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How Watching Lots of Porn Affects Your Brain and Looksmaxxing Goals


6,3 Incel
Oct 18, 2023
When thinking about improving your appearance, it's important to consider how watching a lot of porn can affect your brain. We often hear about how porn can mess with your mind, but looking at the changes it causes in your brain helps us understand why it's relevant to appearance improvement.

As many already know, porn isn't good for you, but understanding how it affects your brain is key.


these are actual brain scans that show how much excessive porn usage Alters your brain structure and reward system in fact porn is so potent that it can damage and rewire your brain in the exact same way drug addiction would. How does pornography work, pornography triggers the release of dopamine a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and reward in the brain over time repeated exposure to pornography activates Delta fosb a molecule that regulates the reward system in your brain and accumulates when you engage in any addictive behavior this molecule basically acts like an electric switch in the brain and creates new neural Pathways in response to over stimulation AKA dopamine release from watching porn the more exposure to porn the more this switch goes off making it extremely difficult to quit the addiction because your brain is now wired to Crave it constantly the same way a person may crave a McDonald's cheeseburger or a hit of cocaine not in in that particular order if you notice that your urge for porn is persistent and even uncontrollable it may be time quit later more about that.

Why are so many people addicted to porn

One primary reason is that pornography triggers the brain's reward system by releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reinforcement. This dopamine release creates a sense of euphoria and reinforces the behavior, leading to a cycle of craving and consumption similar to other addictive substances or activities. A person can develop a tolerance for pornography just as they would for alcohol or drugs, meaning they will continue to need more stimulation over time to achieve the same level of pleasure. This constant need for more stimulation can drive some people to seek out potentially dangerous sexual acts in real life.

Another contributing factor is psychological factors, such as stress, loneliness, or past trauma, which can also contribute to pornography addiction. For some individuals, pornography may serve as a coping mechanism or a way to escape from negative emotions or experiences.

Moreover, accessibility significantly contributes to the widespread addiction to pornography. With the proliferation of the internet and the anonymity it provides, accessing pornography has become easier than ever before. This accessibility, coupled with the variety and novelty of content available, can contribute to the development and escalation of addictive behaviors.

Overall, the addictive nature of pornography can be attributed to a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors, making it a widespread and challenging issue to address.

Influences of Pornography on Brain Chemistry
Dopamine is not the only chemical in the brain affected by pornography. Other chemicals affected by pornography include norepinephrine, oxytocin, vasopressin, endorphins, and serotonin. When activated by porn, the combination of these chemicals can cause issues, including shrinkage, cravings, and chemical bonding. Shrinking of the brain’s frontal lobe can happen when someone abuses drugs, alcohol, or pornography. The frontal lobe is responsible for making rational decisions, so when this shrinkage occurs, so does a person’s ability to make sound decisions.

Furthermore, habituation to the effects of pornography over time can desensitize individuals, necessitating exposure to increasingly extreme content to achieve arousal. This escalation can progress from conventional pornography to more niche genres such as BDSM, fetish content, Transgender content and, alarmingly, illegal materials like child pornography. Such shifts in preferences are attributed to neuroadaptive changes in the brain's reward circuitry, exacerbating addictive tendencies and exacerbating the neurobiological alterations induced by pornography consumption.

The Impact of Pornography on Self-Image

Watching porn can also damage your self-image and self-esteem. When people constantly see unrealistic portrayals of bodies and sexual experiences in pornography, they may start comparing themselves unfavorably and feel inadequate. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, shame, and low self-worth. One reason this happens is because porn often features performers who have undergone extensive grooming, editing, and even cosmetic procedures to achieve a certain look. These idealized images create unrealistic standards that viewers may feel pressured to meet, leading to dissatisfaction with their own appearance and abilities.
Furthermore, watching a lot of porn can make people less sensitive to real intimacy and connection with others. This can make them see relationships in a distorted way, which can make them feel even worse about themselves. Studies back this up, showing a link between watching porn and feeling bad about yourself. Understanding how this works helps us see why it's important to learn how to think critically about media and build up our confidence.

