- Correct Tongue Posture:
- Place the tip of your tongue against the roof of your mouth, just behind your front teeth.
- The entire surface of your tongue, including the back, should be pressed against the roof of your mouth.
- Maintain Lip Seal:
- Keep your lips sealed without clenching your teeth. This encourages nasal breathing.
- Breathe Through Your Nose:
- Focus on breathing through your nose rather than your mouth. This is an essential aspect of mewing.
- Correct Head and Neck Posture:
- Maintain proper head and neck posture. Keep your head in a neutral position without tilting forward or backward.
- Practice Regularly:
- Consistency is key. Practice mewing throughout the day, including during various activities like sitting, standing, or lying down.
- Some practitioners also recommend maintaining proper tongue posture even during sleep.
- Chew Properly:
- Chewing gum or food properly can also be part of mewing. Chewing strengthens the jaw muscles, which can contribute to facial development.
- Be Patient:
- Changes in facial structure take time, and results vary from person to person. Be patient and persistent in your mewing practice.
it is important to know that mewing is not 100% there is a lot more stuff that you need to do in order to get amazing results and mewing is not the only thing