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How to Speak like a Chad and not a Subhuman


sigma knight chad pirate⚔️🤑🏴‍☠️
Established Member
Feb 20, 2024
55 West 81 St., American Gardens Building
This thread will cover a variety of topics, such as lisps, filler words, mentality, and pitch. I have a special thread series coming up but for now this is what I made. Enjoy pookies ;)

1. Lisp/Rhotacism1712718280821.png
-Poor/weak oral muscles -Tongue-tie or other birth defects -Poor jaw alignment -Incorrectly learned -Braces -Tongue Thrust -Neurological disorders
To be honest, I have had a lisp since I was a child. What helped me improve was seeing a speech therapist. I had her mandatorily for a few years, and I fixed most of my letters. That was in elementary school, and I don't have one anymore. Now, I only have problems with my z and s. They sound funny, like I'm saying "ts". Many people asked me if I had braces when I spoke, and that I sounded like a nerd, and it was very embarrassing for me. What you need to do is continue practicing. If you focus on your pronounciation and do some practice (literally put aside 5 minutes a day), you will improve. Now I actually have braces, but my lisp is less noticeable than before because I talk clearer and with more precision. Eventually, it will become muscle memory, and I rarely get any comments.
Takeaway: See an orthodontist for jaw problems, train your oral muscles, see a speech therapist, practice, and be more thoughtful of the way you speak. It will definitely help you, you don't want to sound like a nerd.

2. Usage of Filler Words1712718374191.png
Once again, I used to be guilty of this one. Some common filler words I have used or encountered: "Uhh," "Um," "Like," "You know," "Literally," "Basically", etc. To put it bluntly, you sound retarded. Fortunately for me I got rid of this at a young age, because my father kept commenting on it. I listen to people speak in my English classes and wonder, what the hell is the person babbling about? "So um like the book is basically about like uhh how you know racism because its like really bad and yeah and its like happening in 1950s which was like a very bad time for people of color and yeah." Stfu. Why raise your hand if you haven't even formed a proper coherent sentence in your head? This is mind-boggling to me now, because when I used filler words it was for things that I was expected to reply to immediately. For this one, be more thoughtful. Maybe write it down somewhere, but make sure to form a proper thought before speaking. Another thing is that people will say filler words to fill in a gap. They will have a very good paragraph worth of words, but they are still thinking of what to say next, so while the other person is waiting they use filler words. It is okay to be comfortable with silence and be patient.
What tarded incels love the most is talking and talking and talking without meaning. Make your words meaningful. People will be more likely to listen because what you say can be of value. (Although for this one it is more so of professional settings, with friends or when joking you are allowed to yap). Filler words are braindead and massive turnoffs. I will see a pretty girl in my class, she will talk in this way and all I think is "is your head for decoration?"
Takeaway: Think before you speak, practice, it is okay to pause and think. Or else you will be perceived as brutally low iq autist.

3. Mentality1712718433783.png
This one relates to the previous one. What kind of message do you hope to deliver when you speak? Scrap filler words and stick to your point, add emotion sometimes. Are you trying to be social but with no apparent personality? Find hobbies, learn to speak normally and not too much. Are you always the center of attention in conversations? Engage with the other person in a conversation and learn to be a good listener. You will find out more about the other person and they will like you. Do people value your words? Silence is good, you may think it is awkward but silence leaves room to grow. Learn to be okay with it. We are constantly bombarded with distractions, social media, loud crowds, chit-chat. Be comfortable with no noise, nothing spamming your brain. Is your speaking style/attitude poor? If you sound like a b***h when you talk or purposefully talk a certain retarded way (in a serious manner, not as a joke), stop it.

4. Pitch
This is what I need to improve on, I have had some developments here but most people think I sound like I'm 5. Women are typically attracted to deeper voices in men, while men can be attracted to both sultry and high pitched voices in women. If you are a woman, then it is easy. Most likely you should take the easier route, the high pitched voice which is not difficult to train and easily attainable. If you are looking for a deeper voice (men and some women): increase your testosterone, speak from your chest, practice, have good posture, relax and be slow. Vital for attractiveness, shows dimorphism and dominance.
Alright, I hope you learned something new! Your voice is important. Learn to control it for the better. 😁🤑

Important: to apply those you need to be HTN+
This thread will cover a variety of topics, such as lisps, filler words, mentality, and pitch. I have a special thread series coming up but for now this is what I made. Enjoy pookies ;)