Negative impact on relationships

if you've ever gone down the rabbit hole of pornography sites at least once in your life you probably know that there's a tremendous array of NSFW content Beyond any person's wildest imagination it's no wonder why real life sexual experiences and partners may have some trouble competing with the billions of porn images and videos available to the masses.
Research indicates that frequent consumption of pornography can indeed have negative consequences on real-life relationships. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida found that individuals who consumed pornography more frequently reported lower levels of relationship satisfaction and intimacy with their partners compared to those who consumed it less often or not at all.

One of the reasons for this is, excessive consumption of pornography can lead to desensitization and decreased arousal to real-life sexual stimuli. This can result in difficulties experiencing sexual satisfaction with a real-life partner, as the individual may require increasingly extreme or novel stimuli to become aroused.

Cognitive Impacts of Excessive Pornography Consumption
Excessive pornography consumption can also have detrimental effects on various aspects of life, including work, school, and cognitive functioning. When you spend significant amounts of time engaging with pornographic material, it can detract from their productivity and focus in academic or professional settings.

Moreover, frequent exposure to pornographic content can lead to cognitive impairments and reduced brain functionality. Studies have shown that excessive porn use can alter brain structure and function, affecting areas responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and cognitive processing. This can manifest as difficulties in concentrating, memory problems, and impaired judgment, ultimately impacting performance in academic or occupational endeavors.

Additionally, the addictive nature of pornography can lead to compulsive behaviors and cravings, further exacerbating distractions and impairments in cognitive function. As a result, individuals may experience difficulties in managing their time effectively, maintaining attention during tasks, and retaining information, all of which can have negative consequences for academic or professional success.

How can you quit porn
Recognizing and overcoming a porn addiction requires dedication, but with the right approach, it's possible to reclaim control over your life. Here's are some things you can do to try and help you quit.
  1. Distract yourself: When experiencing cravings for pornography, redirect your attention to alternative activities. Engage in physical exercise such as running, immerse yourself in reading a book, or clean your living space. Avoid using electronic devices during these times, as they can provide easy access to pornographic content and trigger urges.

  2. Build up social connections: Increase involvement in social activities to diminish the allure of pornography. Joining a gym, participating in sports, or becoming a member of a club can provide fulfilling experiences and divert attention away from pornographic material.

  3. Try incorporating mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and resist the urge to watch porn. You can start by practicing meditation when you wake up and before bed to clear your mind and build emotional strength. Taking cold showers might also help break your habit and reduce your desire to watch porn. The shock of the cold water can distract your brain and help you stay focused on staying sober.

  4. Limit social media usage: Reduce exposure to triggers by minimizing time spent on social media platforms. Social media often features content that can inadvertently stimulate cravings for pornography. By decreasing your online presence, you can mitigate the risk of encountering triggering material and better focus on healthier activities and interactions. Consider setting specific time limits for social media use or utilizing apps that block access to adult content. Redirect the time and energy saved from social media towards constructive pursuits that support your journey towards overcoming pornography addiction.

  5. Recognize Triggers: Identify the situations, emotions, or thoughts that typically precede the urge to engage with pornography. Understanding your triggers can empower you to develop effective coping strategies and alternative behaviors to manage cravings.

  6. Utilize supportive apps: Explore tools and resources designed to assist you in overcoming pornography addiction, such as the BrainBuddy app (available at This app offers personalized support and guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals. With features including tracking progress, setting milestones, and accessing educational content, BrainBuddy can serve as a valuable companion on your journey to recovery.

  7. Engage in a community: Consider joining online forums such as the NoFap community ( where individuals striving to overcome pornography addiction gather to share experiences, offer encouragement, and provide accountability. Participating in such forums can offer a sense of solidarity and belonging as you connect with others facing similar challenges. By actively participating in discussions, sharing insights, and offering support to other users, you not only receive valuable guidance and motivation but also contribute to the collective effort towards recovery. Building a supportive network of like-minded individuals can empower you on your journey to break free from pornography addiction and foster lasting change in your life.
In conclusion

While porn might seem enjoyable, it carries risks. It can harm mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. So, it's important to be cautious and aware of its potential dangers, even if it's entertaining in the moment.

Lets quit porn together
Today is the day I commit to quitting porn. I'll share my journey and challenges here in the comments or update the thread as I go along.

