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How to look younger [COLLAGENMAXXING]

Dec 14, 2023
Take hydrolyzed collagen supplements, specifically types 1, 3 and 4 collagen which are usually found together, they will help keep your skin elastic and not saggy as fuck. Use sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30+ and PA++++ for best results. (PA+ ratings are grading UVA radiation which is the type of radiation that causes skin to sag, make fine lines and also wrinkles. Although SPF is good it is only rating UVB rays. Also find a non-comedogenic sunscreen to not ruin your skin) Finally take medium temperature showers that are around 5 - 10 minutes long to not dry out your skin. Vitamins A, C and D3 and regular sleep is also good.

I ain't a scientist but I did do heavy research so go check out my sources below (Wikipedia haters cope harder)

Collagen is a protein that constitutes nearly a third of all the protein in your body. It is what holds together and makes your connective tissues, skin, organs, tendons e.t.c. It's made from amino acids including proline, glycine, hydroxyproline and alanine which forms the triple helix structure of Collagen. You need these amino acids as well as other vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Zinc, Copper and Manganese within your body.

You can pretty much get all of the requirements your body needs to support stable collagen synthetization by simply including dairy, certain types of meat and fish, as well as legumes into your diet, which you should be doing anyways if you're trying to look younger.

To prevent further loss of collagen it's critical that you aren't smoking or consuming too much alcohol, protect your skin from the sun and especially DONT USE TANNING BEDS. You should also include a better diet and elementary skincare routine.

Now let's move on to sunscreen, there are 3 main types of UV radiation but you only really need to protect against UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays from the sun have longer wavelengths and are more likely to pass through the skin meaning they are only likely to give you an inflammatory response to the sunburn. However UVB radiation is what's most definitely going to be what's aging your skin with prolonged exposure to it. Sunscreen usually has an SPF rating on the very front in big bold letters and everyone creams their pants when they see SPF 50 thinking it's going to save them from wrinkles. This is just not true. Basically, the higher the SPF the more UV radiation you can take before acquiring sunburn (UVA). It has nothing to do with protecting from UVB.

If you want to protect yourself from UVB radiation you need to look at the PA+ grading on the sunscreen which ideally should be PA++++ which will be enough for most people. Ideally you also want a sunscreen that's non-comedogenic meaning it won't clog any pores when applying which is good for folks with acne.

If you're 18+ and aren't doing skincare then what are you doing with your life
You should not be a grown ass adult without a skincare routine then it's already over for you before it even began. A proper skincare routine with ideally a gentle cleanser and moisturizer is generally enough for most people however there are extra products you could use depending on your case.

Using a retinoid such as retinol is a great idea for reducing fine line wrinkles as well as dark spots from the aging process. You ideally want to take a lukewarm 5 to 10-minute shower, use a cleanser and then moisturize (apply SPF if it's the morning). After that you can apply retinol during your night routine.

Finally don't be a fucking incel.
Go outside and have a circle of friends or a loved one. Don't stress out too much and try not to be anxious. I know this isn't the easiest thing to do for everyone but having friends and not being stressed is the best way to stay young looking all while keeping cortisol levels as low as possible. Go outside and get off your computer. Stop using shampoo with xenoestrogens such as parabens and sulfates which are taking away every inch of testosterone in your balls.

Which do you believe is more effective... sunscreen, or avoiding the sun altogether?
Take hydrolyzed collagen supplements, specifically types 1, 3 and 4 collagen which are usually found together, they will help keep your skin elastic and not saggy as fuck. Use sunscreen with an SPF rating of 30+ and PA++++ for best results. (PA+ ratings are grading UVA radiation which is the type of radiation that causes skin to sag, make fine lines and also wrinkles. Although SPF is good it is only rating UVB rays. Also find a non-comedogenic sunscreen to not ruin your skin) Finally take medium temperature showers that are around 5 - 10 minutes long to not dry out your skin. Vitamins A, C and D3 and regular sleep is also good.

I ain't a scientist but I did do heavy research so go check out my sources below (Wikipedia haters cope harder)

Collagen is a protein that constitutes nearly a third of all the protein in your body. It is what holds together and makes your connective tissues, skin, organs, tendons e.t.c. It's made from amino acids including proline, glycine, hydroxyproline and alanine which forms the triple helix structure of Collagen. You need these amino acids as well as other vitamins and minerals including Vitamin C, Zinc, Copper and Manganese within your body.

You can pretty much get all of the requirements your body needs to support stable collagen synthetization by simply including dairy, certain types of meat and fish, as well as legumes into your diet, which you should be doing anyways if you're trying to look younger.

To prevent further loss of collagen it's critical that you aren't smoking or consuming too much alcohol, protect your skin from the sun and especially DONT USE TANNING BEDS. You should also include a better diet and elementary skincare routine.

Now let's move on to sunscreen, there are 3 main types of UV radiation but you only really need to protect against UVA and UVB rays. UVA rays from the sun have longer wavelengths and are more likely to pass through the skin meaning they are only likely to give you an inflammatory response to the sunburn. However UVB radiation is what's most definitely going to be what's aging your skin with prolonged exposure to it. Sunscreen usually has an SPF rating on the very front in big bold letters and everyone creams their pants when they see SPF 50 thinking it's going to save them from wrinkles. This is just not true. Basically, the higher the SPF the more UV radiation you can take before acquiring sunburn (UVA). It has nothing to do with protecting from UVB.

If you want to protect yourself from UVB radiation you need to look at the PA+ grading on the sunscreen which ideally should be PA++++ which will be enough for most people. Ideally you also want a sunscreen that's non-comedogenic meaning it won't clog any pores when applying which is good for folks with acne.

If you're 18+ and aren't doing skincare then what are you doing with your life
You should not be a grown ass adult without a skincare routine then it's already over for you before it even began. A proper skincare routine with ideally a gentle cleanser and moisturizer is generally enough for most people however there are extra products you could use depending on your case.

Using a retinoid such as retinol is a great idea for reducing fine line wrinkles as well as dark spots from the aging process. You ideally want to take a lukewarm 5 to 10-minute shower, use a cleanser and then moisturize (apply SPF if it's the morning). After that you can apply retinol during your night routine.

Finally don't be a fucking incel.
Go outside and have a circle of friends or a loved one. Don't stress out too much and try not to be anxious. I know this isn't the easiest thing to do for everyone but having friends and not being stressed is the best way to stay young looking all while keeping cortisol levels as low as possible. Go outside and get off your computer. Stop using shampoo with xenoestrogens such as parabens and sulfates which are taking away every inch of testosterone in your balls.

Polu kalo aderfe, elpizw na mhn einai copy paste apo to org, alla kai pali kalo.