1. Lisp/RhotacismView attachment 28121
-Poor/weak oral muscles -Tongue-tie or other birth defects -Poor jaw alignment -Incorrectly learned -Braces -Tongue Thrust -Neurological disorders
To be honest, I have had a lisp since I was a child. What helped me improve was seeing a speech therapist. I had her mandatorily for a few years, and I fixed most of my letters. That was in elementary school, and I don't have one anymore. Now, I only have problems with my z and s. They sound funny, like I'm saying "ts". Many people asked me if I had braces when I spoke, and that I sounded like a nerd, and it was very embarrassing for me. What you need to do is continue practicing. If you focus on your pronounciation and do some practice (literally put aside 5 minutes a day), you will improve. Now I actually have braces, but my lisp is less noticeable than before because I talk clearer and with more precision. Eventually, it will become muscle memory, and I rarely get any comments.
Takeaway: See an orthodontist for jaw problems, train your oral muscles, see a speech therapist, practice, and be more thoughtful of the way you speak. It will definitely help you, you don't want to sound like a nerd.

2. Usage of Filler WordsView attachment 28122
Once again, I used to be guilty of this one. Some common filler words I have used or encountered: "Uhh," "Um," "Like," "You know," "Literally," "Basically", etc. To put it bluntly, you sound retarded. Fortunately for me I got rid of this at a young age, because my father kept commenting on it. I listen to people speak in my English classes and wonder, what the hell is the person babbling about? "So um like the book is basically about like uhh how you know racism because its like really bad and yeah and its like happening in 1950s which was like a very bad time for people of color and yeah." Stfu. Why raise your hand if you haven't even formed a proper coherent sentence in your head? This is mind-boggling to me now, because when I used filler words it was for things that I was expected to reply to immediately. For this one, be more thoughtful. Maybe write it down somewhere, but make sure to form a proper thought before speaking. Another thing is that people will say filler words to fill in a gap. They will have a very good paragraph worth of words, but they are still thinking of what to say next, so while the other person is waiting they use filler words. It is okay to be comfortable with silence and be patient.
What tarded incels love the most is talking and talking and talking without meaning. Make your words meaningful. People will be more likely to listen because what you say can be of value. (Although for this one it is more so of professional settings, with friends or when joking you are allowed to yap). Filler words are braindead and massive turnoffs. I will see a pretty girl in my class, she will talk in this way and all I think is "is your head for decoration?"
Takeaway: Think before you speak, practice, it is okay to pause and think. Or else you will be perceived as brutally low iq autist.

3. MentalityView attachment 28123
This one relates to the previous one. What kind of message do you hope to deliver when you speak? Scrap filler words and stick to your point, add emotion sometimes. Are you trying to be social but with no apparent personality? Find hobbies, learn to speak normally and not too much. Are you always the center of attention in conversations? Engage with the other person in a conversation and learn to be a good listener. You will find out more about the other person and they will like you. Do people value your words? Silence is good, you may think it is awkward but silence leaves room to grow. Learn to be okay with it. We are constantly bombarded with distractions, social media, loud crowds, chit-chat. Be comfortable with no noise, nothing spamming your brain. Is your speaking style/attitude poor? If you sound like a b***h when you talk or purposefully talk a certain retarded way (in a serious manner, not as a joke), stop it.

4. Pitch
This is what I need to improve on, I have had some developments here but most people think I sound like I'm 5. Women are typically attracted to deeper voices in men, while men can be attracted to both sultry and high pitched voices in women. If you are a woman, then it is easy. Most likely you should take the easier route, the high pitched voice which is not difficult to train and easily attainable. If you are looking for a deeper voice (men and some women): increase your testosterone, speak from your chest, practice, have good posture, relax and be slow. Vital for attractiveness, shows dimorphism and dominance.
Alright, I hope you learned something new! Your voice is important. Learn to control it for the better. 😁🤑

View attachment 28124
good thread
" "Uhh," "Um," "Like," "You know," "Literally," "Basically", etc. "

Everyone I ever met who talks like that isn't an incel
"Women are typically attracted to deeper voices in men,"

white bois with high pitch voices don't seem to have incel issues
maybe attractiveness counteracts the voice. if youre good looking enough, girls wont necessarily care too much about other features
its not about pitch its about asmr

people prefer a girl with a deep voice and asmr over a whiny karen

tinny vs woody sounds
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maybe attractiveness counteracts the voice. if youre good looking enough, girls wont necessarily care too much about other features
OG beach bum chad talked like this
maybe it also depends on the usage. as long as the message is clear and not confusing i guess it is acceptable to most people
Pro tip -Call every women a b***h in every sentence prove your alphaness and dominance over the foids so they love u
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