(Also, if I've missed anything important in this post, please feel free to point it out since this is my first big post.)
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so fapping is worse than doing heroin?
You actually outdid yourself with this one this is a really good thread
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tdlr : just dont coom
Certainly, framing it that way simplifies its, but there are numerous factors to consider, so simply quitting isn't an option. It demands dedication.
anyways, water thread, not in a bad way tho, it good to compile this info into one big thread
Watching porn can also damage your self-image and self-esteem. When people constantly see unrealistic portrayals of bodies and sexual experiences in pornography, they may start comparing themselves unfavorably and feel inadequate. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, shame, and low self-worth. One reason this happens is because porn often features performers who have undergone extensive grooming, editing, and even cosmetic procedures to achieve a certain look. These idealized images create unrealistic standards that viewers may feel pressured to meet, leading to dissatisfaction with their own appearance and abilities.
Furthermore, watching a lot of porn can make people less sensitive to real intimacy and connection with others. This can make them see relationships in a distorted way, which can make them feel even worse about themselves. Studies back this up, showing a link between watching porn and feeling bad about yourself. Understanding how this works helps us see why it's important to learn how to think critically about media and build up our confidence.
bro is this copypastad, sounds so ai or copied from somewhere 😭. also this segment is hella bluepilled

final truth=porn bad, you nailed the reasons
welcome to the journey of nofap, it will be hard, and you will fall an uncountable amount of times, but remember to keep pushing foward and getting back up
anyways, water thread, not in a bad way tho, it good to compile this info into one big thread

bro is this copypastad, sounds so ai or copied from somewhere 😭. also this segment is hella bluepilled

final truth=porn bad, you nailed the reasons
welcome to the journey of nofap, it will be hard, and you will fall an uncountable amount of times, but remember to keep pushing foward and getting back up
View attachment 29664


Probability AI generated
it was good compliation of how to stop fapping but mostly water info
I take back some of my earlier comments as this thread is 67.59% AI
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  • #12
I did not use ai other than let it fix some of my grammar issues, i have compiled this thread from other sites and videos
I did not use ai other than let it fix some of my grammar issues, i have compiled this thread from other sites and videos
So it is mostly just ai grammar? that is respectable then
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So it is mostly just ai grammar? that is respectable then
English inst my first language so i make dumb grammar mistakes sometimes that why i let chatgpt correct my grammar 😅
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  • #15
@Whitepill @sigma I love doing research about things like this. Do you guys have an idea for me what do do next. (Idk anything about looksmaxxing or colored pills)
@Whitepill @sigma I love doing research about things like this. Do you guys have an idea for me what do do next. (Idk anything about looksmaxxing or colored pills)
make a thread for femboymaxxing /j 😂 (unless u fr wanna make that)
maybe martial arts? or hobbies/skills that are important for life that boost attractiveness
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  • #17
make a thread for femboymaxxing /j 😂 (unless u fr wanna make that)
maybe martial arts? or hobbies/skills that are important for life that boost attractiveness
Wtf is femboy maxxing? Dressing up as a girl?
@Whitepill @sigma I love doing research about things like this. Do you guys have an idea for me what do do next. (Idk anything about looksmaxxing or colored pills)
make a guide on nature, the benefits of nature, and fun things you can do in nature
Wtf is femboy maxxing? Dressing up as a girl?
yes, and being overall feminine. its a joke to tell incels/subhumans to femboymax/become more feminine or even transgender bc then they have better chances at dating. its like a last resort or for desperate people.
some whitepill life enjoyment stuff yk
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  • #22
yes, and being overall feminine. its a joke to tell incels/subhumans to femboymax/become more feminine or even transgender bc then they have better chances at dating. its like a last resort or for desperate people.
Hahaha something sexless will like
some whitepill life enjoyment stuff yk
make a guide on nature, the benefits of nature, and fun things you can do in nature
whitepill thread:
whitepill thread:
@Whitepill @sigma I love doing research about things like this. Do you guys have an idea for me what do do next. (Idk anything about looksmaxxing or colored pills)
this graph kind of explains how all the pills are extensions of each other. they are all ideologies and beliefs about the world and society
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  • #27
this graph kind of explains how all the pills are extensions of each other. they are all ideologies and beliefs about the world and society
I have no clue what they mean though
I have no clue what they mean though
Bluepill is what the mainstream media tells you. Personality, haircut, being a nice person and good person overall. This used to work back in the day but has since fallen out in modern times.
Redpill is like Andrew Tate, getting money, muscles,status, using psychological tactics, and running "game."
Blackpill is that it is mostly looks and that looks are what you need to compete.
Whitepill is the acceptance of the blackpill but using escape and coping methods to not be overwhelmed by the depressive nature of the blackpill.
I would like to say that none of these are more correct than the other and that they can all hold value in someones life.
Bluepill may work if your looks are good or if you are very neurotypical, and you might be able to cope and go through life that way. Redpill will work for pretty much any man in the 5/10-8/10 range as it works for that. Blackpill can be used by anyone who has acknowledged the power looks hold in someones life. Whitepill is for anyone of any looks who have accepted the blackpill.
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  • #30
Yeah whitepill is for me
Redpill would probably work best for those on this forum but it usually doesn't cover the looks extremes. (Below 5/10 and above 8/10)
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  • #32
Redpill would probably work best for those on this forum but it usually doesn't cover the looks extremes. (Below 5/10 and above 8/10)
Id say realisticly i am a 4-4.2. So it probably wont work
Id say realisticly i am a 4-4.2. So it probably wont work
Wasn't it you in your old avi? I'd say redpill would work for you.
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  • #37
Ive lost some face fat in the meantime
I wont, its just that i am not confident enough to approach people
Thats completely fair. For most people warm-approaching is better than the pick up artist cold approach method.
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  • #43
Thats completely fair. For most people warm-approaching is better than the pick up artist cold approach method.
Even warm approaching is hard for me ngl. I am really introvert and i panic when i dont have an answer ready if someone asks me something. But im just making up excuses at this point
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I really need to get more social and overgrow these things
Even warm approaching is hard for me ngl. I am really introvert and i panic when i dont have an answer ready if someone asks me something. But im just making up excuses at this point
I believe in you. You just gotta spend more time around people.
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When thinking about improving your appearance, it's important to consider how watching a lot of porn can affect your brain. We often hear about how porn can mess with your mind, but looking at the changes it causes in your brain helps us understand why it's relevant to appearance improvement.

