me as well and tell ‘em what I can improve on)
Have you tried ice or something cold it usally helps me with irritation but based on what you said it probably isn’t that but it’s helped with me with a bunch of stuff
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  • #6
Have you tried ice or something cold it usally helps me with irritation but based on what you said it probably isn’t that but it’s helped with me with a bunch of stuff
I’ve tried cold water, but not ice, I will have a try tommorow
Start icing your face every morning and use a moisturizer, also change up your hairstyle man its terrible, grow it out first.
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  • #11
Start icing your face every morning and use a moisturizer, also change up your hairstyle man its terrible, grow it out first.
I buzzed it like a month ago, still growing back out. But yeah I’ll try the icing and try a new moisturiser, if you have any recommendations lmk
i know what it’s like and what helped me calm down my redness is being consistent with ur skincare (every night every morning) my favorite skincare brand that helped me is dermalogica but obviously you should talk to a dermatologist first if it really bothers you that much

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