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How to make your own facepulling device.

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Go talk to an actual orthodontist if you are down understand how a face pulling device works.
I know how to make this in 3D, (Pro Engineer software), you can make it too, bite a clay, and scan it. After, go to proe and use freestyle feature to make model out of it, hovewer it's not going to be easy as it sounds, it will take weeks, and money, my estimation is about 300$ (or less), just to make a product, 3d will cost 1000$

i gave you some ideas how to possibly do that, if you have money, hire 3d engineer to make 3d for you (You can use fiverr or idk, will update if i search for more related), hardest part is finding someone to make a 'brace pulling' device, but ok
Go talk to an actual orthodontist if you are down understand how a face pulling device works.
Idea is to pull teeths outward, and forward if i am correct right ?
What will this achieve if you are pulling the teeth. Shouldn’t it pull the palate
A myobrace has a tag where the tip of the tongue should be this allows for mewing. The face pulling wire is decline in a 45 degree angle as that is the direction of forward facial growth. By mewing the palate will widen and move up which negatives the downward incline.
This is what i've been trying to say, handle for lower teeths is mistake, but it should be aligned with upper.. As you use arm (tricep muscle) now to pull the handle, see pic, you use much more force than a tongue.
But i appreciate your idea tho, it's much simpler and cheaper than mine
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This is what i've been trying to say, handle for lower teeths is mistake, but it should be aligned with upper.. As you use arm (tricep muscle) now to pull the handle, see pic, you use much more force than a tongue.
Ohh okay, this was my reference. .
View attachment 94
This is what i've been trying to say, handle for lower teeths is mistake, but it should be aligned with upper.. As you use arm (tricep muscle) now to pull the handle, see pic, you use much more force than a tongue.
Why do you need it in two parts? If the force is slow and teeth rest in a gentle bite then it doesn't matter
Yeah but a mouth guard ain’t gonna let your teeth go nowhere. And if it really did then you would be constantly buying new mouth guards. I just think it’s a lot of hassle but at the end of the day if you end up looking like a super chad I’ll take my hat off to you and take back everything I said. I wish you all the best