As many already know, porn isn't good for you, but understanding how it affects your brain is key.

View attachment 29658

these are actual brain scans that show how much excessive porn usage Alters your brain structure and reward system in fact porn is so potent that it can damage and rewire your brain in the exact same way drug addiction would. How does pornography work, pornography triggers the release of dopamine a neurotransmitter responsible for pleasure and reward in the brain over time repeated exposure to pornography activates Delta fosb a molecule that regulates the reward system in your brain and accumulates when you engage in any addictive behavior this molecule basically acts like an electric switch in the brain and creates new neural Pathways in response to over stimulation AKA dopamine release from watching porn the more exposure to porn the more this switch goes off making it extremely difficult to quit the addiction because your brain is now wired to Crave it constantly the same way a person may crave a McDonald's cheeseburger or a hit of cocaine not in in that particular order if you notice that your urge for porn is persistent and even uncontrollable it may be time quit later more about that.

Why are so many people addicted to porn

One primary reason is that pornography triggers the brain's reward system by releasing dopamine, a neurotransmitter associated with pleasure and reinforcement. This dopamine release creates a sense of euphoria and reinforces the behavior, leading to a cycle of craving and consumption similar to other addictive substances or activities. A person can develop a tolerance for pornography just as they would for alcohol or drugs, meaning they will continue to need more stimulation over time to achieve the same level of pleasure. This constant need for more stimulation can drive some people to seek out potentially dangerous sexual acts in real life.

Another contributing factor is psychological factors, such as stress, loneliness, or past trauma, which can also contribute to pornography addiction. For some individuals, pornography may serve as a coping mechanism or a way to escape from negative emotions or experiences.

Moreover, accessibility significantly contributes to the widespread addiction to pornography. With the proliferation of the internet and the anonymity it provides, accessing pornography has become easier than ever before. This accessibility, coupled with the variety and novelty of content available, can contribute to the development and escalation of addictive behaviors.

Overall, the addictive nature of pornography can be attributed to a complex interplay of biological, psychological, and social factors, making it a widespread and challenging issue to address.

Influences of Pornography on Brain Chemistry
Dopamine is not the only chemical in the brain affected by pornography. Other chemicals affected by pornography include norepinephrine, oxytocin, vasopressin, endorphins, and serotonin. When activated by porn, the combination of these chemicals can cause issues, including shrinkage, cravings, and chemical bonding. Shrinking of the brain’s frontal lobe can happen when someone abuses drugs, alcohol, or pornography. The frontal lobe is responsible for making rational decisions, so when this shrinkage occurs, so does a person’s ability to make sound decisions.

Furthermore, habituation to the effects of pornography over time can desensitize individuals, necessitating exposure to increasingly extreme content to achieve arousal. This escalation can progress from conventional pornography to more niche genres such as BDSM, fetish content, Transgender content and, alarmingly, illegal materials like child pornography. Such shifts in preferences are attributed to neuroadaptive changes in the brain's reward circuitry, exacerbating addictive tendencies and exacerbating the neurobiological alterations induced by pornography consumption.

The Impact of Pornography on Self-Image

Watching porn can also damage your self-image and self-esteem. When people constantly see unrealistic portrayals of bodies and sexual experiences in pornography, they may start comparing themselves unfavorably and feel inadequate. This can lead to feelings of insecurity, shame, and low self-worth. One reason this happens is because porn often features performers who have undergone extensive grooming, editing, and even cosmetic procedures to achieve a certain look. These idealized images create unrealistic standards that viewers may feel pressured to meet, leading to dissatisfaction with their own appearance and abilities.
Furthermore, watching a lot of porn can make people less sensitive to real intimacy and connection with others. This can make them see relationships in a distorted way, which can make them feel even worse about themselves. Studies back this up, showing a link between watching porn and feeling bad about yourself. Understanding how this works helps us see why it's important to learn how to think critically about media and build up our confidence.

Negative impact on relationships

if you've ever gone down the rabbit hole of pornography sites at least once in your life you probably know that there's a tremendous array of NSFW content Beyond any person's wildest imagination it's no wonder why real life sexual experiences and partners may have some trouble competing with the billions of porn images and videos available to the masses.
Research indicates that frequent consumption of pornography can indeed have negative consequences on real-life relationships. A study conducted by researchers at the University of Florida found that individuals who consumed pornography more frequently reported lower levels of relationship satisfaction and intimacy with their partners compared to those who consumed it less often or not at all.

One of the reasons for this is, excessive consumption of pornography can lead to desensitization and decreased arousal to real-life sexual stimuli. This can result in difficulties experiencing sexual satisfaction with a real-life partner, as the individual may require increasingly extreme or novel stimuli to become aroused.

Cognitive Impacts of Excessive Pornography Consumption
Excessive pornography consumption can also have detrimental effects on various aspects of life, including work, school, and cognitive functioning. When you spend significant amounts of time engaging with pornographic material, it can detract from their productivity and focus in academic or professional settings.

Moreover, frequent exposure to pornographic content can lead to cognitive impairments and reduced brain functionality. Studies have shown that excessive porn use can alter brain structure and function, affecting areas responsible for decision-making, impulse control, and cognitive processing. This can manifest as difficulties in concentrating, memory problems, and impaired judgment, ultimately impacting performance in academic or occupational endeavors.

Additionally, the addictive nature of pornography can lead to compulsive behaviors and cravings, further exacerbating distractions and impairments in cognitive function. As a result, individuals may experience difficulties in managing their time effectively, maintaining attention during tasks, and retaining information, all of which can have negative consequences for academic or professional success.

How can you quit porn
Recognizing and overcoming a porn addiction requires dedication, but with the right approach, it's possible to reclaim control over your life. Here's are some things you can do to try and help you quit.
  1. Distract yourself: When experiencing cravings for pornography, redirect your attention to alternative activities. Engage in physical exercise such as running, immerse yourself in reading a book, or clean your living space. Avoid using electronic devices during these times, as they can provide easy access to pornographic content and trigger urges.

  2. Build up social connections: Increase involvement in social activities to diminish the allure of pornography. Joining a gym, participating in sports, or becoming a member of a club can provide fulfilling experiences and divert attention away from pornographic material.

  3. Try incorporating mindfulness techniques into your daily routine to help you become more aware of your thoughts and feelings and resist the urge to watch porn. You can start by practicing meditation when you wake up and before bed to clear your mind and build emotional strength. Taking cold showers might also help break your habit and reduce your desire to watch porn. The shock of the cold water can distract your brain and help you stay focused on staying sober.

  4. Limit social media usage: Reduce exposure to triggers by minimizing time spent on social media platforms. Social media often features content that can inadvertently stimulate cravings for pornography. By decreasing your online presence, you can mitigate the risk of encountering triggering material and better focus on healthier activities and interactions. Consider setting specific time limits for social media use or utilizing apps that block access to adult content. Redirect the time and energy saved from social media towards constructive pursuits that support your journey towards overcoming pornography addiction.

  5. Recognize Triggers: Identify the situations, emotions, or thoughts that typically precede the urge to engage with pornography. Understanding your triggers can empower you to develop effective coping strategies and alternative behaviors to manage cravings.

  6. Utilize supportive apps: Explore tools and resources designed to assist you in overcoming pornography addiction, such as the BrainBuddy app (available at This app offers personalized support and guidance tailored to your specific needs and goals. With features including tracking progress, setting milestones, and accessing educational content, BrainBuddy can serve as a valuable companion on your journey to recovery.

  7. Engage in a community: Consider joining online forums such as the NoFap community ( where individuals striving to overcome pornography addiction gather to share experiences, offer encouragement, and provide accountability. Participating in such forums can offer a sense of solidarity and belonging as you connect with others facing similar challenges. By actively participating in discussions, sharing insights, and offering support to other users, you not only receive valuable guidance and motivation but also contribute to the collective effort towards recovery. Building a supportive network of like-minded individuals can empower you on your journey to break free from pornography addiction and foster lasting change in your life.
In conclusion

While porn might seem enjoyable, it carries risks. It can harm mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. So, it's important to be cautious and aware of its potential dangers, even if it's entertaining in the moment.

Lets quit porn together
Today is the day I commit to quitting porn. I'll share my journey and challenges here in the comments or update the thread as I go along.

(Also, if I've missed anything important in this post, please feel free to point it out since this is my first big post.)
I was addicted to porn for the longest time. I knew it was hindering me so I took action. However for me I took an extra step and blocked porn sites on my home router and used apps that block it using a custom VPN that filters anything porn related. Of course if you absolutely couldn't keep it together. You would get past that but it was a good way to keep it away from easy access making it less accessible. This in turn made porn less part of my life. That's not to say I don't use porn but If I do it's purely off my girlfriend. I find that made me closer to her too.

This is what i look like. This is from a couple of months ago
If this is you then you are not bad looking what so ever and are in all accounts a mentalcel. To consider yourself below avg to sub would be an absolute joke. Your solution like you said is confidence and of course minor soft maxxing over time which im sure you will do anyways. I legit was thinking you looked much worse than before but like I said. Assuming is always a bad outcome. I give you a 5.4 to potential to 6 out of 8. That's just how I feel and look at ya. My rating should be discredit though because I am not a girl and can not tell you exactly what a girl wants. But I got a feeling your around that. I don't take in account height when I rate people so keep that in mind.
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If this is you then you are not bad looking what so ever and are in all accounts a mentalcel. To consider yourself below avg to sub would be an absolute joke. Your solution like you said is confidence and of course minor soft maxxing over time which im sure you will do anyways. I legit was thinking you looked much worse than before but like I said. Assuming is always a bad outcome. I give you a 5.4 to potential to 6 out of 8. That's just how I feel and look at ya. My rating should be discredit though because I am not a girl and can not tell you exactly what a girl wants. But I got a feeling your around that. I don't take in account height when I rate people so keep that in mind.
Thanks, I guess. I'd say I'm below average. I have a bad haircut, a big forehead, two scars around my eyes, negative canthal tilt and a bad face shape. The only thing I have going for me is my height, but since I live in the Netherlands, that doesn't matter anyway.

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